Thankful Thursday
We is thankful for da nice ladies and gentlemen beans dat won't let homeless kitties freeze and starve...and dat we don't live wif da one dat owns dez woofies! She's a hoot (dat's what mom sez). All of deze woofies was rescued and she haf 5 kitties but dey is camera shy. All dis stuff started almost 3 weeks ago when a friend of mom's called one lovely Saturday morning, would mom be interested in helping her TNR a colony dat a school and restaurant had been feeding. Of course mom sed yes. The first step, get permission to trap. Da restaurant had concerns about trapping on der property, mostly dey was worried about some crazy driver accidently running over a kitty but da school said okay. One of da ladies dat was involved in dis, her husband is a retired vet so he gots his old partner to do all da serjerees, health checks, tests and vaccinations for cost as long as he helped out. Da restaurant put da word out to der regular customers and raised a lot of money, da school held a bake sale and did some door to door collecting and raised a lot of money! So, now da TNR group goes to da school, da principap wants to use dis as a teaching opportunity! Wow, mom sez, dis is great. Dey show da kids where to feed da kitties to get dem used to dat area, den how to feed inside unset traps, den DEY SET TRAPS! At first, mom thawt dat would be it for da kids and started getting ready to build feeding and shelter stations. But no, da teachers wanted da kids to learn how to do dat too and how to take care of dem and what to watch for and...well, it was fun for mom. Dey gots a local hardware store to donate most of da pvc, cement board, glue and screws and another one to donate plastic horse buckets and large bins. Da horse buckets work very well on da feeding stations cuz dey is flat on one side and since dey is made to be hung on fences dey can be attached to da top of da feeding station easily. Da large bins (think Rubbermaid storage) are easy to insulate and da tops, tho weather proof, can be removed for easy cleaning. So, mom is out der every morning teaching 11, 12 and 13 year olds how to build dis stuff, how to clean feed buckets and shelters and best of all, dey is gonna make dis part of da school. Dey trapped 32 cats and returned 24, 8 kitties gots new homes with either teachers, students famblies or restaurant employees. None of dem kitties was sick, dey all gots vaccinated and will every year fur as long as dey live at da school and every one of dem had der piksher taken and posted to a big board da school put up so dat dey can keep track of any new ones dat show up. What is very odd is not one of dem cats was very feral, dey all seemed to have been handled by people at some point in der lives, if not to have been house pets. Mom sez dis was one great experience even if it did leave her exhausted every day, and it made her aware dat der are still great kids out der. She forgets about dat when all yoo ever hear about is da few bad ones dat get into da news. We are glad she's going to be home fur awhile now, as long as da Sister-in-Law will leave her alone. Now, she is kinda upset wif dad for some reason. I mean, really, she did tell him a long time ago to leave her washer alone cuz he broke it a couple times so we don't know why she's mad dat no laundry gots done. Or dishes. Or dat he never got da sucky monster out and ate up our hair. And he was really nice and bawt her a brand new shovel to replace da one she broke last winter while trying to clear ice blocks from the bottom of da driveway where da snow plow left dem. Sheesh, just because he stayed in bed while she got up and went cat trapping and den sat around in his unnerpants until she came home and cooked, fed us, snuggled us and cleaned our litter box and shoveled snow (once, big deal) is dat any reason to tell him she's gonna kick his butt. Hey, she wasn't around to take care of da house and keep dad moving so she shouldn't complain, right? Well, now she haf huge piles of laundry and stacks of dishes to wash so dat should keep her around and busy fur awhile.
We know all about the butt kicking for dad's when he forgets to do a teensy bit of housework. Mums can be a little irrational when they have been working very hard and are tired. Weirdos.
Your mum is doing such an amazing job with the kitties. What a great way to teach and inspire all these kids, and the restaraunt patrons too, about the importance of treating animals with respect. And not only telling them, but getting them involved! We are in awe:)
Huge props to your Mom and all who worked so hard to help that colony of cats. This is a tremendous achievement and such a great way of educating kids and adults about how to help animals in the right way. The gift of a replacement shovel we are not so sure about. Our Grandad bought our Grandmum a new mop once for Christmas! You should have seen her face!
Whicky Wuudler
What a great learning experience for those kids! Your Mom is great to do this and hopefully the kids have learned that it's cool to be kind and compassionate!
We just want to say you have a great mommy for doing all this work to help out the homeless kitties. And getting kids involved is such a great idea!! Sounds like the community is behind it too, awesome! Our mommy would love to see pics of the feeding stations once the construction is complete. She also volunteers for a TNR group and loves to meet others doing the same and exchange ideas!
