Mom, can you come in here please....
Have you seen our food and fountain area lately?Not really sweety, not since I filled your bowls last night. Why, is there something wrong?

Thank you mommy, while your doing that I'm going to do some investigating. It couldn't have been Sadie, she's even fussier about our water than I am. Now Speedy on the other paw...Speedy, did you make a mess in the food area? Not that I'm mad or anything, I just don't understand how it could get so messed up over night. We were all sleeping on mom last night, right, you didn't get up in the middle of the night or anything, right?
What? No, I didn't even go there. I was sleeping on mom's head all night...I did hear some scraping in the kitchen but I was to tired to investigate.
Oh my gosh, we hope they don't eat. We'll starve!! Oliver is very cute!!
Happy Squillion Day!
Your FL furiends,
Of course it was the squiwwion's fault.
KC said...
Well, i don't know about Squillions not eating... Theo wuz photografed nibbling our kitty grass on todays post. i finks u's better keep an eye on them Squillions...!
Happy Squillions Day,
Purrs, KC
Happy Squillions Day!
It's very hillarious;)
If you got nothing but time, try to sneak-peak into and hav ur vote.
see ya around!
"Intertwining fate between cats and humans...loss in bedazzlement"
Happy Squillions Day! have to watch them all the time - they do like to eat our foods!
Mebbe u bedder crate Oliver at nite frum now on...
Luf, Us
Be careful. It it wasn't Oliver it could have been rodents. Or perhaps Marauding Woofies!
OLIVER! I'm shocked at you!
Hee hee.
Happy Squillion Day!!!
Happy Squillion Day. I hope Oliver isn't starving to death!
Oh those have to watch them. I hate food bits in our fountain too, its just not natural.
Oliver done it. I can tell.
Dat's quite a mistry. Hmmm I was eatin when Charcoalie approached me for a Squillion's Day kiss. You don't spose...?
PS you no yur retired when you furget what day it be :-)
Speedy, while you look totally innocent, I found out recently you lie. Are you lying about what you were doing last night, and that Oliver made that mess?
Oh you've got to watch those Squillions... they're tricky!
What a great post!! And I am also sure Oliver did it! A few weeks ago I found pieces of food right next to the laptop - and it was NOT from me, I knew it was our squillion Prince.
Look at Oliver! He makes a great scapegoat (not that you guys need one) ;)
Happy Squillions Day !!
Purrs Mickey
HAHAHA! Happy Squillion Day!!
Good job Oliver!!! aren't kibbles tasty?
Your Squillion littermate Seville
A mystery - umm, didn't think a squillion would actually EAT.
I caught a glimpse of your fountain... i want it....
Oh those Squillions are craft aren't they!
No way it could have been Oliver! We Squillions don't need your regular kittie crunchies to live!
Happy Squillion Day from Virginger and Derby
Oh gosh, are the Squillions nabbing foods now? Mini will be furry upset if ours do. We's nefur heard of them doin it tho.
Happy Squillions day!
Alla Us
hehehe, the Squillion did it!!!! We only have vurtual Squillions but maybe they're the ones who throw foodies into our waturs!
happy Squillions Day!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Of course the squillion did it!!! Oliver is very very cute.
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