Ants! Ugh, I hate ants. Looks like I'm spending the day getting rid of ANTS! I found them in Speedy's stinky goodness and it wasn't a pretty sight. Did I mention that I hate ants. No, it's not a reasonable hate, like, say, against cockroaches. It's just a gut reaction. ever since I saw the movie "them" at the age of 6 I just don't like them. These aren't even normal fat butt black ants or little bitty red ants, these ants are dirty brown and a little bit bigger than normal red ants. Speedy sits in different spots in the kitchen and stares at a single ant. That's another thing, there is no "ant line" like normal ants. They're random until they get into his plate of food then there is a mass of them. The kitties will get to spend the day at the spa while mom bombs the ech ee double chopsticks out of these buggers. Then while the bombs are going off I'll be outside treating the perimeter of the house for them. Ugh, I hate ants.
UPDATE: Mom sez not to worry about her using a bunch of chemicals. She has sumfing from her exterminator frend dat gets sprayed around da perimeter inside and it has some kinda spices and maybe flowers in it dat is apposeta repel da ants. He has a bunch of kitties himself so he woodent give mom something dat isn't safe. We think Crews Views mommy is rite, dey are da scout ants and dats why mom wants to stop dem afore dey can tell der frends. We'z not going away fur all day, we'z just going next door to da old ladies howse for a cuppul of hours so mom can yank out da fridge and stove and stuff. She went out yesterday (and she swetted lots) and sprinkled some stuff all over da yard and den watered it. Daddy ushooally does dis but he's been lazy dis year. She also put our food inside a shallow plastic bowl and den filled da bowl wif water, just in case. This morning der were a cuppul of ants floating in da water but none in our food. These aren't carpenter ants, after Zippy drove into da garage door mom and dad got a lessen in carpenter ants big time! Just thot we'd update yoo guys so yoo woodent worry about mom poisening us wif chemicals or sending us away for a whole day or two (she coodent live wifout us fur a whole day).
Mommakitty says them single ants is called "soldier" ants. They come out alone to scout around, thenthey tells da other ants when they finds something good. Ewwww. When we squarsh 'em, they sends off pheremones that make us react like nip! Mommakitty sprays vinnegar on 'em. Sometimes you can put a can of sugar water out in da yard in a couple of places (away from da house) and it will attract da ants and feed them there!
Mom's with you! They get into my crunchies sometimes, and its not pretty. Mom puts cinnamon in the corners of the room where they come through, and that keeps them out (ants don't like cinnamon).
I never spill my water! Mom gives me a short glass, like a high ball or drink glass.
Sorry to hear about the ants. :( I hope your mom gets rid of them successfully!
We haven't had ants yet ... but they will come. I find it interesting to try to capture each one ... but my mom HATES them! They have the NERVE to find their way into the cabinets!
Good luck with the bomb! We've benn there!
I hate ants too! Those sound like crazy ants. We don't have ants here (yet), but when we had them in our last house, we got something called "The Antser" to put our food bowls on, and it really kept the ants away from the foods. (go to antserDOTcom).
Before you go the whole "house bomb" route and need to evacuate the cats for 24-48 hours, have you tried the small round flat ant traps? Put them under the kitchen sink, outside the doors, but where the cats can't get them, to kill the soldiers so they can't report back to the colony. Spices are good to use if you can see where they're coming in, and safe for cats. I also saw this, but note that it says Simple Green is dangerous to cats!!
Also check around your yard for some good sized anthills. Go to Stein Garden Center/KMart/WalMart and get ant granules and sprinkle all over the hills. I found one Sat. when mowing and have to take care of it before they start coming in.
If they're larger than a normal size ant, they could be young carpenter ants. We had those about 15 years ago and needed an exterminator to come in.
Crews Mom
I've never seen any ants but I sure do wish I could come over and help. I'm such a great bug catcher!
Sometimes we get ants, too. Kimo & Sabi are right about those soldier ants. They need to be squished or otherwise sent on their way lest squillions of their buddies follow, and that is not a pretty scenario!
Good luck getting rid of the pesky things.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
We had ants last year....the Lap Lady sprayed the CRAP outside the house and on the front porch and we weren't allowed out there for a long time. Sounds like your Mom is on top of things and they will be gone soon.
Oh yeah. We gets what Maw calls sugar ants but they really mite be piss ants or odorous house ants. She puts out baits and stuff. Inside an owt. Yuck. We hopes u gitz rid ov yur ants. Ants in food sux.
Luf, Us
Oh, we know your Mom would never poison you!!!! (All our Mom's would rather hurt themselves than hurt us!)
We just made some suggestions so you guys might not have to leave home for a while.
You know, all 3 of you can come here and spend the day napping!
I am sending Precious ofur. She waits and kills all them ante that come in the cabin. It will be good to get rid of her for a while, so I can have a decent nap!!
Ants are no fun. We had them a few years ago and we had to get a "pet friendly" exterminator to come. They used all natural stuff and it worked!
Ants, ugh. They attacked our food the other day and mom got rid of them with some natural stuff, too. Smelled like oranges. Thanks for telling us your de-stressers.
High 5 paw,
Tigger and Samantha
No ants or uncles at my house. You can come over here if you need to.
Ewwww, ants. Mommy hates ants, beetles, or any kind of bug.
But...we like-y! They are so much fun to play with!
We've been lucky--no ants. My mom saw that movie, too! She's not bothered by ants because of that one, but she had nightmares about crabs after seeing Attack of the Crab Monsters! So I guess it's good we don't have crabs, either.
We have ants here too and it was great to read everyone's suggestions. We had to bomb the house. We didn't know about the cinnamon or the sugar water. We still have stray ants here and there but not the trail that we had. Our ants got so bad that Oscar's water fountain was infested with them. We had to throw it out and but him a new one. When we lived in Oklahoma, the ants were just as bad there!
I hate ants too their very annoying.
You can put petroleum jelly (Vaseline, or equivalent) around the bottom of the bowl to keep ants out of food, water, and the like. A bit messy, especially if you forget it is there, but manageable.
The antless Bowser Bowl dish works fine, but the ones we ordered are a bit for kitties.
Fir whatever that information might be worth.
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