Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Snow, snow, snow

Amember last year when we got snow on December 1st and den almost every day after that for months and months....It's happening again! Mom is out helping to finish building shelters and feeding stations for 24 kitties in a colony dat dey just finished haffing nootered. There were 32 but 8 gots new homes. Funny thing, all of dem kitties is approachable, dey don't run when mom shows up wif da food. Dey will be fed by da restaurant owner and da kids in da school will keep things clean. Misty is home and we hope she is eating and healing up real good. Speedy haf been spending a lot of time teleporting over there. We know he is cuz he curls up on da couch and doesn't move for hours! Dad was real nice to mom and bawt her a new shovel - dat's sarcasm in case you din't recognize it. Tomorrow we is gonna tell yoo some stuff about da colony (nice) and dad (mom is thretening to kick his butt) and some other stuff.


Maggie May said...

You guys have a wonderful mother for helping out those homeless kitties!!!
~The Creek Cats~

The Island Cats said...

We hope the feral kitties will be okay...we're sure happy your mom is helping them!

PB 'n J said...

Your Mom is so great to help all those homeless kitties! And we sure hoping that it stops snowing a bit!

Oh and our Mommy says that if our Daddy had "bought her a new shovel" he'd be in the ER with a shovel imprint on his noggin - MOL!

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear the colony will have shelter and foods! You have a wonderful Mom!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I don't like snow either. I can't believe your Dad bought your Mom a new shovel :-/

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Your momma is such an angel!!!!

What's wrong with a shovel? I am sure the PM would LOVE a shovel, wouldn't she?

purrs Goldie

Parker said...

"...dat's sarcasm in case you din't recognize it." <---you made my Mommy laugh out loud, and she hardly ever does that when she reads blogs! Thanks - she needed that!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh My where do you guys like Antarctica? Snow every day! Sounds so pretty but even I think that is just too much!
Your Momma is so cool! She must have so much good karma surrounding her :)
We thinks there should be butt kicking and that it should be taped and shown for all us kitties to enjoy ;) hehehe


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your mum is so kind to the homeless kitties.
Our mum snorted about the shovel. She said if our dad did that, he would be wearing it.

Forever Foster said...

You have a truly special mum, looking after the kitties like this. It's great that 8 of them got new homes!:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to reading more about you all on your blog. Nice to meet you!

Cheri and the cats at Wildcat Woods

Lux said...

Your mom is doing such a great thing - she's like a Mrs. Santa!