We did a innerview for Pet Doc, it's supposta be on der today, go look if yoo want http://www.petdoc.com/ Mom's been doing really good, her wrist don't hurt to bad and taking ibuprofen helps. Yesserday she cut da grass! Yeah, really. Now when dad gets to aggravating her she threttens to wack him wif da cast...it makes loud clunky noyzes when she bumps it on stuff. She still feeds us and cleans litter and everything she did afore, good thing she is right handed. Da doctor sed dat she has good bones or it woulda been worser. Like a big snap instead of a little crack in da bone. Anyway, we've been haffing open windows, afternoon naps and evening snacks so all is well.Update: Mr Baker, from Pet Doc, left a comment wif a link in it to our innerview. He sure is a nice man. I think we might like him...we know we like PetDoc.com cuz it haf got some informations dat kitties beans can use.
That's good news that your mum's wrist isn't as hurty, and naps, snacks and open windows is even better news. Has she done much dad whapping with the cast?
We are gonna go and read your interview now. Please tell your Mom that we hope her wrist doesn not bother her too much!
ZS&S, we are glad your Mom's wrist isn't hurting too bad, and that she is right handed and can use that one! Our Momma broke her right shoulder a couple of years ago and she is right handed, so that really sucked for her! She was amazed at the things she took for granted as far as using her right hand ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
I got a sloooooow start this morning but the interview is finally up!
Hope the wrist heals soon!
Oh, I can't believe this...I'm dating a celebrity!! Speedy dear, I'm so proud of you (and you too, Zippy & Sadie)
(Mom, I'll need a new hot pink collar for the next gala event Speedy and I will attend. I'm sure he'll be in demand for more interviews.)
PS We're glad to hear your Mom's wrist is getting better.
I am glad your person's wrist is stopping hurting.
Congratulations on getting interviewed!
We is so glad to hear that yur Mom is doing so well!
What an excellent interview! You put something in good perspective: one of the best things about cat blogging is the time that the moms and dads spend observing and interacting with us in order to write the blog. They can learn lots of things about us!
Great interview glad your mom's wrist is feeling better :)
You're a celebrity! Make sure your Mom takes care of herself and doesn't bonk your Dad on the head with the cast.
Great interview! Congratulations.
I'm glad your Mom's wrist is not hurting as much.
Great picture of you, Speedy ;-)
We remember Bumbledorf - he was hyterical!!
We're glad your famous Mom's wrist is not too bad.
Just for the record:
Skateboard 1
Mom 0
Oh Speedy, that is a very cute picture of you!
How exciting that you were interviewed! You did a wonderful job, I liked it alot.
Oh, this is wild, we can't wait to check it out. Yoo all are faymoos!! Whoohoo!!
And wure happy yer lady's wrist is feeling bettor. If it starts hurting and she duzzent want to take pills, we think she shuld drink lots of mothurs milk!!
Ifs your MOmma can trey and skateboard, I iz sure a little cast would not slow her down!! Your Momma is a do-er :)
Just make sure that she does not use the hand with the cast.. unless of course for dadda whapping!
Did you sign it? You should paw print all over it while she is sleeping :)
wutta grate intervyoo! i'm prowd to know u!
i diden't know abowt yer mom'z wrist becuz so much stuff wuz happenin heer an i wuzzen't vizitin mi frendz ...
pleez tell her dat i hope she'z feelin ok. now she duzzen't hav to do az much howsewerk!
Whoa, dude! I'm so behind on the news! Your mom is a skateboarder? And she's nearly a geezerette! My mom, who's also nearly a geezerette, wouldn't even think about skateboardin'. Our paws are up to her! I'm sure glad the break wasn't any worse, but that cast oughta taste like somethin' good, at the least.
Open windows would be fairly nice right now, but it is still too warmish in Dallas during the day.
Glad you have open windows.
Luf, Us
How cool is that? An interview! You are some famous kitties!
Great to hear your Mom is doing well.
It sounds like your mom isn't letting a fractured wrist slow her down at all. That was a nice article on Petdoc.com. We laughed and laughed at the Bumbledorf post.
What an interesting interview! Glad your Mom's wrist is feeling better, I bet it will feel better and heal quicker if she spends some time whapping your Dad with the cast too! ;)
Hi everyone, I'm adding you to my blog list! Your poor Mom, if my Mom tried skateboarding she'd break more than a wrist!
Wowzie, you do interviews too?? You're so talented!
We're sorry that your mommy hurt her wrist, but we are glad that she didn't neglect you guys - boy, she works hard!
Well, we hope you are all having a great weekend!
~Marie, Donny, Casey
Congratulations on the interview! That is so cool! Glad that you're beanmom wrist is doing better.
Hi Zippie, Sadie, & Speedy,
Thank you fur leaving a comment on my blog. I like making new furiends too! Hope your mom's wrist keeps feeling better.
Hi Zippie, Sadie, & Speedy,
Thank you fur leaving a comment on my blog. I like making new furiends too! Hope your mom's wrist keeps feeling better.
We hope your mom's wrist heals up soon and doesn't hurt....sending purrs. come to our blog, we gave you an award.
Mindy & Moe
Great interview, well done you.
Glad the wrist is on the mend. Skateboards are to be avoided if your older than about 12 years. So are ladders if you're my husband! Get well soon dear!!
Good to hear that your mom's wrist is not giving her too much pain or trouble. She really is super, being able to do everything (almost)with that clumsy cast on. Good for her!
Now that her wrist izzint hurty, can ya bunnykikk the cast? Cuz I wood totally do that!
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