Mancat Monday
Dad sed I look almost to comfurtable in mom's new chair.
I'm just chillaxin after a game of hunt the dot...I was playing wif my sisfurs, yup, both of dem! At da same time! Mom effun gots a piksher of it. Beleeve it or not it's one of da few pikshers wif all three of us together. Dad gots us a new dot stik, it's green and yoo can see da light coming out, dat makes all of us so cureeus dat we will hang out together and no hisses from Zippy. I'm gonna show yoo da piksher, but, yoo gotta ignore da dirty floor. Mom was cooking and baking all kinda stuff and we was playing wif cardboord peeces dat dad made sail across da kitchen so it gots messy and she din't haf time to vacuum and wash it afore we started playing da dot game...
Oh, haf any of yoo guys effur had holidayz sause? Mom made something called eggs bennydict yesserday and man dat sause is just so good. It's like heaven on yoor tung! Dad was making nummy noyzes so I hadda try some. Den I told Sadie and she tried some and I gess we was making nummy noyzes too cuz den Zippy came to see what was so good and after we all licked da sause offa da plates dad played da dot game wif us. Den, it rained and mom was cleaning up da kitchen so Zippy went to nap wif dad on da big bed and me and Sadie went to sleep on da body pillow on da back of da couch, den mom came in and laid down on da couch fur a nap and we all napped real good. Sure hope mom makes dat stuff again soon.
you guys sure look like you had a fun family time with the light and toys and all. what a great photo of you three.
we luv the light toys too, hmmm, reminds me to tell maw we need one , its been like a year already since we have seen ours. hmpfh!
Nice to see the three of you together. And to think, it was a dot that done it!
You have probably already noticed, but there is an award, or two awards, or three or even four, waiting for you on my site.
Congratulations on the interview! I wanted either to read it or watch it, but I could not determine where it was on the PetDoc site. Maybe I am just too tired.
That is nice that you got a new green dot. We just don't get the appeal of it. Oh well. You look very comfortable in your Mom's chair. How is your mom's wrist feeling?
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
That sauce is very good - Mommy puts it on asparagus and we get to have little tastes.
What a great day you had!
There is no such thing as being "too comfortable", it's a nonsense invented by humans.The sauce sounds great!
Looks like great fun!!! Glad to see you all in the same place! Very cute!
I would like to have a green dot thingy.
Purrs Goldie
Wow Speedy, a new chair, a new dot and holidayz sause on eggs, that sounds so yummy! Life is great for you and Zippy and Sadie!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
That new chair looks very comfortable. Your mum might have to fight you to get it back.We have got a red dot, but we will only play with it if all the lights are turned out.
Sunday naps are the best! Holidayz sause makes us go nom nom nom.
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~
Speedy dear, it looks like there's enough room on that chair for me. I'll be right over.
PS. I never had holidayz sauce. Maybe I could try some.
Hey, you guys got a green dot...we got a red dot...
Mmmmm, sound like you guys got some good eats too! We never had holidayz sauce.
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
sound like the purrfekt day!
You sure are a handsome Mancat in dat chair! Hope you can comez over and help me defend my Mancat status! My sisfurs are questioning it! *sigh* ~ Redfurd
NOM nom NOM! Dat sounds like it was furry good!
Green dots are fun to play wif and all twee of yoo were watchin dat green dot reeely closelee...
Yum. Holidayz sause sownds good. We dunt get any of dat heer. Playing green dotz sownds fun too.
Luf, Us
Wow! All of you together at once!
What a great weekend you three had! Napping is the best. Mommy actually got one this weekend, and she was super happy about it.
What a great day! Green dot and yummy sauce and naps. Mmmmm, heaven.
Our Grampy makes those nommy noises at almost everything our Nana makes, so we don't believe him anymore, because we didn't like most of it.
Wow all of that fun and good food! All of you had an excellent weekend :-D That's great!
GREEN??? I's nefur seen a GREEN dot! I no I can't catch the red one, but maybe... Nina gets wiggly an acited as soon as the beans efun touch the dot stik.
Does it has to be a holiday to get dat holidayz sause? Cuz dat sounds good. Nina an I watched Mom eat pizza last nite, just in case she dropped sum, but she didn't. We also shared a chair wif Mom last nite. Moms is good fur keepin us warm. Purrs!
Wow look at you guys playing together so nicely! That is not just any dot its magic!
Sounds like you guys had a really great time! The green dot is always fun :)
I have never tried holidayz sause. Now I am curious so I need to go talk to Mom :)
Purrs Mickey
Oh I have never seen a green dot! I only have red dots. I like to chase the dot all over the house, on the ceiling, on my paw, isn't it fun!?
I think you look just comfy enough in that chair. My Dot is red.
It sounds like you had a great day as a family. I haven't ever seen one of those dot things.
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