Mancat Monday
I spent a lot of Sunday doing this...I would stand on mom's chair and cry until she would sit down and hold me. I am not embarassed to admit that I love mommy snuggles. Mom and dad went no where all day Sunday, not even out into da back yard. Dey stayed in and baked stuff and gave us cuddles and skritches all day long while da wind howled (okay, not really howled) outside. Dad was laffing at mom cuz she was wearing long johns, a t-shirt, a log sleeved shirt and a sweatshirt over the whole thing. Mom is da one dat is always warm and she was freezing yesterday.
Cuddles and scritches are wonderful! We are glad that you got to spend a lot of time snuggling with your humans on Sunday. :)
Brrrr - it's 2 degrees here. This is awful! And we're supposed to get a foot of snow over the next 2 days! Snuggle on Speedy!
I hate being held. I did however get furminated again list night and I REALLY enjoyed that. She even furminated my tail!
I do that sometimes too! I like to be cuddled sometimes
Speedy dear, George does the same thing! He cries until Mom sits down and holds him. But I wait until Mom sits down, then I hurry and curl up next to her and knead on our blanket.
Come over today so we can curl up together and stay warm!
Speedy, there is nothing to be ashamed of in loving your mommy's snuggles. My mommy is my favorite person and my favorite place to be is next to her getting snuggled.
I hope your mommy is staying warm! It is going to be around 60 here today . . . maybe you guys should move down south with us!
I say, the more cuddles, the better!
it was 2 degrees here yesterday and windy - mommy stayed in all day too. 'cept she was wearing shorts and a t-shert becuase she is always hot.
The wind was howling here yesterday - but at least it was sunny! Mommy stayed home and we got lots of cuddles too - at least all this bad weather is good for something!
I was crying for snuggles all weekend too! My Lap Lady didn't mind too much at all. I think it makes you very manly!
That's right, Speedy, real mancats are in touch wit their snuggly side.
Ahhhhh Speedy, you look very cute being hugged by your Mum.
No matter how big a mancat gets, he still needs his Mum.
Mum didn't go out either yesterday. She made sure the birdies would have enough food to last the day.
She stuck her nose out long enough to pick up the newsy paper. That was it!
Stay warm, keep on snuggling!
Speedy, there is nothing wrong with Mom cuddles!!! I love them more & more as I get older :)
We had lots of snow Sunday.Mom is not too happy ,heehee
Purrs Mickey
Mombean huggles are the best!
I gets them when ever I ask, and I ask a lot. I give her lots of purrs in return. Its a good deal.
Gee that's sooooo nice - cuddles with mom all day.
Hey, that would be great if you could all come to Venice next year. I will remind you closer to the time!
That sounds like the perfect day!
Speedy, this is perfectly okay - I do it all the time. You must remember that mommy snuggles are as much for the mommies as they are for us.
P.S. You look as big as me!
That is such a sweet picture of you and your Mom :-)
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