Tuxie and tattletail Tuesday
This is an old piksher, mom's recycling because she's too goofy to even take a piksher. Da doktor gave her pain pills fur her wrist, but mom, who din't even take pain pills after she hadded serjeree fur endo-me-tree-osis or teef pulling sed "oh, I won't need those" found out dat a fractured wrist is more painfull den laproscopic serjeree. She took one yesserday after lunch cuz she couldn't stand it anymore and promptly started acting like a zombie! Den she fell asleep face down on da kitchen table and dad hadda wake her up to go to bed. We kept going in to check and make sure she was still breeving cuz, like, mom neffur sleeps like dat in da daytime. Fur yoo who asked, yes, she really did break it skateboarding. It was her second pass in front of da naybors house and she hit a bump or rock or something. Mom's been rollerblading afore too, she learned it when she was 50! Da cast kinda tastes like plastic, none of us is into eating plastic. She haf dis plastic baggie glove thing to put over it so she can shower, which is good cuz we wouldn't like to snuggle her if she was unwashed and stinky and she used it to wash dishes. We gotta tell yoo, she kinda liked da pain pill, she sed after she took it NOTHING hurt. She won't be taking another one tho cuz she does not like feeling "out of it" or sleeping fur hours when she really isn't tired. The doktor sed she could try either aspirin or ibuprofin...but her wrist doesn't hurt nearly as much now so she might see if she can just tuff it out until it don't hurt at all.
Hi guys! I hope that the pain stays away from your Mommy.
Plastic does not sound yummy at all!
We hope your mum's wrist doesn't hurt too much and she doesn't haf to be a zombie again.When our mum's leg got broked real bad, she had to take 16 tablets a day cuz if it got infected the doctor said he would haf to chop it off. She duzn't like taking tablets either and she wuz like a zombie too.
Don't worry, her leg's good as new. Well nearly.
Oh my. If your Mom passes out face down on the table again, you all can come over here and spend the day with us!
Your Mom is very tuff and I hope her wrist heals up real nice, real soon.
Wow, your mom broke her wrist skateboarding??? COOL!!!!
Mom swears by ibuprofin...and it has no side effects!
Yeah when the Woman had surgery on her little toe last winter she said the pain was ridiculous. She had her bone broken on purpose can you believe it? Anyhow the pain pills made her violently ill so she just took 800 mg of advil and dealt with it.
Awwww, I'm sorry yur Momma has the owies! I hope she feels bettur soon.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Maybe your Mom could ask the doctor for a lower dose of pain medication? If she doesn't want to do that, I'd take lots of ibuprophen. Hopefully, the bad hurting will be over soon.
And tell your Mom to quit washing dishes. The doctor immobilized her thumb for a reason, so she couldn't use her hand.
Yeah, but can yoo sharpin yur claws on that thingy on her arm? I know! Bunnykikk it!!!
I hope yur mommy duzzint feel hurty and heels up fast. Purrs purrs purrs...
Oh your poor mum! At least she has a cool story to go with her cool coloured cast. Our silly mum broke her collarbone rolling out of bed! We hope your mum feels much better soon :)
-Fui, Suey and Evie.
We hope your Mom's wrist is all better soon. We will purr and purr!
Your poor mom! I'd better start purring harder!
People on pills can be fun. If you work 'em right, you can get fed twice!
I hope her wrist feels better soon. The Woman has lotsa pain and taking care of her then is hard work, and I don't wish that on anyone.
Your poor mom! Sending healing purrs her way.
Our mom can't believe your mom didn't have any pain pills after laproscopic surgery! Our mom was in immense amounts of pain both times after she had surgery. And she has a high pain threshold - when she fractured a vertebra in her back falling off a horse, she got back on the horse, finished the riding lesson, groomed the horse, cleaned the tack, and then drove herself home!
If it wouldn't hurt your mommy that much it would be quite funny! :-)
We hope your Mom's hurty wrist will be better soon! After our Mom gotted her gall bladder stolen she had to take funny bean pills too and fell asleep sitting up!
we hopes your mommy feels better really really fast!
Sorry your mom hurt herself. It wasn't her can-opening wrist, was it?
Oh no da pain from trying to haf fun. Mom duzn't like taking anyfing dat makes her loopy or sleepy eifur. Even teeth things she just takes Ibuprofen so she can be alert. We's sending healing thots and loves and kisses!
So!!!! How is your Mom managing with a broken wrist?!!! Like Quasi said, does it affect your feeding? Does your Dad look after that?
THose pills sound like happy pills ,heehee
Tell her to keep her arm up so it does not hurt so much!!Give her lots of purrs for me too!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
I am praying for your mommy hoping she gonna turning well!
You can let your momma know that I've fallen asleep on the kitchen table plenty of times, and I see nothing wrong with that. I hope that she doesn't feel hurty for much longer. She is very adventurous!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
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