On Wednesday mommy sent daddy to da vet's office to pick up Sadie's alergee shot medikashun. While he was there he saw a handsome kitty and his mommy was crying as she left. Dad, being nosy asked about the kitty and the vet tek said he was just diagnosed wif lymphoma and his beans don't know how they are going to afford treatment, they were thinking about surrendering him to our local shelter so he could get his chemo and stuff...well, daddy came home and Germaine and Marie (another naybor) were here so he started talking about this handsome cat and how sad it was and the next thing you know daddy is calling our vet and asking about costs and how long and stuff like dat...bottom line, daddy and three other naybors have offered to pay for this kitties treatment, in honor of our frend Storm who tawt us dat cancer doesn't haf to beat yoo, yoo can beat it! We are going to meet his beans (a mommy and two little gerls) on Sunday. When the vet called back to let us know he had called her and told her that some peepuls wanted to pay fur his treatment he said she started crying so hard he couldn't unnerstand what she was saying but apparently she wanted to call and thank effuryone personally so when she called Marie, our lovely elderly naybor, Marie said "why don't you come by fur brunch on Sunday" and den she called effuryone else and invited dem. We love, love, love our naybors!
What a wonderful gift of love! We don't know who we're crying more for - your Daddy's kindness, you lucky kitties, your neighbors or the kitty who's been given a chance to fight. So beautiful.
Farewell, Sweet Stormie. You've inspired so many!
What a wonderful way to honor Stormie! My mom's eyes can't stop leaking enough to really type right now. Please give your daddy, and your great neighbors tons of headbutts for us. This is one the kindest gestures we've ever heard. This is one the biggest reasons why we love our cat blogosphere friends!!!! Bless you all!
And what a touching tribute for one of the bravest cats we've ever known! Rest in peace Stormie.
-The McKitten-Cats
What a beautiful way to honor Stormie and help another kitty overcome their hardship...we is so moved. Momma's eyes are leakin lotsa waterdrops...
Purrin for Stormie
and Mom Debra
Oh my goodness, that's the most wonderful thing I ever heard. Storm is already doing her good work through your Dad & neighbors. We sure hope that sick kitty can be helped.
Purrs & love
Oh you guys - Mommy was just barely holding it together till she read this. That is the most amazing tribute to Storm - your Dad and Mom and neighbors are heroes! We're certain that Storm is smiling down from the bridge.
Purrs and {{{{{Hugs}}}}} to every kitty and bean there.
Pearl, Bert and Jake
That is so incredible! Mom is really cryin now, your Mom and Dad and neighbors are just awesome! What a wonderful, absolutely fantastic tribute to Storm!
Oh that is the most wonderful tribute!!! I bet Storm is checking this out from the bridge and purring!
What a wonderful gift and tribute to Stormie! I bet this makes her so happy that she can't stop smiling!
That is the most beautiful act of love and kindness we have ever heard. Stormie must be very happy. We could hardly finish reading your post we were crying so hard.
What a perfect tribute to Stormie! Our eyes are leaking again, too.
Our eyes are leaking, again. This is so wonderful. God bless you all. Stormie, the angel, is already at work.
What a lovely tribute you made for Stormie. Now all of our eyes here are leaking again... That was so thoughtful and kind of your Daddy and your neighbors!
Willow and I are so sad that Storm had to go to the Bridge but we are glad she isn't in any pain anymore.
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Oh my goodness! Mum and I have leaky eyes. Your Dad is the best and then to have such great neighbours to join in - I am overwhelmed! Your Mum and Dad are so thoughtful and caring and do so much for others, you are truly blessed. Stormie would be so proud.
That is the most awesome way to pay tribute to a most awesome cat. Give your dad a head butt without getting fur up his nose for helping another kitty lay the smackdown on lymphoma.
what a wonderfully sweet thing to do! our Lady is leaking from the eyes all over her desk. we wish we could all come over and purr on your daddy and the neighbors till they were all covered in black fluff (and a little gray) - even Grr. love to all of you!
how super-magnificent!! stormie's blessings spread and grow . . . thank you for letting them grow through you.
>*< >*< >*< >*< kitty kisses to you, yer daddy, an' yer wonderful neighbors. (thank goo'ness not efurrybody lifs next door to a mr. tinydik, like skeezix hasta)!
Oh my cats! You has the bestest most greatest super special dad bean evers!! How happy Storm will be when she finds this out.
OMC! We LOVE your dad and neighbors!! This is so beautiful in honor of Stormie!
Karl & Ruis
Oh Zippy, Sadie and Speedy!! What a wonderful dad and neighbors you have!! Oh we bet Stormie is smiling big time over this!! What a great Tribute to her! Love and ((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) to all of you from all of us!!
