Monday, December 14, 2009

(Bad) Mancat Monday and an auction

Gracie, who is running da virtual squillion shelter is haffing an auction fur Fiona's teefs surjuree over at da frends of da blogosphere . Yoo should check it out cuz der might be something yoo can't live wifout dat yoo can bid on...or maybe just something dat yoo would like. And if'n yoo haf something dat can be auctioned let dem know. We is haffing mom and dad look fur stuff right now so we can help Fiona cuz haffing bad teefs is awful!
Okay, now I gots to tell yoo about why Speedy (and dad) might just get lumps of coal fur Krissmouse. Mom went over to see Mrs T off to her sons house fur her vacation on Friday afternoon. Den she camed home and went downstairs to da dunjun to start catching up on all da lawndry dat haf been piling up while she was bizzy. When she went to move da pile of towels she found dat Speedy had pooped on dem! She sed many words from da bad word list and set dem in da lawndry tub to soak so she could get his dried on skwirty poop off. Den she went to sort sheets and stuff and found dat he had also pooped on dem! Mom camed flying up da stairs just about growling about alla dat skwirty poop all over da lawndry. Dat is when dad sed, "oh, it must be because he ate some of the dogs food"! Mom, all red in da face and making puffy noyzes, asked him when dat happened. Well, it seems dat dad was not following da proceedjers dat mom haf fur feeding Squirt and just put his food in his little dish and walked away and just as soon as Squirt was done Speedy would chow down. She also found out dat dad haf been letting Speedy haf a little half and half wif Zippy in da morning! Neither of dem things agree wif Speedy's tummy. I mean, it's bad enuff dat even da best food still doesn't give him solid poops but da junk dad was letting him eat means he's really skwirty and goes offen and a lot. Zippy and I tried to tell dad about it but he don't go downstairs at all so he did not see dis. We thawt mom was gonna start crying cuz now she hafta get da poop offa all dat stuff and rinse it all out and den wash it a couple of times to make sure it's all gone. Mom sez dat dad is on her list and he better just watch it cuz she's about had it. So dad haf ordered dinner delivered fur da last two nights...hah, like dat will make a difference. Now, here's Zippy wif a update on life wif a woofie.
Thanks Sadie. We like Squirt! Speedy sleeps wif him at night, I sleep wif him during da day and Sadie plays chase thru da tunnel wif him when ever he wants. Oh, and his leg is working purrty good now, almost no limp or anything! Fur da first few days when he wanted to sit on da couch wif mom or dad dey hadda reach over and help him hop up and now he does a running jump up on da couch. It's fun to watch mom take him out to do his bizness cuz da ground is cold, freezy cold, so mom hold him off da snow and he acts just like he's standing on da ground and lifts his leg or tucks his butt under and poops! Oh, and daddy gave him a sweater. Here is a piksher of him when dad put him down in da snow...

Da poor little guy fell over face first into da snow! See da bump on his rump, dat is where he gots shotted. Do not worry, mom picked him up and wiped da snow off his face right after dad took dis piksher.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Poor Mom having to clean all that up! Speedy just wanted to eat what was offered. Kirby does that,too. WE are glad the little doggie is doing better. It looks like he out grew his wheels. That is good!

Teddy Westlife said...

Poor mum. I hope Speedy's poop is better soon. Dad better get his act together!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Speedy and poor mum. We hope Speedy's skwerts are all better now. You will have to call him and the little woofie Squirt#1 and Squirt#2.

Parker said...

You Dad should be careful or he'll get coal in his stocking!

Hansel said...

we think you should keep the woofie!!!

Forty Paws said...

Oh deer. Squirty poops is not pleasant. We are sorry about all of this.

Squirt is cute with snow all over his face!!!

Luf, Us

Millie said...

Squirt is a real cutie woofie! Glad to hear he is feeling better. Silly Dad for not listening to Mom, and wow, something exciting is always going on at your house!

The Island Cats said...

Your dad is like our dad...just can't follow directions and does stuff he's not supposed to do...

Squirt is very cute!! We like his sweater! We bet it keeps him really warm in all that snow!

Daisy said...

That photo of Squirt is adorable! It could go on a Christmas card!

I think your dad should have to do all the laundries now!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yes, I think it is all your dad's fault for not paying attention. Poor Speedy probably couldn't help it!

The Crew said...

Oh Speedy dear, I'm sure none of this was your fault. Why don't you come over today and we can rest on my quilt.


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Speedy, sqwirty poops is not your fault at all. your the dad should haf lissened. now that he is getting coal, maybe he will. hmmmmmm, we wonders how much coal can sell for on e-bay?

squirt is KYOOT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope the poop's stop soon! that's NO fun! And that little itty-bitty woofie is PURRecious!

TheSlyCat said...

Thank you for the purrs and prayers.

The Florida Furkids said...

Poop problems are bad. We hope Speedy is better soon.

Squirt is adorable!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh noes!!!!!!! No wonder your Dad is on the s**t (poop) list!!! heehee
We hope Speedy feels better soon!!
Little Squirt is kinda cute :)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

My momma bean said to tell you momma bean that she should give your daddy bean one of those pooping raindeer toys for Christmas...hehe...

As for the woofie...he is adorable!


Thanks for stopping by and purring and praying for me!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Holy cow that's some story...made us laugh but we understand what a pain it must have been to clean up! Wishing you the blessings of the season from the cozy cottage to your little haven. Thank you for all the glimpses I have had through the windows of your world this year...I pop by often and today I wanted you to know that! Misses Peach reminds you that "Happiness is quality not quantity"

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, dear. Jan says, isn't that just like a man! Give explicit explanation and they never heard a word!

Your mom deserves diamonds in her stocking after that. But Speedy shouldn't get coal, he was just doing what comes naturally --eating what dad left before him.

Mr. Hendrix said...

uh oh, sounds like Santa will be bringing your daddy coal. but not Speedy, after all, who can resist extra nummy treats? Santa couldn't have expected that he would.

Wow, that little guy is a cutie patootie. I may enjoy having a woofie like him around. But, as much as mommy misses her old "boys", she isn't ready to be running out in the cold for a woofie's potty breaks.

BTW, the big news is, paws down, you all won our contest! We think it is totally awesome you knew Al Bundy. That is the funniest episode ever. We watch it on tape every year. Come by on Thursday for your winner's badge!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh burr, look at that cold nose...makes my whiskers shiver!

Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches said...

Oh, noes! Dat is furry bad indeed. Poops all offur da beans laundree iss bad. So speedy couldn't amke it to da litter box in time. poor guy.

Oh, and fanks you fur stopping by our bloggie an leavin da nice comment. Dat wuz a furry sweet story about a 9 yr old kitteh gettin adopted.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Mom could tell it was Speedy what pooed? Wow, she's good. Our The Big Thing can't tell unlessen he actally sees...

Anonymous said...


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