Friday, May 18, 2007
Formerly Feral Friday
First, amember da piksher dat mom took wif da hair in it. Kimo and Sabi's mom fixed it and emailed it back to mom. Isn't dat just da most wonderfulest thing! Thank you Mrs. Mommakitty. Now, on to my story...
I am supposedly formerly feral but I don't amember effur not likeing beans. They think dat I am one from a litter dat a stray cat had in an enclosed trailer behind a howse next door to our grate and wonderful frend Ali. Any way, she moved her kitties and no one cood find dem and effuryone amembers one of the kitties looked like me, so maybe. I had a litter of kittens in da same trailer in August but dey all died *sniff* and I left for awhile. They thot if I was da same kitten I was only like 5 months old! About 3 months later I came back and had a second litter, 3 beyootiful baby cats. Ali's howse is on a corner with no alley, dat means dat her howse and da howse next to her and da howse behind her all share a kinda common yard. So, Ali got together wif da naybors and figgered out how dey were gonna catch me. Dey started putting my food (Ali fed me, speshully when she knew I was going to be a momcat) in a wire cage and letting me get used to eating in there. After awhile they just closed the door on me! Ali took me to the shelter, Second Hand Paws, where mom volunteered and me and my babies were taken good care of and I had my ladygardenectomy and as soon as my babies were old enuff they all went to good homes. Mom's cuzin Jeff dat does all dat 'geek' work fur her has my son at his howse, along wif 7 other cats. He makes home made cat treets dat are just soooo delishus, but I digress...My babies gots adopted but I was still there. For about 3 months mom (she wasn't mom den, just dat nice lady) came every day and sat with me on her lap and told me how beyootiful I was. She was about the only one dat cood get me to come out of my kitty room. I din't know at da time but da day da man who wood be my daddy came with her was da day dat dey decided I shood be their's. The very next day (Valentine's Day!) someone clipped my nails and put me in a boks (I was kinda scared) and den mom came in and sed "let's go home, okay?" Okay? Yoo bet it was okay with me. So, that's how I dopted my beans. And Ali, thank yoo so much fur taking care of me and my babies and getting me a grate furever home. Oh, and dad din't misplace mom's camera, he loaned it to a frend to take pikshers of his new puppy! He did it wifout tellin mom and she is furry upset. So now we gots no way to take pikshers and we were being reely cute today too!~Sadie

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Sadie, thank you for sharing your story. Very sad that you lost your first litter of kittens, but it sounds like you were very young! I'm so glad that Ali rescued you and your second litter of kittens, and that you and your kittens found wonderful Forever Homes.
You are a beautiful lady cat and you look lovely in that photo on your quilt. :)
Awww, I'm so glad you found your furrrever family! What a wonderful end to your story.
I am so glad yu picked your Momma and Daddy. YU made a gud choice. But then yu is a furry smart gurl too.
How wonderful that you got to come home with your Mommy and Daddy. That was a great story!
Tell your mom to put the bitey on your dad for loaning out her camera without her permission. And thanks for your great story, Sadie.
Oh, that's a beeyoutiful story Sadie! We are so very sorry dat u hadeded 2 litters of kittens afore u wuz owt ov kittenhood yurself. Tragik. We ist glad u haf da bestestest home now.
Luf, Us
What a good story, Sadie. thanks for sharing it with us. We are so glad you and your babies found great forever homes.
That's such a wonderful story, Sadie. It's always a great day when kitties find their forever homes!
And I just have to tell you how lovely you look on your quilt!
We're all really lucky you found your forever family because I don't know what I'd do without your super flirty self!
Oh, Sadie, what a wonderful story! And I sure am glad it had a happy ending. Sorry about your babies, too.
Sadie, I think you picked the bestest forever home! If you hadn't have chosen them, we'd have never gotten to know you and that would have been tragic!
Sadie thank you for sharing your story.
Awwww, what a touching story. Thanks for sharin' it with us. You're a lucky kitty!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hi Sadie,
Wow, what a story! It is so great you got such a wonderful forever home. You also look terrific with your Gizzy quilt.
Awwww! That is such a sweet story, Sadie! You have many guardian angels lookin' out for you and your kittens.
Happy Furry Friday!
that story made mommy leaky cause it had such a sad start but such a happy ending.
i was feral, but i wasn't as "wild" as some of the ferals mommy has rescued. heck, one climbed the WALLS to try and escape.
kimo and sabi's mommy is so sweet isn't she? that photo is lovely.
Oh Sadie, such a lovely story. Thanks for sharing it! I'm very happy you have such a great home now, and your beans help you blog with us!
Thank you for sharing your story, Sadie. I'm glad it has a happy ending. You got very lucky in your humans. i know they love you a lot. Muffin
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