Me telling Dr G dat I'm not laffed

We is getting tired of mom always being gone, bizzy or tired. We don't get to comment when we visit our frends 'cuz she sez der is no time. Heck, she's gots plenty of time to wash sheets and cook food, she should haf time fur us too. If we haf not commented it don't mean we haffent visited, just dat mom was to lazy to help us...why is she bizzy...cuz der are still lots of dogs from dat puppy mill dat da Wisconsin Humane Society bawt from da guy dat was running it. She haf been going from our shelter to da one in Ozaukee wif a bunch of other volunteers fur walking and socialization. We think she is getting a little to much woofie time.
dat guy in da white coat is a bad bad man- did ya get a good bite in?
we are glad to hears it went welz for you and yers healthy.
Oh yikes, I have to go to see the V-E-T on Friday. I need moral support!!!!!
Sorry to hear you had to go to the vet, Zippy, but glad to hear that you are in perfect health!
It is wonderful of your mom to volunteer like that!
Hoorah for the good health report!
Hiss for having to go to the VET!
Zippy, you sure gave Dr G what for! We like Dr G since he saved your feets. We're don't like going to the Vet either, but they do make us feel all better, so they're pretty OK in our book!
Goodness, you defintely told that VET off! Great news that you are so healthy!
I see you took some cues from our OWCB, Texas about being fractious with the V-E-T! Glad you are so healthy!
Glad your hisser and growler and everything else is in good working order.
Oh no, not too much woffie time. Glad you had a good checkup. We're also glad to hear her back is feeling better now.
Zippy, you gotta let Dr. G know who's boss! Glad you checked out okay!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
YOO did a fine job of tellin Dr G to knok it off and what dis bout yoo being a horsie...yoo is a kitty. Healthfee as a kitty. we hopes yur Mommie can find sum moore times fur yoo to bisit and leaf comments furr yur furfriends...sum times our Momma can't bisit eiffer...
We is glad yoo is good Zippy! Yoo sure yoo wants a woofie? Theys loud and jumpy.
That is so superduper of yur Momma to help out the woofies!
And Zippy, that's wunnerful that you gotted a great chekie-up at the v.e.t.!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I'm glad the v-e-t visit went well.
Busy moms are No Fun. We should start an Anti-Busy Mom Group!
That's great of your mom to help with the woofies, but you should be her first priority! :)
I have nothing against woofies, in fact I have one as a friend. But her time with them should not be more than her time with YOU!
Glad to hear you got a good report, Zippy.
Yay for a good check up! It's nice of your mom to help out with the dawgs, but you guys need mom-time, too.
alla dem mommeh's do dis. Why? Why dey do dis? mommeh tired so much. I hate it. She plays wif me alla tim, but canna halp meh blog? Mommeh... yoo gunna git yoorself fireds.
That's right, you TELL HIM. Vets. Boohiss. We're glad you are healthy as a horse however, though we aren't all that sure how healthy horses generally are, either.
~ moose, turtle, nala and lola
Zippy,I'm glad you had a good report from the Vet!!! Good thing you don't have to go back!!
Mom's get busy and I hear of lots of kitties that visit and do not comment!! Sometimes ya have ta do that cause it's faster ;) Lots 'a new kitties are blogging and we can't keep up.
Thanks for the good wishes today!!!
Purrs Mickey
YaHoo for a great check-up!
We bet Dr. G was glad to see you all feisty like that!
Your mom needs to pay more attention to her kitties. Let the laundry go for once.....but she is doing very important woofie work and the woofies are lucky to have her.
wow you look so mad! EAT HIS FACE!
Sometimes the man in the white coat is a good guy, but then there are the times that he takes the blood and pricks you! Don't like him then.
He said you're a 6? Go poop on him. Clearly, you're a 10...
My sisfur Tenny hasta go to the vet tomorrow for her yeerly shots. Mommy sed it wood be tomorrow cuz she thinks she saw a FLEA on Tenny! So I mite be gittin sum meddasin too jes in case. Fleas! Can yoo imagine?
I am glad to know you are healthy~~
Even the vet doesn't let us feel happy~
Dear Zippy,
I'm so glad to hear your good health report. Maybe some left over cake and ice cream will help soothe your nerves from going to the vet.
Skittles, The Huntress
Glad to know that things went well at the v-e-t... hopefully, that means you won't have to go back for AGES. My Kate is using that 'too busy to blog' excuse lately too... I don't buy it, personally!
Zippy, that is good news that your growler and your hisser both work fine. You need them to protect yourself! Especially if your Mom does bring home a woofie :-0
"Oh My" I need to cancel my vet appointment now....Bye
You tell him, Zippy!!
Uhm. Do you want your mom to find you a woofie playmate?
We read about what your mom did to help Sadie get adopted (and ended up adopting her) and now this. She is one special lady, isn't she?
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