Saturday, May 19, 2007
Mom, wake up...
Mom has weerd sleeping habits, sometimes she can't fall asleep and since dad hasta get up at 4:30 in da morning fur work and she don't wanna disturb him she'll either go on da gest bed or da couch when she gets sleepy. Just a hint mom, if yoo cleaned da crap off da gest bed yoo cooda slept der...just saying. Anyway, daddy gots up fur work and took his shauer and gots dressed and when he came out he found us trying to wake mom up, as ushooal, so he grabbed his kamera and snapped dis piksher. All three of us are in dis piksher - Zippy is da lump ahind mom's legs. She was sleeping der all nite.
Here is another view, yoo see my Gizzy Kwilt. I dragged it over der to sleep next to mom.
I kept wokking around on top of her saying "mom, mom, it's 5:10, get up" but she woodent. She din't get up for another 10 minits. Zippy bit her on da leg and dat got her lazy butt out of bed finally.
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Great pictures. Have a fun weekend.
Be blessed,
Samantha, Tigger and Mom
Hahahahaha! You got caught! And guess what? I can see your Gizzy quilt too!
Great going gang! I hope she fed you first thing after all that effort you did waking her up.
*giggle*! What good kitties you are to help your mom get up. Sometimes our mom calls us her Little Kitty Alarm Clocks!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Having to get up that early on a weekend is terrible.
she wasn't late fer werk was she?
good job wif the climbing all ofurr her
Our Momma has trouble like dat sleeping so she takes Tylenol PM and that helps.
Anufer fing, we is glad you said sumfing about your Momma sniffing your ears. Our Momma duz dat too and also OUR TOES!!! She says the parfum is special good there! This is so barasing.
Humans are weird, aren't they? Sleeping when they should be awake, like the early rising (and hungry) cats.
My Mommy has Primary Insomnia. She has never been able to sleep, her brain won't turn off. She gets if from Grandpa. So anyways, she takes Lunesta and has for a long time. Before that though, before she was diagnosed, she took something called Melatonin. It's non prescription and it works VERY well. The doctor is the one who suggested it. It's in the vitamin isle. It has no side effects either. Your Mommy might want to try it. My Mommy still uses it if she's not able to take her Lunesta at least 7 hours before she has to get up. Why did she change, acause her insurance pays for the Lunesta so it's cheaper that way.
NOW, sorry I'm so long winded. You did a great job in helping your Mommy wake up. Who knows, you coulda starved to death waitin for your breakfast!!!
Oh goodness. That was mean of you guys to get your mom up. We do it in very sneaky ways. We yak, or we slam the cat flap a bunch of times. Well, ok, sometimes Obi or Gatsbi or Annie pounce on her.
Luf, Us
The beans always are a few soft, hot and comfortable beds... muhahahaha!
Happy Sunday.
Uh, uh. Once again: staff should not be sleeping when we want them up! Staff needs to be available for our needs 24/7, right?
Seeing all the links to cat blogs on your site means we will take over the cyberspace soon! And we are sure that we already outdid those lame dog blogs...
Have a great day
Karl and Anastasia
heehee bit her on the leg heehee ~poiland tribe
We like to be alarm clocks too!
Our Mom has trouble sleepin' too. Sometimes she goes in the guest room and I run in ahead of her so I don't get shut out in the hallway. Then everyone comes in and she can't sleep anyway! Me...I have no trouble sleepin'!!!
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