And I will not cry...or maybe I will a little bit. Yesterday I was laying on da kitty perch in da window (this is becoming one of my favorite places) and Zippy came in and wanted to sit up der. I told her she cood come up and lay wif me but she wanted it all to herself so she BIT my tail. No, I am not joking here. She opened up her little mouf and den closed it around my tail! I was shocked and so was mom. She told Zippy she was a bad gerl but Zippy just hissed at me and left. She's furry lucky she din't break da skin on my tail or I wooda been furry angry and I mite haf made mommy yell some more. Anyway, mom fixed dis piksher but I told her to put the unfixed one up acuz I think it makes me look like I'm fading away out da window. Oh, and later Zippy came into da lifing room where I was taking air (dat's what mom calls it) in da side window and she sat rite next to me and kinda sed she was sorry she bit my tail. She din't akshooally say it, but I cood tell she was.
Oh no Speedy! Poor you. :( Zippy, that wasn't very nice, but I'm glad that you are sorry you bit Speedy.
I like the photo the way it is to, Speedy. :)
Ooops. Zippy made a bad mistake. I am glad your tail isn't too hurty. And I'm sure she is very sorry, too.
I'll bet she is sorry. We fight about windows too. Even if they are all open, we seem to want the same one.
I am sorry dat Zippy put da bitey on yur tails. Juss glad yu is OK. Sisfurs are somefink sometimes...
Ping and Jinx
Oh, bless yur liddle hart! We're glad u dunt haf a hole in yur tail. Yup.
Luf, Us
Uh-oh....that was kind of nasty Zippy. I'm sorry about your tail Speedy, I know how not fun tail injuries are!
oh poor Speedy. First, don't be afraid to do a little cryin around your mommy. That often gets extra chin scritches and sometimes treats. Second, I'm sure Zippy is very sorry about what she did, but next time, bop her on the little head. Since she apologized, I'm sure she won't do it again. I can't belive she did that! It must've been a sight for "the planets funniest animals"
I'm very happy you're OK Speedy.
Oh Speedy, I'm sorry Sadie bit you! She still loves you, I'm sure. It's just that sometimes us girlcats get a bit fussy if somebody's in a window that we want.
I'm glad that you're all right.
Good fing she apollygized. Sorta did anyways. Yoo's a grate mancat to furgive her. Happy 'lated Mommy's day to yore Mommy too.
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Poor Speedy! Zippy was tryin to make you a Manx? Maybe she high was on catnip or maybe... MAYBE SHE HAS AN EVIL TWIN LIKE Hendrix!
Sabi puts da bitey on mee all da time!
Hi Speedy -- thanks for dropping by. And hey, no big deal about the crying thing, 'cause real mancats aren't afraid to cry! In fact, I cried a little bit when my mom was gone so long. (But don't tell anybody!)
RRight, you need to nip that behaviour in the bud, pronto! What will Zippy do next? honestly!
Are you sure she was sorry? Poor Speedy, what a thing to happen! I hope your mum gave you lots of fuss afterwards and some treats. I know treats would make me feel better if someone bit my tail. (if I could feel the pain through all the floof on my tail...)
oh Speedy, that's just wrong. you should make her say she's sorry.
Hmph. I would do that too to get the good perch spot. Then again, that's just me.
Biting is not very nice. (shhh don't tell anyone but I put the bitey on Guy all the time because he is a stinky boy).
We finks Zippy wuz trying to assert herself ofur yur territory. Obveeuslee yoo won efun tho she bit yur poor tail.
I'm glad Zippy sorta said she was sorry to you. Maybe the fresh air just made her a tad nuts for a minute. By the way, you have very big handsome paws kind of like my brother.
I think Zippy just misses me a lot, that's why she was cranky with you.
Hey Zippy, do you wanta go out for a walk or get an icecream cone or a ham sandwich?
Speedy, I'm glad she didn't bite your tail off. That would have been very mean.
Nope. Smokey doesn't get yelled at when he's chasing me and I scream. I get yelled at!!
Luf, Jenny
Must have been the moon
Goodness. I'm glad you weren't hurted!
Glad your okay Speedy. Girl cats can be "funny" sometimes. Maybe she thought your tail was a string? Thanks for stopping by today. Come to our blog tomorrow and tell us your favorite way to de-stress.
High 5 paw,
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