Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hip Hip Hooray...

No ants and our house smells like someone just peeled an orange! I'd post a picture but someone (hubby) misplaced my camera-again.


Daisy said...

No ants? Excellent!!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

that is great news! ants are annnnoying!!

Anonymous said...

we gots ants that live in the walls an come out efurry now an then ta bug the heck outta the Lady (she hates 'em too, an freeks out when she sees 'em). we're wonnering whut the orinje smellin' kitty safe stuff is that you deaded the ants wif. we want sum.

Karen Jo said...

Yay for no ants!

Monica said...

Good job. I hope they stay away from your house now.

muffinmidi said...

Ants are disgusting.Not as disgusting as spiders or cockroaches,but repulsive just the same. Congratulations to yourmom on gettingrid of the little buggers. We'd like to know the name of the orange repellent stuff,too.
Tracy & Muffin

Forty Paws said...

Cool!! You can come over and get rid of our ants now if you don't mind!

Luf, Us

Ingrid said...

My cats would all move out ... peeled orange, no what ? Odor from a good old Tom cat smells much nicer !

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Glad your ants are gone, but wish you could find your camera!
There's always a photo just waiting to be made...'specially when the camera is hiding!

MaoMao said...

Yay that the ants are gone! That's superduper news.