We had bacon this morning....yoo don't get bacon when yoor feral. We thawt about dat while we ate. We hope effury homeless kitty finds a nice, warm, dry place and plenty to eat dis winter. We know da kitties around here will be taken care of, but, dey still won't get bacon.
We haf frends we need to purr and purray fur...Bounce, who is suffering da effects of getting older and may need to be helped to da bridge. We know da mom's haf a hard time wif dis but we trust yoo to love us enuff to help us not suffer. Cal, we sure hope da other vet can figger out what is wrong and help yoo to not haf tummy prollems anymore. Speedy knows about dis cuz he haf tummy trubbels since he was a baby. Maggie May, we sure hope it wasn't a stroke and if it was it was just a little one and can be fixed. We is lighting a healing candle tonight and purraying fur all our sick frends and der beans who are hurting...
(sigh) We never get bacon at our house and it's 'cause of something called "klestrawl". Can we come over with Misty and try some bacon?
Bacon! YUM. I never got bacon when I was feral, come to think of it I don't get it very often now, pft!
Glad you enjoyed your breakfast
Whicky Wuudler
Ohh, bacon! I never was feral but still get no bacon. There's something wrong, very wrong. Moooom!
Purrs, Siena
Our Beans like bacon sandwiches and we always get some.
Our Momma was going to cook bacon tonight, but may not with Maggie Mae in hospital.
Thank you so much for your Purrs for her.
~ The Bunch
I LOVE bacon. LOVE IT.
Geez, we're not formerly feral and we've never had bacon...we're gonna have to check into this...
Wally & Ernie
we will light a candle tonite for all the kitties who need our purrayers.
Bacon! Bacon! Bacon! When Mom makes it she lets me have a few little pieces from hers. I luvs me my bacon!
Not having been feral, I'm not sure I appreciate what I have as well as you do. I AM thankful for what I have tho' and quite willing to share...I'll purr and purr for Bounce, Cal, Maggie May, too!
Bacon: just the word sounds tasty!
We're purring for all our friends also ...
oooh, we have to tackle mom to get bacon away from her...we all LOVE it! As for our feral family, Cecilia and Madison, they have a heater in the workshop so they don't get cold at night...plus fleecy beds to sleep in!
Thank yous for visiting our blog!
We wished all homeless animals could finds forever homes. Tuesday on my morning walks with my mama, we seed two doggies on their owns. We doesn't know if they gots out of their yards or is homeless. But is sads that pets doesn't have good homes likes us. We is blessed with our homes, isnt' we? We shoulds always be thankful for good mamas.
You got bacon? You're all so lucky! Our cats never get bacon. I must be a bad Mommy. Ack.
yup ... wen i wuz feral i never EVER got da bacon. now i do ... if mi mom ever makez it.
did i tell u dat mi mom wuz cryin wen i made her look at yer peace blog?
she wuz.
it wuz byootiful.
We never get bacon either, come to think of it, we don't ever get any bean food. Why that's just rude Mama!! Can we come visit next time your mommy makes bacon??
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
pee ess: We will purr for all your friends, too
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