No one believes I'm over 10!
Ha! Mom did not give me a trankwilizer afore my vet visit because the one's she had were expired! Here I am waiting for Dr. G to come torture me...
I was pretty well behaved and Dr. G sez that I'm perfect and very, very healthy! No tarter on my teef, my eyes are clear and my ears are good. My heart and lungs sound really good, we'll have to wait fur da bloodwork to come back but I'm willing to put nip on it that they are all good too! He even played "pushy paw" wif me to check how my feets are and he says dat mom is doing a fantastic job keeping my tendons and little toesies all stretch and relaxed and that I really don't need to have it done every day but it's our routine now so we aren't changing it. Here's some pikshers of my beyootiful self wif da nice Dr. G...
Yeah, I was hissing , daddy was just standing there taking pikshers instead of helping me get away! Dr. G had a pretty good grip on me thru out the whole ordeal so I wouldn't be able to run away...I like to run away when I'm there. And try to bite, yeah biting is fun! Oh, and the brats will be happy to hear that they now take yoor temp-a-chure IN YOUR EAR! No one even got close to my spot #13 and that made me very happy. Dr. B even asked after the exam if I had managed to gain some weight and Dr. G look at my chart and made the very happy announcement that I'm 7 pounds 4 ounces! Yay, I gained a pound! Last year Dr. B said I was under weight and he was a little concerned but I had a bad kitty head cold for, like, a month and only ate a little bit cuz I couldn't smell the, there it is. I'm healthy, very healthy. Here is a piksher of me ready to go home
And this is the first thing I saw when I got home. Thanks for worrying about me Sadie.
Speedy was waiting for me too, he gave me his nip carrot but I just wanted to take a nap. I did not hiss at them, they were being good siblings. Maybe I am mellowing in my old age....
I think you look fabulous. I am glad that your vet also uses the ear temperature taking method.
wow, i have GOT to look into the ear temperature taking thing. i always get mine in #13. if you misbehave enough at the VET, and you bite and terrorize to many VET techs, you get to be gassed when you visit. bendrix got us in trouble and now we have to get gassed.
i'm glad sadie and speedy took care of you when you got home. VET trips are always traumatic
Hmmmm, I haven't had my temperature taken in a while at the VET. Maybe next time they will have an ear thing. Glad you had a good VET check.
Zippy, I am so happy that you are so perfect and very healthy! And I am really glad that you do not have tartar on your teeths. What a good little patient you were! I wish my doctor would get the ear-temperature thing. It sounds much more dignified.
Good report from the Vet=Yay!!!!!
Happy Cat!!
Hooray for the fabulous vet report - that is wonderful!
I hate vets!
Oooooh - you gave a good hissyfit at da vets!
Whew! You survived! That coulda been a close call. Scout says I'm a freak because I like going to the vet and instructed me to be "sympathetic" to kitties who don't like it the way I do.
Thanks you for the happy gotchas birthdays wishes!
I's knows that goings to the v-e-t isn'ts fun but no spot 13 thingy is great for you's!
Glad all was well at the Vet Zippy and the ear temp sounds better that the other one. Ahhhh, Sadie and Speedy were so nice to be worried about you. Didn't I throw a good hissy fit today? (hehehe)
Wow Zippy! You're a tiny liddle poodin aren't you? We're glad that your V-E-T check was healthy and all is well with you.
We like the picture of your really serious hiss.
Luf, Us
Pee Ess.
It's fine that it took Speedy 7 months to lose 2 pounds. Gatsbi probably lost her first 3.5 fast because she was SO FAT. Don't tell her we said that.... But now it's coming off very slowly. Cats shouldn't lose it too fast because of fatty liver disease.
Bet our Maw can think of worse tortures then your Mom can for cruel beans....
We think you handled that V-E-T visit very good, an it is really good you are healthy an stuff.
Skeeter and LC
Zippy, I am glad to hear that you are healthy! :) Your trip to the vet sounds like it was fairly good, as far as vet-trips go. I wish my vet used the ear temperature thing. I don't like having anything in spot #13.
Oh, and I have a bloody bum after I use the litterbox, and a little bit of blood on the surface of my poops too.
Thank you dearest friends for loving me so very much and sending me your healing purrrrs and purayers. I have eaten my dinner and drank some water. Mommy puts me in my litterbox and I go pee, then I scratch the carpet and headbunk her. I purrr as she puts me back into the frying pan. I hope she still likes me after I put a hole in her thumb...she should be faster with that pill thing!
Love Peachy
Great great report from VET, I am so so happy for you~!!!!!
Zippy, there's nothing wrong with reminding the vet that he's subjecting you to some indignities. Notice that he's made spot #13 off limits? Hiss on, lady cat...
I'm so glad the news was good - and now that's all over with!
Very disturbing pictures of cat torture. I am so glad you survived. FAZ
That second picture is how I look, whole time I at vet!
I was very interested in your story Zippy but then I saw Sadie's big beautiful eyes and got mesmerized. Sigh...she really knows how to melt a Man Cat.
Congratulations on your fine checkup, Zippy. And thanks for telling us all we don't have to worry about the thermometer in Spot #13!!
Hahahaha! In the second photo you look like Ana. She also gets angry in the veterinarian.
I hope taht you bloodwork will be good.
A lot of kisses for efurryone and thanks for your good dessires foor Nikita and her kitties.
You are a right fine Princess, Zippy!
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