Mom is so goofy, she actually tried to skateboard yesserday...she fell and in trying to catch herself she fractured her wrist! She did it in da early afternoon and thawt it was just a sprain, but den her hand started swelling and she could hardly move her fingers. She should know better, she's suppose to be an adult. Speedy tried to chew on da cast, he sed it tastes weerd.
Ouch, that looks like it hurt.
Sending lotsa purrs to your [goofy] Mom.
Missy Blue Eyes
Oh noooooos, poor mom!!! We hope she gets better soon and the fracture heels well.
Sending lots of healing purrs.
Oh your poor mommy!! Sometimes beans forget that they aren't as young as they used to be. Mama forgets sometimes & usually hurts her self too. We hope your mommy's wrist feels better soon.
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
Your poor mom!!! That sounds horrid! The beans have to learn that two feet flat on the ground is the best place for them!
Hope she feels better soon!
Purrs Goldie
Owie! Your poor Mommy! I admire her spirit though!
Oh dear! I hope your Mommy's wrist gets better.
Oh noes!!!!!!!!!! Your poor Mom. That sounds like something Mom would do! I better make sure she does not try that!!! I guess she will be snuggling with you now ;)
Purrs for your Mom !!
Purrs Mickey
Oww! We are purring that your Mom heals quickly.
Oh no, ZS&S! We feel so bad for your Mom, that must hurt lots! Adults can be silly when they try to act like kids ... hee hee! Please tell your Mom we are sorry she hurted herself!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Yikes ... looks like your Mom is going to need a lot of purrs in the next few weeks. Hope she's right handed.
What did it taste like 'zactly? It does look yummy!
~ Shadow ~
Oh no SpeedyMOMMA yoo diddant, oh no yoo did...we is sorry fur dat hurtie yoo got...we be purrin and purrin furr yoo..
O noes! Does yur mom haf to wear an e-collar? Make sure you all lay by her hurty arm an purr it all better. Rub it a bit until it smells rite.
~ Victor
I broke my R arm in 6th grade and had a cast and sling for 6 weeks! All I did was fall off a wall I was walking on. No fun at all. Take care and when it's time for PT, do it. Even though it hurts. Hey, skateboarding sounds a lot better than "I fell off a wall."
~ Tabbymom Jen
PS OMG I just realized, SHE CAN'T MOOF DAT THUMB! At least she can still type, mostly.
Oh gosh, that doesn't look good. Can she do your typing with her finger tips?
Speedy dear, you must not chew on that cast. Your Mom needs to wear it and that stuff might make you sick!
Oh no! We hope that you feel better.
Oh good grief! See what happens when the 'rents get older? Not good.
Luf, Us
Major owie! Too bad the beans don't have our skills of falling and landing safely on our feets all in one piece. We hope she feels better soon.
Ouch!!! The beans should try acting their age...
We hope your mom's wrist is better soon!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Oh my goodness! Skateboarding!!! We are purrring for you to get better fast ZS&S's Mom! It must be hard with on thunmb out of work!
Your FL furiends,
Oh NOOOOO! Poor mum! My Cornish Grandma broke her wrist a few years ago falling off a bicycle. These humans really should be more careful.
You'd better do a lot of purring and taking care of her until that heals up. And tell your dad he has to do stuff like washing dishes!
Oh noes! That looks very, very hurty! I hope your mom will feel better soon. Can she still open cans of Stinky Goodness?
Oh, no. Get lots of calcium and vitamin C and get well soon!
Grown beins shouldnt try ta be kids or cats... They dont haf the balance fer it.
Oh no :-0 I hope it doesn't take too long for that to heal. Sit on your Mom and make her rest!
Ouch!!! Gosh I hope it heals quickly. Humans...you can't ever really figure them out.
Oh no, I stopped in to see who all of you were doing but found out that the mom is hurt. That has to be an ouchie. Take good care of her and try to stay out of too much trouble while she is laid up.
Oh NO! What was your Mum doing skateboarding!? Her arm looks sore and ouchy. I will purr that she feels better, but please tell her to stay off anything with wheels (except the car, that should be okay).
Now tell us whut she was REELY doing!
Iz too bad fur hur wrist, but bein adult doesn't mean she haz 2 play it safe alwaiz. At leest she goez outside! Lots uv hoomans furget outside iz there!
Oh my goodness your mom fell down! Thats great that she still plays outside! Sometimes, there doesn't seem to be enough time, and everyone is forcing beans to grow up!
We hope your mum's wrist soon heals up. Humans should realise they can't do things like they used to. Our mum is a walking disaster.
Ouch, your mum needs to be careful.
Oh no! It's not her can opening hand, is it???
Big big big purrrssss to your mommy!!!
Oh dear - We sure hope you feel better soon.
Oh man, I bet that HURTS! Maybe someone there can make her some vodka slush. The Woman says that anything hurts less with some vodka slush on board.
That is so cool!! Mommas should not- not try things just coz of their age.. I would be very happy that my Momma would still be making life exciting as effurboddy should :))
Her hand must be very ouchies though :(
O dear - please tell your mom I'm sorry and I'm sending lots of hugs and stuff!
I wanted to say a quick hello and thank you for stepping by at my blog. I bet you're being awfully nice to your poor mom. That way she will get better much faster.
Purrs, Siena
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