just happened to be there. Well, it was very runny, runnier than it uzually is. And it looked like it had some blood streeks in it. So, today mom is calling da vet to see if I can get in. Dad thot maybe I eeted some of da pink fev-vers off my fev-vers on a stick toy but mom looked reel close (and gagged) and sed "nope, it's not fev-vers". So, just acuz mom happened to be der when I pooped I hafta go to da stabby place. I hope dey don't put dat stoopid ther-mom-iter thingy up yoo know where.
Update: Well, da vet put in da ther-mom-iter and sed "normal" and den when he wuz skweezing my tummy some more poops came out and dat sick guy went and SCOOPED IT UP! Sheesh, what a weerdo. Anyway he gaved it to da tek lady (she wuz waring a anti-gag thing on her face) and den he akshooally clean up my bum and da table HIS SELF! Da tek lady came back and sed 'negative' and I started to panik, negative is bad, rite? Well, turns out in dis case negative is good. So, they think I maybe ate sumfing I shoodent haf and he skwirted sumfing in my mouf to help sooth my tummy and sent me home. I cooda told dem dat, I tried to amember what I ate (besides my foods) but der was so much dat I coodent. Maybe it wuz dat funny looking bug I found in da basement? Well, whatever it was, mom is appose to check my poopies and watch fur anything else like if I become letharjik or something. She told TED dat I definitly wuz not, dat I wuz still running around harrassing my sisfurs (not troo) and playing. I want to thank yoo all fur yoor well wishes and warm thots, it's nice to know yoo care.
I also want to tell yoo something about Sadie, don't tell her I sed anything cuz she'd be embarassed. SADIE IS TODAYS FELINE FEMALE over at Princess Mia's
Well, I gotta go play wif Sadie some more.
Poor Speedy! At least if sumfin's wrong, yur seein the vet sooner rather than later. That weenie mobile was on display, but prolly locked. They was infightin beans to stand by it an sing silly songs bout wishin they was a hot dog. I'd rather be a cat an eat the hot dog.
Purrs!!! Get much better soon!
Oh Speedy, I hope you are OK! Try to be a good kitty at the V-E-T, they are only trying to help you!
deer speedy,
i'm wunderin if dat'z too much infermashun fer me? i hav "smell-o-pyooter" u mite or miten't know.
i hope u feel better.
luv--yer grate frend--jh
Oh no Speedy! I hope you are okay. But if there is something wrong, it is better to go to the vet so that you can get well! Sending healing purrs your way.
Poor Speedy! Poo problems are no fun. I hope you get better very soon. Let us know how you are doing, OK? I am a little worried about you.
Oh dear, hope you are OK Speedy. Let us know what the v-e-t says. Sending purrs.
Fat Eric
PS Hey, my word verification says "Buynip"! buy..nip...get it?
Goin to da Vet is no fun...I hadda to go dis week and I wuz scairt furrs my life. But efurryfing turned out OK...I knoos it will wif yu too. It wuz a gud fing yur Momma saw yur poops and can get yu sum quik helps. We will be purraying furrs yu.
Speedy, so sorry to here you are not feeling well. So glad your mom was there to notice. We will be praying for your "speedy" recovery.
Be blessed,
Samantha & Tigger
We're sorry you've got to go to the stabby place. We hopes u git bedder reel soon. Dorf has bin hafin da skwirts too, but Maw ist holdin off takin him in. She's cut him off his shredded sharp cheddar cheese.
Get bedder Speedy!
Luf, Us
Pee Sss. It sownds like u guyz haf sucky taxes too.
Fiona here: I hope you get better, they stuck that thing up my behind yesterday and I cried until they took it out. I thought wearing a pretty shirt to the doctors would make them be nice to me, no luck!
poor you! that musta be painful poop . i hate runny poop coz it's harder to escape from it. sometimes donny can't even handle it coz it's SMELLY!!
i hafta go to the vet next week for my runny nose...not quite same as runny poop...but still - runny!!!
I'm so sorry you are feelin' poorly. I hope you feel better very soon. We are all sending you warm get well soon thoughts.
Once I ate something I shouldn't (I think it was a centipede) and got diareha and my v.e.t. called it a "dietary indescretion".
I hope everything is OK and they don't violate you too much. Just whack 'em with a big paw if they get too cheeky!
We're glad it came out negative. Hope you feel better soon.
Speedy, I'm glad that everything was normal at your trip to the vet! Hopefully it was just the strange bug you ate.
Hooray for negative poops! Thanks for letting us know how your visit went.
Speedy, we have sumthing in commun! I have sqwerty poops, too, and thare alwayz negutive! Even so, I hope yer bak laying pipe beefore too long so that yoo don't have to go bak to have the vet man torcher yoo.
We're glad to hear that TED said your poops are negative and that your temps are normal. We sure hope you get to feeling much better. It sucks to have your mom watching over your litter box output...
Luf, Us
Speedy!!! Are you OK? Do you need me to come over and hold your paw or put a cool cloth on your forehead? Oh, I'm so worried about you. Are you supposed to go back to the doctor again? Oh dear, what should I do. Should I bring you a pill? Should I come and purr with you?
Mom, I have to go to Speedy's RIGHT NOW! It's an emergency...don't wait up for me.
Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well but I'm very glad it wasn't anything serious. I agree that V-E-Ts are weird. A human has to be weird to enjoy tormenting poor innocent Cats, right?
We are so happy for the update that you are feeling better! Hopefully, you will have a great weekend!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
I'm furry sorry ya gotted sick. I hope ya gets getter soon! Purrs!
We hope you are on the mend real soon and back to your usual self in no time! Thanks for the Birthday wishes too!
I'm glad that you were able to make that weird V-E-T happy by pooping on his table... I guess some people are just easy to please. I agree, negative sounds like a bad thing to me, but I'm glad you are home safe and sound.
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