Hahaha, it's 1:00 in da afternoon and dad is out snowblowing...mom sat on her butt and din't do it. Den dad gots mad cuz he realized dat da only way it was gonna get done was fur him to do it, after all, mom has done it 13 times already. That's right, the weather bean sed we haf had 3 days this month without significant snowfall. That means 13 times mom has hadda move snow around. Of course, he sez he's gonna need her help cuz da dumb snowplow guys left bolders of frozen snow at the bottom of da driveway...mom swore again.
I can really understand why your Mom would want to be on a warm beach right now, what with snow up to her knees and kitties pooping outside the box. I hope you get things worked out really soon with the jobs and insurance and all.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my sister-in-law. They helped me very much.
Having a wonderful time with no snow and no poop. Wish you were here!
Do not worry Zippy. If there was some loose poop in the litter box room, I do not think I would go in there either.
Like Diamond Emerald Eyes... no snow, no poop here... c'mon down.
But be forewarned: the red tide is so so so bad neither beans nor
kitties can breathe if outside!
So da north got problems, the south got problems... what's left?
That's what it's doing here too! And even more coming today. No one here has pooped outside of the box tho - but the day is early!
Pooping outside the litterbox isn't a good thing. Stay safe and warm with all that snow! My humans follow the news back home in Canada, and I guess central and Eastern Canada (and lots of the US too) are being hammered with a bad storm!
Mum sez she wishes she wuz there too. We hafn't got snow, but it's furry windy and cold. It's lying in furront of the fire weather. Somecat missed the litterbox here wiv their poop too yesterday. Dad blamed Flynn, but mum sed it wuz the wrong shape. Eric has poop problums sumtimes and has to haf stuff put on his paw when he duz little hard bullets. I allus do jynormuss dog sized poops.
The storm is coming our wat this afternoon :( But We are cozy inside. If Zippy must poop somewhere, at least she chose DAD's door ;)Heh,heh,heh
Mom says that beach looks very appealing right now!!
Purrs Mickey
It's snowing here, there and everywhere! My mom is swearing like a sailor, too, 'cause she says the (*#@$ firewood won't burn! So we made a snuggly bunkbed out of an art supplies cart and we're all cuddled up not in front of the fireplace!
& the cat staff
That is a lot of snow! Don't go out--I think you will be buried in it and that wouldn't be good!
WOW we had that stuff too. But mommy went out ad cleaned off the cars and she fell in a snowmound trying to help a neighbor who was stuck. Daddy was in the shower when the plow came. SO mommy had to move the car. ( we live in a condo complex) So mommy understands your momys pain. But I know that lots of purrs warm up mommys
Ww, thatsa lotta snow! We saw it that deep here, but only once we can recall. The Big Thing shoveled out a path fer us to walk an all he could see was the tippy-top of my tail!
I'm proud of your Dad for helping your Mom. I'm so excited that both of them will be able to stay home with you.
Mom and Dad are hoping they can make some big changes too in the first of the year, which would mean more time with us!
Makes me happy to live where there is no snow!
Wow! You're getting a lot of snow! I'm glad your Dad finally took care of the snow yesterday. I think your Mom's done it enough already! His turn :-D
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