Friday, February 18, 2011

Purrformance Review (it's not good news)

This is not looking good, mom did not even post our purrfurmance review on time! 

This is a revoo of our mom by us, the kattonic cats, who run dis house but apparently not furry well! It's hard to make yoor mom, er, secretary do yoor bidding when she's hardly effur home. Well, wifout further adoo here is her revoo...
1) Quantity of Output- two swats each, dat is six swats. It's somewhat of a battle to get her to post anything let alone daily!
2) Quality of Output- Two Paws. When she posts fur us she does use some cute pikshers but creativity and imagination aren't mom's stong points. She does tell da truth and usually we haf fun wif da posts. Except when der is sadness and we can't blame her fur dat stuff.
3.) Client Pawticipation - Four paws. Our email is available, we used to haf comments wifout werd verification but den some slimy spaz would spam us or leave horrible links or messages in da comment section. She also haf a link to her Facebook page. We don't haf our own because she is so dang lazy. We think instead of client we would call our visitors frends. If yoo twitter yoo can follow us @kattonic cats.
4) Pawticipation- Three paws. Mom haf worked out a rotation so we at least visit our frends blogs effury couple of days. She won't let us comment most of da time 'cuz she sez it would slow us down and we couldn't visit as many of yoo. We haf pawticipated in da Chatzy Paties, entered some contests and gone to speshul events. Not nearly enuff tho.
5) Client Satisfaction - Um, we don't see any bad comments if dey don't like what dey see we would hope dat dey would say something so fur dis one we will give mom Four Paws.
6) Overall Rating - Two Paws. We realize dat yoo are busy mom, but really, we need to keep in touch wif our frends. Yoo are doing a bad job blogging and comments are praktikally non egzistant on other blogs. We hafn't had a lot of fun so far dis year 'cuz yoo is neffur here! We give yoo credit fur helping homeless furries get homes or at least shelter from all da cold and snow. We preeshiate dat our litter boxes get cleaned twice a day and dat da crunchies neffur run out, our stinky goodness breakfast is served on time and mashed purrfectly and der are always soft blankies to lay on. However, yoo did dat and blogged and visited and let us comment afore, we don't unnerstand why yoo can't do it now! *sigh* mom sez she wants a little space fur a rebuttal. Go ahead mom, just amember we is watching yoo.

My kitties, my little furry, purry all know that I've been taking on more outside stuff. I'm busy, not that it's an excuse, but, really, I just don't have the time to help you visit and comment on hundreds of blogs every day. Back when we started there were only a few blogs and it was much easier to visit, comment and blog all in one day. Now, I could say that if I gave up feeding you guys and cleaning your litter boxes and snuggling you we'd have more time but we know that none of us wants that. If you give me another chance I'll try to blog more often but the visiting will have to stay pretty much the way it is. We visit all your friends at least once a week and we comment on all of your old friends blogs almost every day, that will have to be enough for now.

Mom, we aren't sure that we beleeve dis "bizzy" and "no time" stuff. Really, admit it, yoor just lazy. If yoo din't sleep yoo could visit effuryone and comment fur us I think I need a nap, and I have temptations Um, never mind...coming mom....


Katnip Lounge said...

Yup, in spite of it all the moms have the opposable thumbs and the squishy chestal protuberances that are so warm to snuggle into...
We'll throw in a few paws of our own for your fun comments you leave on our about 52 paws up?

Anonymous said...

Oh, are you sure your mom is lazy and not bizzy? We love you all and love your blog. Keep up the good work. Hugs and nose kisses

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

So, the Mom got a barely over 2 paws! That means she needs ta werk harder in 2011!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I don't take excuses like that from my human either. Man they are so lazy...

Mr Puddy said...

Kitties, Overall Rating is so tough for your mommy.

But Believe it or not, My mom is on your mom's side ! She said she do understand your mom. Even her, she plan to reduce the day to do blogging....What ? She never tell me this !... She betrayed me after I gave her good review !!! This is not fair !

I better go to give her a lecture ! You guys have a great day !!!!

Summer at said...

Humans think that frittering their time away on useless stuff = "busy." I am glad you kitties are not letting your human get away with that excuse!

The Florida Furkids said...

