(teasing the) Mancat
Mom asked me why I was digging around in dis peece of paking paper dad left on da floor. She also asked why my butt was always in her way, but da answer to dat kweshtun elooods me. Da reeson I was diging in da paper is...
Yes, one of my sisfurs (Sadie) stuck my spongeball in der! She thot it wuz funny, I din't. I'm a mancat, my sisfur shood not do dis stuff to me. I did get her back later tho, I put her fev-ver butt mousie in da water bowl...mom wasn't happy about it tho, she hadda clean out da fountain cuz der was hair and crud in it. ~Speedy
That is horrible!! That is YOUR spongeball and no one else should mess with it!
Messing with a Man Cat's spongeball. That's just not right!
Way to go Sadie, that was a funny joke you played!
Way to go Speedy. We have to show them we are Man Cats.
High 5 paw,
I'm with you Sadie. We have to show them who is boss.
I'm glad you got you ball back! But making Mommy have to clean the fountain - tsk. tsk.
You weren't shown very much respect, Speedy ... sigh. We mancats deserve better.
Puttin' stuffed-mousie toyz in the water is lotza fun! We do it and watch our mom spaz.
Thank you so very much for sharin' your story 'bout that cat that came afor you guys. Those must have been very special 14 months that your mom and dad got to share with Punkin.
Sponge balls are my all-time favorite toys! I have about 900 of them so if my sister hid one, I'd always have access to my others.
i would not be happee at all if mi sistah hid mi sponge ball.
luv--yer grate frend--jh
Tee hee. We callz doze Spongebobs. Annie lufs to play wid doze. An she reeeely lufs to dig in da packin payper to find dem. Yup.
Congratulations on getting 100% on your PoP Kwiz on da Okapi!
Luf, Us
Speedy, your sister shouldn't have hidden your spongeball on you like that! But you showed her who the Mancat of the house is! I don't think a wet feather-butt mousie would be much fun to play with.
At least you found it and it wasn't broken. FAZ
Spongeballs are sooooo much fun!
Spongeballs are by far and away the bestest toy!
As the Mancat in your family you must assert yourself about where you want to keep your toys! Take my advice Speedy, and get control of this situation so your sisters realize who's in charge. A Mancat should not be bossed around by his sisters!
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