Tell dem more Sadie...::I don't want to, I want to take a nap now:: Do you mind if I tell dem? ::nope, as long as yoor quiet about it so I can sleep:: Okay. Mom believes dat Sadie was at some time in her early, early life a pet, but, she ended up liveing outside by our frend Alli's house when she was about 6 months old. Alli fed her, but she would always run away when she tried to touch her. After a couple weeks out der Sadie hadded kittens, den one by one da kittens died... a couple months later Sadie had another litter, she was only about 9 months old then. Alli decided dat Sadie and her little fambly hadda be cawt, so one day while Sadie was out hunting she took all da kittens and put dem in a open carrier and put a trap in front of it wif da back door open. Well, Sadie came back and went right in to dat carrier to feed her hungry kittens. Den Alli took her to da shelter mom worked at and after a few months all of Sadies babies were adopted. Sadie had a little trouble because she would hide under her bed when ever beans came to look at her. One of da ladies sed she was too unfrendly and would never find a home and also called Sadie a "shady lady" and a "loose woman" and mom din't like dat so she sat by Sadie's cage every day and talked to her. After a while Sadie started sitting out by da edge of her cage to lissen to mom. Den dey sed dat dey were gonna send her away because she wasn't getting 'dopted and mom sed NO YOOR NOT and her and daddy took Sadie to live wif dem. Dat was Valentine's Day 2001 and she has been here ever since. Oh, and mom got Sadie to "come out of her shell" after about a year. She will even stay put when Uncle Gilbert, Jeff or da Nefew come over. Oh, and one of her sons live wif Jeff, he's huge and furry furry cute. Jeff calls him Monster, cuz he will walk on his hind legs and looks like he's doing da Frankenstein Monster Walk when he does. He's copying what da little woofie does.
We are so happy that Sadie has a good furever home. It breaks Mama's heart that there are kitties out in the world with no one to love them. Sadie was one of the lucky ones, yay!!
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
Yoor kyoot Sadie. Weze glad yur Mom reskued u frum da shelter.
Luf, Us
That was a beautiful story. We are so happy that you found your forever home. Your mom sounds like a pawsome lady!
We also wanted to thank you for being so nice and showing us support. Your comment made our meowmy laugh out loud! She needed that. We appreciate you making her feel better. You are great friends to have.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Bless you for believing in Sadie, and following it through. She is a beautiful girl. Hooray for happy homes:)
-Fui, Suey and Evie.
I do love a story with a happy ending, and this is a great one! I'm glad you found such a wonderful forever home, Sadie!
What a wonderful story!!!! I am glad you are in a wonderful Forever home Sadie!! You deserve it!
I can't believe that woman called you loose!
I want to go find her and lay a big bitey right on her calf.
Purrs Goldie
Sadie had a happy ending! And so many of us are happy that she did!
Smooches to you Sadie and to your Mommy for getting you our of your shell!
What a wonderful story!!! Sadie, you have a great forever home!!!
This is the second post i have read today where someone mean worked at a shelter. Why?
I think anyone who makes mean comments like that outta be booted immediately.
Loose lady? wt??? Prpahs she was mirroring her feelings about herself onto the innocent kitty.
Errrrr, it just irks me.
I am SO glad you got out of there and maw saw to do what was needed.
Those comments were awful and ridiculous.
Sorry , that just really hurts when I hear it.
You did a great job on your post and it was wonderful to read.
Sadie...sounds like you are a very lucky girl to have found a forever home with Zippy, Speedy and your beans.
Wally, Ernie & formerly feral herself, Zoey
that looks like an excellent spot to nap!
I am SO glad you came to live in your pawsome forever home, Sadie. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrs.
It's a good thing for you that your friend Alli is a little bit sneaky, Sadie!
great story! we're glad things went so well for you. ferals don't have to stay feral. our Lady's mom's ferals are getting friendlier every day too. maybe they'll have a happily ever after ending like yours. purrs!
being resqued from the shelter is good. we are glad you have a good furrever home!
We are glad your mum took you home from that shelter and gave you a lovely furrever home.
Our mum told dad off about his hands cuz she saw the oil all round his nails when she played the video back. He said he had just come in from working on the tractor and he had to go back out there again so he wuzn't scrubbing up furr the sake of 5 minutes.Mum gets mad at him sometimes.
I'm so glad Sadie finally found her forever home!
Skittles, The Huntress
Awwww, whatta preshus story about Sadie. We Ballicai are so glad she founded such a wunnerful fureffur home!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Sadie we are so glad your Mom took you home cause you were worth it! Thanks for sharing her story with us Speedy! You guys got a great forever home!
Your FL furiends,
we are so super happy that you found a furrever home. Some beans need a kick in the bum...and that mean shelter lady is onna them.
Oh wow...I'm glad your mom saw what other people didn't. Sadie is too sweet a kitty to be shunted off just because she was kinda shy...
I just don't understand people sometimes. =sigh=
Fabulous pillow! I must get DKM to pick me up one! We're very happy you are no longer a feral kitty Sadie.
That is such a sweet story with a very happy ending. Your mom and dad are wonderful people to have saved Sadie.
So glad that Sadie found a warm and loving forever home with your mom and dad. I really emphathize with Sadie because I was once a pregnant stray with nowhere to go until SS's mother took me in.
Hey Sadie, you really landed on all four paws when your Mom brought you home. What a lovely story.
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