Today is mommies birfday and Sadie's gotcha day, well mom and dad told da beans dat ran da shelter dat dey wanted her on mom's birfday but din't bring her home til Valentine's day. Dad has been calling us da "bobsie twins" cuz when he is eating something good we both sit in da same position wif da same look on our face. We'z been practissing our "we're starving, pleeze give us some of dat deelishus food" look. Anyway, Zippy wanted to be included today cuz she wants to say happy birfday to mom too so we haf been calling her a calico tuxie. Dad's taking mom to a movie today, dey hafent been to a movie in a couple of years so dat should be fun, for dem. We don't like dem to leave us - EVER.

Happy Birthday to your mom! We hope she has a great day! As we say in German: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! :) And happy 'we want you' day to Sadie! :)
A big happy birthday to your mom!! We hope it was a really special day. :)
::MeMEMEMEmemememe, ahem, cough, cough....There, that's better:: -
Happy Birthday to Zippy, Sadie and Speedy's Mom!
Happy Birthday to Zippy, Sadie and Speedy's Mom!
Happy Birthday to Zippy, Sadie and Speedy's Mom!
Happy Birthday to her!!!!!!!
Smooches from all of us in snowy O Hi O!
Happy Birthday to your Mom & Happy Gotcha Day Sadie! Does this mean there will be 2 cakes & Ice Cream?
Happy PURRDAY to yur Mom -- dat is grate. And happy GOTCHA day to Sadie! Ooooo lots of partyin to do today...
Abby and Boo
Birthday wishes to your mom and happy gotcha day to Sadie! I wish you cake with temptations in the icing (that should satisfy you both?)!
Purrs, Tamra
Happy birfday and gothcaday! Zippy does looks like a tuxie with calico spots.
Happy Birthday to your Mom and happy Gotcha Day to Sadie. And sure, Zippy can be a Cali-Tuxi, no reason not.
Happy Valentines day to all of you!
Happy Birthday to your Mom and Happy Gotcha Day to Sadie. You guys should celebrate with lots of treats and nummys for all!
Happy Birfday too yur Mommie!
Happy Gotcha Day Sadie!
Puuuurrrrrrrsssssssss to yoo all
It sounds like you all should be having a big ol' party today! A birthday and a gotcha day....wowie!!
Happy Birthday Zippy, Sadie, and Speedy's mom!!
And Happy Gotcha Day Sadie!! I hope you get lots of brushes today!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Happy Birthday to your mom and Gotcha Day to Sadie!! What a special day indeed. I hope your mom gets totally pampered as she deserves!
I hope your mom and dad like the movie. Fill me in and let me know if I need to pull out the ol' Igor Kittenovsky diguise and review it. ;)
Happy Birthday!!!!! Purrrrrrrrs
It's a two-fer! Happy Birthday, Mommie and Happy Gotcha Day, Sadie!!
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
Super happy birthday to your momma today, buddies! I hope she gets lots of warm stinky Bean goodness!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Happy Birthday to your Mom, and Happy Gotchaday to Sadie! What a great day with 2 great reasons to celebrate :-D
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday ZS&Smommy
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Gotcha day Sadie!!!!
Happy Burfday to yur Momma, and Happy Gotcha Day to Sadie! It's a furry ecksiting day -- I hope alla you have a superduper one!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh wow, what a wonderful day it is for you guys! Happy Birthday to your sweet Mom, and Happy Gotcha Day to Sadie!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Happy purrthday to your Mom and happy gotcha day to Sadie!
Oh I forgot to say, the Giant Kitty sends his wishes too. I told him if he wanted to wish you guys, he could just do it himself but he threatened to eat me up, so I guess I better help him send his wishes too.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to your Mom :)
HAPPY GOTCHA DAY to Sadie!!! :)
I hope every cat and bean gets spoiled at your house today!!
Purrs Mickey
First off, China Cat & I will sing:
Happy, Happy Birthday...
May all your dreams come true...
Oh, Happy, Happy Birthday...
With love from us to you, ZS&S's Mom!
And, a Happiest Gotcha Day to Sadie... (we don't know a gotcha day song yet)...
My Birthday is tomorrow and I will be 4 and I think we will be having tuna and more for anyone who visits!!!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
Happy happy birthday to your mom! And happy gotcha day to Sadie, and on Valentine's day, so cool!
Happy Birthday to your mommies birfday and happy Sadie's gotcha day~!!
Oh, tell your mom happy birthday for us. We hope she really enjoyed the movie. You look so nice in your pictures wishing your mom a happy birthday.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
great pictures. i especially like the on on the top, great look in that photo :)
Happy Happy Birthday to your mom!!
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