Monday, May 21, 2007
Mancat Monday, killing da hissy snake...
No, yoo can't haf da hissy snake back. It's dead and shall remain that way!
I killed da hissy vacuum snake! See dat ugly floor, it din't usta look like dat. Der was different tile on da floor but mom and dad din't like it and when da beans dat dey bawt da howse frum slapped varnish all over da cabinets (that's a whole other story) dey gotted it all over da floor. So, dey went and bawt new floor tiles. Den mom spent a weekend peeling up da old floor and getting all da old glue off. That was 4 years ago. Mom cood put da new floor in herself but dad sez dat he will do it and mom shoodent. Da old floor dat wuz unner da other tiles is reely bad. Mom scrubs and waxes and it still looks bad. She's stopped waxing it cuz it does no good. Dis floor effun has RUST on it! How do yoo rust vinyl? Any way, mom sez dat if dad doesn't do it soon she's gonna do it herself. She sez dat dey now haf an ugly, dirty looking floor and a pile of tile boxes and baseboard pieces taking up room. Dad don't care, he's a collector and has piles of stuff all over anyway. We don't care, we like playing and hiding in da piles of dad's junk. Hey, how does she think she's gonna keep da kitties off da floor while she puts da new floor in? Hah, she won't do it, it will take two beans and she'll just hafta wait fur dad. She will, won't she?~Speedy

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Great job killing the vacuum snake, Speedy! You have a very determined look on your face in that photo! Sorry to hear about the floor problems. I think keeping the three of you off of the floor would definitely be a real challenge!
Speedy, you are very very brave to kill the hissy snake! Those snakes are mean. And loud, too.
ps: I have that same water fountain!
HEY, we have the exact situation at our house, too! And I mean the EXACT same situation! The same ugly floor, under the same cheap tile. Mommy and Daddy had to peel it up. Now they're stuck with this ugly floor. Daddy says that they need to put the need floor in but keeps putting it off! ARGH! Our Mommy's should get together and help each other out! LOL!
I have the same water fountain, too! I love mine!
You're a Might Hunter indeed! Furry brave. I fink my beans are like yurs; Mom knows what to do an can't, an Dad can do it but won't. So we gots projects like that at our howse, too.
Mom tried to replace our fountain wif one like yurs, an Bonnie was furrious! She had to replace the pump and return the one like yurs to keep Bonnie happy :-)
wow Speedy, you're awfully brave killing that hissy snake. I always hide from it. Great job!
Mommy sayz she knows what your mommy is going thru. She hates having to wait for daddy to get something done. We wish her luck!
Wowie, good job on killin' that scary hissy spitty snake! We Ballicai don't like them snakes, either. You're a furry brave mancat!
And guess what, I'm taggin' you for a meme! Come see my bloggie for details.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Good job Speedy! You just look so proud of yourself [as you should].
Speedy, you're so brave. My hero! I don't like the vacuum snake either. Could you come over and kill ours?
That is the most manly thing I've ever seen! I would never go near that hissy snake thing. The floor sounds hard, I think I wouldn't want my Woman doing that, she would get too easily frustrated.
excellent job killing the snake! I think you should encourage your humans to be messy because, from a cat's perspective, it is much more fun to play in piles of magazxines and boxes - Mao and I have a great time trashing the place! xx
Poor Speedy. You have lots of responsibilities!!!
Maw has tons of unfinished projekts. She hast lots of stuff lyin rownd waitin to be dun. Paw collekts junk too. We needz a bigger howse. Or less junk & less projekts.
Tell yur Mom to quit scrubbin da floor. Dunt worry, be happy, chase a cat.
Luf, Us
Hmmm...sounds like a job fer Mr. Handyman - you can find him in da book of yellow pages.
Speedy, I bow to your hunting skill! I could never do that!
i'm wid k + s ... mi dad let'z "hiz fingerz do da walkin" wen he needz sumthin done in da howse!
luv--yer frend--jh
Speedy, iffin u try to help wif day new floor laying, u mite beecum part of da floor! I finks da beans use da furry strong glu to put da floor down - it sticks to poodin furs and den u neffur be able to move again! So bees furry careful, okay?
And I sees you hafs a water fountain - my Meowmie jus' bought me one, but I not sure I likes it, so I not drinking out of it furry much. Course, part of dat is cos it makes Meowmie frustrated dat she buys me dis nice new pressie and den I don't use it! ha ha!
Headbutts and purrs,
Excellent post-hunting pose, make sure to tell the snake who's boss!
You are very brave to kill that hissy snake. We don't even like to go near it.
We have a floor like that in our house, too. Mom says its gross. The new flooring has been sitting in boxes in the hallway for over a year.
Speedy - you are tooooooo cute!
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