Way to go mom!!!
~The Creek Cats~
::clap clap clap:: MrsSpeedysMommy, you are a hero to many kitties!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Our mommy saided that she would come help wif the butt kicking. hee hee
Your mum is the greatest for all she is doing for the kitties. We don't think we better tell you what our mum said about your dad and that shovel, we'll just say Ouch!!!
What a wonderful thing the school did to help the children learn and to save the kitties.
I don't know what a dad is because my mom does everything around here!
That is such a good thing that your Mom did. You should be very proud of her. Those are some lucky outside cats to have good people looking out for them.
Your Mama is a furry special lady. Sounds like you've got a great catmunity there. It's wonderful how much everyone helped out!
thanks for stopping by and visiting the boyz blog. i agree- those woofies look like they are a handful (or two).
The story of helping those feral kitties with TNR and also finding homes for some was heart-warming. And the best part is the students involved will probably now always have respect, understanding and caring for cats and other animals and will become better peoples.
That is super duper pawsome that those kids are helping out!!!
As for your Mom,get her an MP3 player she can plug in her ears and play happy music ;) Purrs Mickey
we luf yoor mommeh! she iz great!
An fanks fur comin ta mai partay!
This is fall of love,
I am so so touching for these~!!!!
Oah~!!!! We love your mommy as well~!
That is really great of your mom, the restaurant and the school. Mom works at a school and doesn't think her principal would be that good. We think your principal is right to use this as a learning experience. The kids will learn so much.
The least your dad could have done was to buy your mom an electric snow blower. Since he won't shovel the snow, he could at least make it easier on your mom.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Scratch his butt an bite his toes at night... Mebbe poop in his shoes.
Cute dogs :)
Happy blogoversary!
YEAH for your Mom, the school & the children...can you hear our paws clapping...Whoo hoo!!! Fantastic!!!
Sounds like your Mommy could use extra purrs....unfortunately most men do not have the maternal instinct that our Mommies have towards felines and housework...don't even go there.......But we can tell ya that if Daddy gave Mommy a shovel......Ah,maybe we won't!!!!Giggle=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Wowie your Mom is one busy lady! It was very nice of her to help out those poor kitties and get them all fixed up. It is also great that they gotted the kids involved too.
*sigh* We know all about trying to get Dad's involved with doing house work and stuff.
That is wonderful that your Mom, and all those other people helped those kitties :-D
Oh wow, yore Mom shoor wuz bizzy helping the homeless kitties. It was grate that 8 fownd fureffer homes too! I'm glad we don't haff snow heer cuz Momma sez shoveling poop fur 6 poodins is enuff shoveling fur her. Um, yore Dad is kinda lazy fur not helping owt arownd the howse. I fink he needs training but it's hard teeching old guys noo stuff.
Hehe, People sez if she ever gets us a dad she will be sure he knows not to give dumb prezzies, but Molzie sez maybe yer dad thought he wuz being thoughtful. Riiiiight!
But most of all, Peeps, me-Gonzo!, and Unca Molzie, think yer Mom peoples should get something really speshul for helping those Kats at the skool! Like maybe some extra hours of sleep? LOL, thank-you furry much fur what you and yer team at the skool & food place r doing!
We are also very thankful and especially Peanut cuz deh took care of her until mama found her.
You guys have two awards waiting for you on our blog.
Skitto, Peanut and ChyChy
What a great post. Your mom warms my heart!
That is so wonderful that your mom helped TNR the colony of kitties and teach the children. The best part about it is that the school was so supportive and that those children had such an excellent opportunity to learn about compassion and respect for animals. Since feral cats are everywhere, hopefully those children will use what they learned to continue helping other feral kitties.
Oh, I'm so glad I stopped by, this post has brought tears of joy to my eyes! Your Mommy deserves many, many head butties and snuggles for what she's doing, and the school principal, children, restaurant owners, staff and diners too! As for your Dad, I think your Mom should shove that shovel... well, erm, never mind! :) xxx
Your momma is a angel...
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Oh! This is a wonderful story and we are so excited that so many people are involved and that the kids are being taught the responsibilities of caring for homeless animals. This is so GREAT!