Your FL Furiends,
And Mom
Wow, you and your neighbors are very good people. Our mombean good all leaky-eyed reading about this. She says that the world needs more beans like you.
OH what a wonderful thing for your beans and neighbors to do! This is just incredible, and a magnificent tribute to Stormie. Beans like your daddy & mommy & neighbors give hope and inspiration to the whole world!
& all of us leaky-eyed cats & beans at Artsy Catsy
What a beautiful thing for your Dad and naybors to do! Our Mom's eyes have not stopped leaking all day. Bless your Mommie and Daddy!
~ The Bunch
That is the most AWESOME tribute to Stormie EVER.
ZS&S Dad, we salute you and your neighbors, you are heroes to a kitty and his family!!!
how wonderful NOW mommas eyes are really leaking badly!
Cat people are the bestest!!
purrrs and hugs and love
what a wonderful gift. certainly Storm would be proud. your beans and their neighbors are such wonderful people.
That is just about the most beautiful thing I ever read. We're all leaky again here. Bless your beans.
Wow! Your Dad and your naybors deserve the paws up salute! What terrific beans you got there. What a great thing to do. We are leaky here too.
Bless you all!
You have the most wunnerful Beans and naybers. Stormie will be looking down on them with love.
Oh, WOW! Just, WOW! We are honored and awed to know you, even virtually.
(the Clowder kitties hold hands for a moment of silence, to honor Stormie, Castle, Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and all their beans)
Your Daddy has done the most wonderful thing! What a wonderful tribute to Storm.
God Bless him and your great neighbors!
Ohmeowgosh, mommy's eyes are leaking. What a wonderful fing dat your daddy and naybors did. I agree, God Bless you guys!
That is a fantastic story and so appropriate to honor the memory of Storm on the day she crossed the bridge.
You have an absolutely wonderful dad and neighbors. We're all leaking at the kindness and generosity of this act.
purrs and tail wags
Wif so many sad stories lately, it's good to hear a good one. WOW. Nofin like dat would happen in our nayborhood. That's just... wow! WOW.
I hope yesterday's storms weren't too bad fur you. We's ok, but all round Madison had prolems. Da boy was on a trip to The Dells, but got back ok (appropriately enuf, Noah's Ark). The 8th graders' buses got deetoored an didn't get home until 9 last nite! I'da bin worried bout him - no litter boxes on the buses.
Oh that is a lovely thing your Dad and the neighbours are doing for that handsome kitty. Please let us know how he gets on, if you can.
A lovely tribute and memorial for Stormie.
Stormie was a beautiful girl
I feel very privileged to have had her as a friend
I am really going to miss her!
Mom's crying again, happy tears for such a precious act of love. What a wonderful way to honor Stormie. We Ballicai will miss her so much -- what an inspiration she was.
(((((((((hugs)))))))))) and cuddles to your sweet Daddy. The Cat Blogosphere is pure magic. *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Who would have thunk it. Woohoo to your dad, he does have a soft heart.
((((((((huggies to yur Daddy))))))))) What a sweet and loving and wunnerful thing to do fur the handsum kitty, in honor of purreshus Stormie. Alla us Ballicai are pilin on yur Daddy in a big furry Ballicus Blanket and givin him our biggest rumbliest loviest purrs and cuddles!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
What a wonderful thing to do to honor Stormie and help the little kittie. My mom and I are new to this cat blogging thing (only a week) and neither one of us can stop the water leak from our eyes today.
Oh wow, that is a wonderful act your daddy did there. I know the neighbors are helping, but it was your daddy who first saw the kitty. Way to go Dad! You're our hero. Enjoy your brunch. What a wonderful wonderful meal that will be.
Your dad and da neighbours have given a marvelous gift. What a beautiful way to honour Storm!
Mindy & Moe
oh my goodness...this is such a beautiful thing of you to do. i hope that the little kitty has as much, if not more, success that Stormie. please show this kitty's family Storm's blog as I think it is important she sees that there is hope...I know how my meowmie felt when Storm was initially diagnosed and she thought the worst things, that there was no hope at all...how wrong she was...
today is the first day for us without our little Stormie...meowmie knows Storm is OK now but her tears will not stop...there is a huge Storm-shaped hole for us to fill with loving memories right now...your story here is one of the first things that will go in to it
what a beautiful person you are xxx
Oh my goodness God Bless your heart because you have made mine soar so high I could touch the sky!!
Zippy, Sadie ans Speedy have the best home in the world and the most loving family and neighbors!
You have honored Stormie more so very tenderly with this gesture of hope...
I give you soft sandpaper kisses...
Love your Miss Peachy
Wow! We dont know what else ta say but "wow"...
That is a wonderful story of kindness! We hopes that kitty is well. We will be purring and praying for him and his family. What a blessing that was offered to them!
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