Hah, yesserdays post was a true story. Zippy was in da office howling like she was gonna die or something and mom went running in der and all she wanted was da closet door open...den, a little while after dat, I started makeing noyzes like I was choking. Coff, hack, gurgle! Dat made daddy yell fur mom "Speedy's choking!" So, mom comes running and tries to grab me and look down my throat but I moved every time. Finally I coffed up a hairball da size of a kitten! It made dad make noyzes like he was gonna barf, it was very funny. Mom discovered dat I had EATEN DA FURMINATED FUZZIES! Yup, right outta da garbage can. Den Sadie disappeared, couldn't find her anywhere. Mom even turned the couch and loveseat over, no Sadie. Dad sed "maybe she snuck out when I went to the garage". Sadie has a habit of just deciding to walk out when da door is open for to long (more than 4 seconds). She usually doesn't go far, maybe to da bottom of da steps but never any farther. So, der is mom, searching da nayborhood fur a missing kitty she couldn't find and when she came home after 2 hours she was crying and was gonna go online and put out a missing kitty alert and print out lost kitty posters when she heard weerd noyzes comeing from da cabinet where dey keep da plastic storage bowls. Dad opened da door and out popped Sadie! Mom and dad were laffing and crying and hugging Sadie all at da same time. We sure gave da beans an intristing day. We're taking it easy on dem today but who knows what tomorrow will bring...hehehe
Well, your beans can't complain about you guys being boring. It's strange you all gave them a scare in the same day.
Oh my gosh! What a day for your folks. I bet between the three of you all you have taken several years away from their lives. Please take it easy on them. It isn't good for their health. I am glad that all was good in the end and everyone was fine.
We think you all just knocked a few years off your mom's life! But we're glad you're all okay and safe!
Yikes! You all gave your mum a scary day. Wuz it a conspiracy?
MOL! You guys sure know how to keep your humans on their toes!
Maggie May and The Creek Cats
WOW, You guys really know how to keep the beans on their toes! We are glad Sadie was not lost!
It seems like it's been one cat crisis after another!
Yes, that happens here, too, where one kitty will eat the groomed fur of another, if I don't get it in time! Go figure!
I took a picture of one of Dante's hairballs last Christmas because it was the biggest I ever saw. It measured 8 inches long, and was entwined with green ribbon (cause he likes to eat that stuff).
I'm so glad that your sister was not really lost, and that there was a happy ending to efurrything!
Your mom and dad are going to need a drink if they have many more days like this.
I am glad you are okay! I can't believe that you ate the furminated furs! There are always so many!!!
Isn't it your job to make things a little interesting for the beans? LOL
Prefurminated furball!
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