A mancat hasta keep an eye on his beans....just yesterday dey was out in da snow being goofy. Mom threw a whole shovel full of snow on dad den dad hit her in da back wif a snowball and dey chased each other up and down da driveway throwing snow! I'll hafta keep careful watch on mom, I think she may have lost her mind!
Good job, Speedy. Continue to keep close eyes on your mom, maybe she has lost her mind. Snow is very cold, and wet. It can freeze your paws, too. You'd have to be crazy to play in it!
Ha ha ha ha! Yep, Speedy. It sounds like you'll have to keep a close eye on your mom. Maybe the cold makes her frisky like it does our doggies. They do crazy stuff like that in the snow.
That does sound pretty crazy!
Oh my! SNOW!! Crikey!
Moms and dads are so goofy sometimes. Good thing they have a mancat to keep an eye on them.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
This sounds serious, serious indeed!
I think beans are really crazy for sure~!
uhm that sound really crazy...
It sounds like your humans are as silly as mine! You look cute peeking over the top of the laptop, Speedy! :)
Crazy, crazy beans! Daddy whapped Mommy with a snowball yesterday and she whapped him back! Why would you want to even touch that stuff???
Speedy, we love that picture of you!
We gots the snow too. Mom stays inside though with the little monkey.
Humans are definitely crazy.Snow is cold.
That does sound crazy - playing in the snow! Be sure to check your mom's tempature - sounds like a case of snow fever!
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Hehe, I love when the LL and TM play fight. I like to join in. Beans are crazy.
Our beans are crazy too! Maybe all humans are insane?
Sometimes beans do very silly things!
Hehe glad your keeping an eye on your beans! Oh, and its good to see your beans seem to be doing so much better! ~Queen Snickers
Good job, Speedy. Continue to keep close eyes on your mom, maybe she has lost her mind. Snow is very cold, and wet. It can freeze your paws, too. You'd have to be crazy to play in it!
Ha ha ha ha! Yep, Speedy. It sounds like you'll have to keep a close eye on your mom. Maybe the cold makes her frisky like it does our doggies. They do crazy stuff like that in the snow.
Speedy dear, is that you back there?! I can barely see you.
um, they played IN THE SNOW? don't they know snow is cold and wet? I think you should keep an eye out.
Beans are silly. We don't play in da snow. We just keep a watch owt for introoders in da yard.
Oh, that sounds like alot of fun!
I spy with my little eye....Speedy,heeheehee
I think the cold musta got to yer beans' brains & that's why they were actin silly :)
Purrs Mickey
Hehe we can see yoo peeping out behind there.
It must be the cold that made yer Beans turn goofy.
hehehe!! That's superduper. SNOWBALL FIGHT, SNOWBALL FIGHT!!! Happy Mancat Monday to you!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh, look at you peeking over the laptop! I agree, moms and dads can be pretty crazy!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
Oh, that's such a cute picture of you! And *giggling* at your mom and dad's snowball fight -- how precious!
You know, that makes me think: if I were in a snowball fight, I'd have an advantage, being a white cat -- natural camouflage! *smile*!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Snow is evil.
Only worry if they bring some INSIDE...
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