Bizzy and no time are words we hear a lot too. Our Mom is a slacker when it comes to visiting on a regular basis, but we do comment whenever we visit. Maybe we should visit more and comment less so we get to see more of what are pals are doing?

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Noll's Nip said...

Wow, your mom sounds like ours!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Pretty much the same scenerio here. Only that we don't blog OR visit/comment much. SS hasn't got a job and you'd think we could blog/visit more. But no, she spends time looking for a job. Never ending problem - when there is a job she is busy, when she has no job she is busier.


We sur do miss seeing yoo post, and are always happe wen yoo do.
Yur Mom wuz rite. Long time ago der wuz only a few of us ... and now der is...squillions of kitties blogging. If'n a Mom is werkin (ours isn't) den it am so hard to keeps up. Heck it's hard fur us to keeps up but we all stand guard and make Mom do our bisiting.


The Island Cats said...

Well, that was a fair review...we know the beans get busy, but that shouldn't be an excuse, should it??

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yup, we can remember when we could visit everyone and leave a comment every day too. Maybe you could make allowances for your mum being busy and give her an extra paw.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, dear, you were harder on your mom than we were on Jan. Your mom does do a good job when she posts for you.

We do need to tell you, though, that we copied and pasted your twitter @ and tweeted you. Only it ended up going to Kattonic, a guy who doesn't speak English. We don't know what he's going to think when he gets the message we are reading his purr-for-mance review and want to follow "him."

We then tried making it all one - @kattoniccats and twitter says it can't find you. You didn't have a little nip before writing this review, did you? :)

Jans Funny Farm said...

Uh, we thought we better come back and clarify that last sentence. Nip refers to catnip. And twitter always tells us it can't find whomever we are searching for, even if we have the correct @ name.

Daisy said...

Now that my Mommeh has to work full time, she doesn't have much time to help me visit, either. This seems a little bit unfair! We are always happy when we see a post from you.

The Furry Bambinos said...

We understand, our Mom does not have as much time to visit and comment either. We try to visit on the weekends. We gave our Mom a similar review!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Sunny and Sky)

meowmeowmans said...

That was a firm but fair review, kittehs, but we think your mom has been more busy than lazy...

The Crew said...

Yes, yes...we all have the same problem. Our secretary claims to be "busy" all the time, too. We don't like it that we don't have as much fun in TCB anymore!

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Aww, I enjoy your blog! I give an extra few paws to her! It's hard to comment on all your friends blogs and to blog too! Cats are better at doing two things at once. :)

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Mom is sitting here lol,,,
She didn't getz a Review cause we haven't had our blog very long,,,,
but if she keepz goin the way she iz ,,,, she'z not goin to have anythin to laugh about....
She'z ALWAYZ very busy.... wait till da Warm weather comez, we never seez her,,, we'r Lucky she leavez us food....

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Hi Guyz ,,, It'z us Again,,, Come stop over we'z haz an Award for youz ~
Purrrz & Kissez ~


Very beautiful blog!
Do You want to see more interesting photos about cats look at my

Gigi said...

Sigh. My Human has SOOOOO much FAIL at visiting and commenting! I lubz you guys but she is so uncooperative bout the visiting and commenting--it's pathetic! Still, I convince her to drop by once in awhile. She got really, really bad grades though--worse than your Mom's.

Amy & the house of cats said...

We understand about bad reviews - just look how late our mom is at vistiing us! Some of these humans just have to learn that the kitties and what we want comes first!

Marg said...

Our Mom agrees with your Mom somewhat. It is a lot of work to go visit a lot of blogs and leave lots of comments. This is our first visit here and we just wanted to thank you so much for lighting a candle for Lucky. We know it helped a lot. He is doing very well.Take care and have a good day.

Mickey's Musings said...

Ya know, we think a lot of Moms are like that!!! We don't like it either, but we want the treats and momtime,so we will have to take it too :/
We miss you too though.
Thank you for the purrs for Mickey.
He could use them. Also, they did shave my belly and a bit of my leg!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thanks for the note on Little Bit, I appreciate it, we're working real hard for her!!!

BuyBestCatFood said...

oh... rating cats is so hard for a mom.

Cute lookin cats. I am gonna tweet and share em on fb