My heat box is back...it's been chilly at night and in da mornings so I been sitting in it. Yup, dad turned da heat machine on. Mom is out wandering wif da Sister-in-law again today. Now, we know dat she needs a break from dad but dis morning she sed "yoo cats is driving me crazy"! Huh, we only did what we do effury morning. I wanted brushies, 20 minits is all it takes, Speedy needed his butt washed and Zippy had to have her "snuggle" spot made in da big bed. Now, mom makes up da "nest" for her and den she lays down and den she complains and mom hasta move da blankie until Zippy is happy. Of course, before we can get all dat we hafta be fed and haf our snacks and den get our teefs brushed. It's da same routine effury morning, why was it bugging her so much today...sheesh, she's weerd. So, she's off wif SiL again, prolly window shopping and peepul watching. We don't get it, wouldn't it be more alaxing fur her to stay here and snuggle us.
We don't think you guys ask for too much in the mornings! But I guess sometimes moms need a break...ours does.
We haven't turned on our heat machine yet. We had the cold air machine on yesterday and today the windows are open....we like that.
~The Creek Cats~
Redfurd here! I don't wazzup wif da moms sumtimez. I guezz dey jizz need some nip or somefin'. You sur dooz wook cute in your heater box. It's still too hot here for da heater fingy yet. Whimpurr is weady but da weavur man juz izn't coopurating! ~ Purrs ~
All of those things sound reasonable to me!
I don't like the idea of a butt wash though. When my Mum "needs" to wash my bum I make her follow me around and try to wipe at me while I walk, ha, ha, ha...
That's so funny because my heat box is back too!! The LL couldn't find me this morning because I was basking in the warmth of the heat box.
We hardly ever need a heat box, it's almost always too hot here. We're looking forward to cold weather and cozy fires.
We need the heat box too, but dad said it's better to wait until they come back furrom their holly days. He says if we have it now, we'll miss it while they are away.
Maybe she's out window shopping for gifts for you kitties!
Oooooo the hot air blower is on? Not yet fer us but the mom is finkin of it.
Sadie, I don't understand that either :-/ I'm glad you have your heat box back. You look very cute in it!
Mom turned on the heat machine for us too cuz it's been chilly at night and in the morning.
We never understand why the beans have to go do stuff...they'd be better off just staying with us!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Our beans haffen't turned on the heat machine yet but they probably will in the next kouple of weekies! we've been havin a warm spell, furry purretty outside and kool but not kold at night.
I can't imagine beans wantin to go somewheres without us. It boggles my mind when Momma wants to hike onna mountain. I mean, she might run into a vishus deer and we wouldn't be abble to proteckt her!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
We have our heating turned on for a few hours each evening now, it is getting chilly then.
Sorry your mum has abandoned you. Mine is off work sick with a cold so I have been able to sit on her all day!
Humans are just weird sometimes.
sheesh that should not take any time at all to give you all that you demand
::: YAWN :::
Heer in Texas it's finally nice enuf to open da windows so I can smell all the smells I want. I think this is my favrit time of yeer!
It is getting chilly here, too. I think your momma was just making excuses so she could go out shopping. But from your post yesterday, it sounds like you all had a pretty perfect weekend at least!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I like your heat box! Do they haf kibble, catnip and massage boxes???
Mom tried brushing my teeths once but I'd have none of that, thank you!!
Max S
Hello and good morning to you three. Thank you for visiting my blog. Crikey your mum has a lot to do every morning. My mum just has me and I take lots of time as my hair grows long and has to be brushed too. Ohh a heat box sounds real good. Its getting very chilly here and I have been snuggling next to the fire of an evening.Luckily my favourite spot on the window ledge is just above a radiator so thats ok. Hugs GJ xx
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