Mancat Monday
This is what I was doing yesterday when mom and dad finally got home...
I did not get up and greet them, neither did my sisfurs. We spent most of da day trashing da house, we were tired. So, dey met these beans, the lady and her two is 12 and one is 8 and dad sed dey were little cutie pies. Dad sez dat dey felt guilty about all da beans der offering to pay fur Tiny's, dat's his name, treatments but Paul told dem it's not like dey came around asking dat dey volunteered. Why, because Paul's wife has cancer and Marie lost her beloved weenie dog to cancer and Mike had his woofie saved from cancer by da same vet that we use and dad because he doesn't think someone (speshully kids) should have to give up their pet because they can't afford a treatment. Dad sed they had a really good brunch and a very nice sed she loved da sima sinma mom, how do yoo say dat word, sinamin rolls so she gots da resipee from Marie. Den dey came home and dad took a nap and mom threw together some stuff and den dey went to da gerls house and had a cookout! Dey brawt home some real live dead shrimp, which we polished off in a matter of minits. Den we gave dad his, I've never seen dad so acited. I akshooally thawt he was gonna wet his pants! Remember when he sed dey were gonna re-do da office and get mom's craft area set up and his foto area fur his E-bay junk, well he got as far as setting up his foto stuff and dat was it. Now, he can't say "but what will we do with da big tv?" And mom is using it to kinda blackmail him into getting the room done, kinda bild it around da new tv. Here is what we gots him...
Nice piksher...and....
IT'S FLAT! So now we can stand on the table and look out the window, when the blinds are open. We had a great time at Gree and Othello's wedding shower, even took a little dip in the ocean! The food was great, we got to ride vespa's up and down a windy, hilly street, we gots a helicoptor ride and we got to see Alcattraz Island! Thank you ever so much Sophia, Orlando and Fiona and of course DKM fur a fabulous time. Mom and dad are doing something wif da sister-in-law again today, something about digging and drainage and a whole bunch of words I din't unnerstand. So she sed we could go visiting our frends tonight, after they gets home, takes showers, makes dinner and eats and cleans up...sigh. We really need to hire a better secretary.
Your dad got such a cool Father's Day present!!! I'm so glad he liked it!
Sounds like a great day, all in all!
I am so glad your Dad liked his present. What a great day!
That's a great Father's Day present that your dad, received! It is so generous of your humans and your neighbours to help Tiny out!
What a great Father's Day present. Your tummy is very cute!
That's a great purrezunt. Hope that room gets done now he hasn't got an excuse
What a lovely present! And great you gave it to him after not greeting your beans :-)
What a great present for your dad!
Datz an awesum purresent!
Luf, Us
Dat's a neat-o TV, and it's good that it makes more room for kitties, dat's very important.
Wow, that's a really great Father's Day present. All our Dad got was a treat from Dairy Queen, but we got to share it.
It sounds like your beans had a great day and that you guys had a great day lounging around : )
I really like the present you gots your Dad for Father's Day, that is very nice.
One day if you can, I would love to see a picture of Tiny.
It's neat that your Dad liked his present!!
It's even better that they brought you guys shrimp!!!!!!!! I bet that was so good!!
We did not get to the shower. WE will be at the weddibg though :)
Purrs Mickey
Oh boy, your daddy had a great daddy's day, didn't he? Your Beans are very nice to help out that family and Tiny.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Trashing the house is serious business ... of course you woulds be tired!
Good goin on the teevee! Dekerating the room round the new teevee, thats kinda whut our Mommy is doin in the sleepy room. Yoo guys is so cool!
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