Mancat Monday
I got into some trouble dis weekend, I ate some of dad's spicy sawsaje and den my tummy felt bad and I hadda go potty real bad and I aksidently pooped on mom's clean jammy bottoms. Mom was madder at dad fur feeding me stuff he knows I shouldn't haf den she was at me...but she was still mad at me. My tummy did not feel good from da sawsaje and from knowing mom wasn't happy and I pooped two more times in da litter and it was runny and stinky and den mom felt sorry fur me and hadda wash my butt off a couple of times because dat stuff stuck to my bottom furs. Now everytime I go potty she runs in to check on me...sheesh, one little incident and she gets all worried. I did sleep wif her, but dat was only cuz it's cold outside and she gives off some purrty good heat. It was not, as daddy sed, because I am a momma's boy and want her to baby me when I don't feel good. Oh, and dad haf been saying bad words all weekend cuz our DSL keeps going out. Da man on da fone sed he couldn't see any prollems wif it and dad sed dat is because yoo are thousands of miles away and looking at a dey is sending somebody out to check lines in our area becawse da naybor lady sed dey is haffing prollems too. Dad sez dat it happens when it gets windy or cold or hot or rains or know, when we haf weather, and it was windy, cold and rainy den it snowed but just a little bit of swirrly stuff dat din't stick to da ground. Today is not so bad, it's cool but not freezy like it was yesserday and da sun is shining. So mom is going out to do yard work (dat dad was suppose to do last week) and we might go out in our kitty kennel.
Poor Speedy, the spicy sausage it burns da bum! Ouch!
Hope you feel ok now.
Whicky Wuudler
Speedy, that is major owie-ness, and I'm sure sorry for ya, dude! Was the sausage good-tasting? Well, even if it was, you won't be seein' that go down again, will ya? I think mom's have real issues with bottoms, for some reason. They're so weird!
haha your daddy is funny! Sorry you had tummy troubles, I know how that is no fun at all!!! My mom also likes to watch me while I am in the litter box. What's a cat gotta do to get a little privacy, sheesh!
~Cal and The Creek Cats~
hahaha The mom hates talkin to da folks on da fone about the dsl fing! She has kept notes on how dey fixeds it so dat she doesnt has to call no more! (She says dat its hard to understand da foreign accents.)
We hopes yoo feel better and dat yer dsl gets fixed soon!!!
Ooo Speedy havin a bad bum is no fun. I knoos cuz I git bad bums a lot and I run around like it's on fire cuz well MOMMMA it is. I gits dees tummy cramps and I gotta go but I hasta run around to get it to come out and sumtimes it flies around. It don't make Momma happy Speedy but it is dee only way I can do it. *sigh*
I am fussy bout what I eats too...but I do try to go into the box I juss don't always make it.
eeks, that spicy sawsage sounds owie! I'm glad yur feelin better now.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
oh poor Speedy . our mommy would haf been fur-eeeous at our daddy and she would haf maded him clean up the mess.
Poor Speedy. I'm sorry you spent your weekend with a hurting tummy. If your Dad ever offers you spicy sausage again tell him no!
Yikes - spice-y sausage sounds scare-y!! I hope you are feeling better now.
I'm glad your tummy is better, Speedy! Mama made Cloud Chaser drink his water with the pointy plastic thingy last week and it made him fro up ALL his foods. Yuck yuck yuck. Then they wouldn't even let me check it out!
Speedy, we hope you are feeling better soon. We've never had sausage...guess now hearing what it did to you we never will! Mom is always yelling at dad not to give us bad foods...
Mamma's Boy!
Oh, my poor Speedy. Doesn't your Daddy know we kitties should not eat spicy snausages? I hope you'll feel better soon. I will come over and hold your paw.
Oh good grief. Duzn't yur Dad no bedder dan to feed u stuff like dat? Yur poor widdle buns must be sore.
We're glad that you guys didn't get all of that silly snow from South Dakota!!!
Luf, Us
Oh boy Spicy Sausage will do that to ya. Sorry your tummy was not feeling well.
Speedy I hope this finds you feeling a lot better.
Hey Speedy, there is nothing wrong with being a Momma's boy! Getting spoiled and all that... your dad is just jealous!
(from one momma's boy to another)
Yikes ... we are sorry about the spicy sausage! Hope your tummy is feeling better soon! *purrs*
Poor Speedy, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. Hope your tum-tum settle soon. We would love to have Punkin along with us. perhaps she is watching over us as we soar towards the land of our ancestors.
I guess it's a good thing I don't like people food.
I hope your tummy is feeling better.
I hope your tummy is getting better now.
I have never tried something like that before.
I don't think i want to now either.
Take care of your rear!
Purrs Goldie
We haf never had spicy sausage, but if anyone offers us some, we will be sure to say no fanks.
wow, spicy sausage?? you is brave kitty! me never will try dat!! me do like hotz and spicyz!! i hope u is doing ok!
I'm sorry to hear about the sausage hurting your tummy - I hope you're feeling better now!
Good luck with that DSL - we've had problems in the past and it's so frustrating trying to "fix it" over the phone.
Speedy - I'm sorry your tummy was poorly but your post really made me laugh. I think you got verbal diarrhea from the sausage too! Hahahahah!
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