Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tattletail Tueseday
Today mom is going to da sisfur-in-laws to make cookies fur Krissmouse eve...
Dis is da kitty spoiling nefews woofie. His name is Alfred. He smells like a dog! Still, mom is going to go der and she will gif dis woofie a massawje until he turns into a furry puddle. Dem massawjes is only suppost to be fur us. Okay, to be honest, mom learned to give da grate massawjes after Alfred gots hit by a car. He could not walk and da vet said dat massawje would help so mom went to a class and learned to give pet massawje. He's 13 now and still goes out and chases rabbits! He's not as fast as he used to be but dat is not bad fur an old guy. What, oh, Zippy sed dat's really not a tattle. Sorry we gots kinda off da subject, da tattle is dat mom will eat every fourth cookie from each differint batch. Do da maf, dat is 3 cookies per duzzen and if she makes 10 duzzen dat is 30 cookies (and we know dey will make more den dat)! Den she will come home and complain dat she is feeling yukky. Sheesh mom, wonder why yoor tummy hurts when yoo bake cookies!

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Alfred looks like a pretty cat-friendly woofie. It's nice of your Mom to turn him into a puddle!
30 cookies! Yikes! That's a lot of dough!
Wow, that's a lot of cookies!!! So cool that your mom learned how to give pet massages. :)
Well, we will just say GREAT tattle and that Alfred is adorable and we can't believe he is 13! Massage is good for everycreature, right?
If we started to say anything about ML's Christmas candy consumption (and it's not even Xmas! these were supposed to be for "other people"...)she would hurt us. We are pretty sure.
Alfred really does look like a friendly woofie! But I know that I would still go hide under the bed if he came to visit me! That's a lot of cookies for your mom to eat in one day. Good tattle!
Purrrrrrs, Willow
P.S. I liked your story at Parker's about Zippy jumping in the snow!
Ooo dat is furry neat how yur Momma learned about pet mawwsage...we wood like our Momma to learn dat too. Although she is gud at givin us lots of lap time and pettin us.
*kitty grin* Dat sound like a lot of fun to make all dem kookies and eat efurry thwird one...sounds like what we wood do if we cood make kookies....
abby and boo
wow, that's lots of cookies
But Mom says thats part of the fun of making cookies! I'd probably just eat the dough...
Dogs are OK as long as they live somewhere else!!
Mom ate lots of cookies too on Saturday when she and our human sister B made some for Santa. She says broken cookies have no calories so you can eat as many as you want!
Alfred is a cool doggie! I would like to meet him. I bet it's gonna be hard not to laugh at your momma when she comes home with a cookie tummy ache tonight, hahahaha!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
That is a lot of cookies! My Bean do something like that - eat too much then complain her stomach hurts. I think that is very silly thing to do!
That is lots and lots of cookies! Do you think she will bring any home for you?
I wish my Mommie would learn how to give me a massage! Alfred looks nice.
Alfred looks like a really sweet doggie.
My mommy doesn't bake that often because she does what your mommy does. A lot of times she can't wait for the cookies to get baked, so she snacks on the dough.
That is a lot of cookies! Wow, its nice they do it together though, more festive that way!
Wow!! 13 years is great for a dog!
Must be all the massage. Hmmmmmmm
My Mom is like yours, she can't stop "sampling " and is always sayin a 4 letter word!! Diet.
She just says it mind you,heehee
Purrs Mickey
That is a lot of cookies to eat. I think your Mom should cut back so she doesn't feel so yucky afterwards.
What a wonderful tale about Alfred, and with a happy ending! Haha, our mom gets a tummyache every time she bakes cookies, too!
& the Artsy Catsy staff
Yup, that would make any bean's tummy yucky.
Alfred is cute. We're glad your Mom learned how to do pet massawjes and helped him out.
Luf, Us
Does the woofie get any cookies? I hear they will eat anything...silly woofie.
Our Momma made a ton of cookies, and she likes the dough! ICKY!
30 cookies? Momma says her tummy aches just hearing that!~Queen Snickers
Hahaha yoo'll haf to call yer mum the Cookie Monster hahaha. Spose it's no good us coming ofurr furr a massawje after saying that about yer mum?
MOL! We love Eric and Flynn's comment! We're glad that your mommy is so kind to learn to give pawesome pet massages to Alfred...hmmm...do you think she can give us pet massages too???
Pet massages over here, too! Can she teach our Mom how? And cookies we like cookies! Mom don't bake any more! Ummmm Prince Charming! It might start with a T!!
Your FL furiends,
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