Luf, Us
deer z, s + s ...
i am home. thank u fer yer concern. joba mus be a alpha cat ... an, az soon az she can, mi mom will take him fer a hoo ha echtomy. i hope dat will eliminate all da stress i'm feelin deez dayz.
mi mom haz da tnr book an da direkshunz fer makin a shelter ... do u hav pikshurz uv da onez yer mom haz been makin wid da stoodentz?
dis wuzza hartwarmin entry. thank u ... an i luv yer mom!!!
I just stopped by to thank you for wishing Grete well on her surgery and I get treated to such a wonderful story about love and rescue...and heartbreaking as well because none of the kitties were that feral, meaning people moved on because they think kitties can get by on their own, but we can't. You have a wonderful mom!
WOW! That is just all my mom and I can say is WOW!!!!! I am very thankful that your mom has so much room in her heart for those kitties and those kids!
And phooey on your dad in his unnerpants!
That's a good job your mommy is doing with the cats. Some kids need to be taught to be kind to cats, not hurt them.
I am wondering where you live because the cold white stuff has come to our yard also! The only good things about it are first, my beans put food out for the birdies so they are fun to watch and second, it's so cold at night they don't mind my sleeping under the covers with them!
Your mom is just super fanatastic to do all that for the kitties and to educate the kids to treat the kitties well. BIG kittyhugs to her!!!
Maybe if she is not so efficient your dad might have to do something. Don't tell him I said that, he mightn't let me visit anymore.
OH wow I do not know why this did not show up on my reader!! I am glad that I stopped around.
just Woah! You guys are so lucky to have such a compassionate Momma and one with a bit of zing! Can you even imagine if there were people like your Momma and schools like your local school and restaurants.. just imagine if every town was as special as your town...
The world surely would be a better place :))
PES: Thankyou for your birfday wishes :))
Bastet will grant yoo many wishes in the afterlife for all the good deeds done for these kitties. Nice story!
Awww......that is so cool! Your Mom rocks and to get the kids at school involved!! So wonderful! So sorry your Dad didn't help much while she was so busy!!
Your FL furiends,
Our mom gets the same way with our dad too. She always says "if you are not going to do it right then don't do it at all" and complains that dad doesn't do it right but also complains when he does nothing around the house. Poor dad never catches a break. We are sick of the snow. We certainly don't have as much as you do I'm sure. This last storm left about 2 inches but we do have a lot of ice. I hope it isn't as bad as last year. At least our power is still on.
-Patches and Nemo
I just love that there were 4 students out there takin' care of the kitties! I'm so proud of them! So, do they have a source of heat for this yucky weather or did I miss that part?
I just want to thank you for taking the time to come and visit me- I know you're really tired from helpin' those kitties, plus all the other stuff that comes with livin' a life. I sure do appreciate you!
Thank you for helping make my Gotcha Day so warm, wonderful, and happy!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Oh we loved to hear that wonderful story about the good people - it is so true - you always hear about the bad apples - but there are a lot of good kids out there! Bless you Mom's heart for helping those feral cats!
And we had to laugh about the butt kicking thing with your Dad - sorry....
Thank you for coming to Ruis birthday party! it wouldn't have been the same without you!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin, and Karl
The story about the school of kids helping the kitties makes our hearts feel warm and full and happy. How wonderful. This is one of the bestest rescue stories ever!!
These kids will take the lessons of caring they learned with them their whole lives and wherever they go. I'm sure the majority of these kids will grow up to support many animal charities.
My daddy used to do this type of thing. Then mommy told him to go live with his mommy if he wanted to act like that. Except she said it really loud and with words on the naughty list.
He started helping more after that.
Uh, Zippy? I fink we kinda understand yur Mom hissin at yur Dad. Beans are like dat sumtimes. Dad gripes dat no one helps wif dishes, but when they do, he gripes at them fur puttin them in wrong or puttin them away wrong.
Anywho, WOW, WHAT A GRATE TNR SUCCESS STORY!!! You guys (includin the school) should be in the paper! Or Alley Cat Allies' web page! Or SOMETHIN! 32 cats TNR'd is amazin! W00T!!!
Dis would NOT happen at our boy's school, efun tho Madison is good. Him's skool has too many of them bad kids. Can he go to yur skool? It's not far, rite? ;-)
BIG purrs to yur Mom.
PS Dad gotted a new ice breaker dis year cuz he broked the old one last year. An when he finally got the snow throwin monster started, he breaked it! It has a #*&$# rip cord (that's what Mom calls them) and alectric start, but he pulled the lectric start tail offa it! An the monster was NEW last year!!! Dads... ours is good fur lunch meat.
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