This happened about 7 years ago, before Punkin went to the bridje and before Sadie and Speedy were here. Daddy used to work on other beans cars in our garage and one Saturday he was doing just that. As long as he was doing mechanic work he thawt he wood give mom's Omni a tune up at the same time. I liked it when dad worked on cars cuz I cood stay outside on my leash wif him. I also liked to sleep and keep a lookout from the back deck of mom's car. That is what I was doing when mom took this piksher. (aren't I adorable?)

Ever since my mom saw the movee "Them" at the drive-in as a little girl she has had an avershun to ants. She thinks they are creepy and way to smart fur bugs. Daddy hadda take the whole front off the garage and spray some stuff to kill all these stupid carpenter ants and den he hadda rebuild the whole thing.

Well, that's the story of my first and last solo drive. I was shook up a little, the vet sed I may haf broozed myself, but nothing was broken except the garage. If I hadn't taken my little drive the whole thing prolly wooda felled down cuz of the ants. So really, I did mom and dad a favor. Oh, and even tho mom's new car is an automatik she won't let me in there if it's running. I just know if I cood find a way to reach the pedals I cood drive her car...maybe.
Wow, Zippy! You had quite the adventure driving your mom's car! I'm glad that something good came of it - your drive exposed the ants!
Your dad is very handy, being able to fix cars like that and build a new garage! Very impressive!
And yes, you look cute in your picture. :)
What an amazing adventure you had, Zippy! I've never met a kitty who can drive before.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Zippy, maybe you should enroll in Driver's Education classes and get your learner's permit before you try that again!
Wow! That's very impressive. There are very few cats who have driven. You are unique!!
Great story!
WOWIE! Zippy, you are just like Toonces who knows how to drive a car too. I think you were very smart to drive the car so your Daddy could see the big ant problem. My Mommie drives a manual transmission car, maybe I could try driving, too....
I sure am glad you were OK after the little fender-bender. What a great story!
WOW! I'm sure glad you were safe!
What an ixciting story, we've nefurr met a cat who can drive befurr. good werk on ixposing dose ants.
OH, Zippy! I'm so glad that you didn't get hurt. IT sounds scary to me - I don't like cars at all.
I think you already saw that I tagged you for the True Confessions game. But maybe this is all the confession that you need to give.
Awesome Zippy!!! Yes, that's an adorable picture of you in the winder der.
We're furry glad dat you dint git hurt. And we're glad dat u 'sposed dem ants.
Dat ist jist too cool dat u drove da car. And we're furry glad dat yur Mom duzn't leaf u in da car no more wen itz running. U ist too smart. U mite try to go to McDonald's or sumting.
Fanks fur tellin yur story an postin da pikshurs. Yur new garaje looks nice!
Luf, Us
If it hadn't bee fer yer driving, they wouldn't have found da ants, right? You're a hero!
What an adventure! We had a small nest of carpenter ants in a wall of the bathroom once. Nasty things! Creepy.
We are glad you were ok!
Wow, good thing you didn't get hurt or damage the metal monster big time. Maybe that is why mum won't let me out in the room here with her metal monster.
So actually... you saved the day!
Go the Zipster
Oh my could have been hurt real bad....this is quite a story!
Glad you were safe after all that, were you afurraid!
Love Miss Peach>(^,^)<
Zippie, that is so neat, you got to drive a car! And you saved the day by keeping the garage from falling down!
Wow, you got to drive AND save the day! What a great time...well, since you didn't get hurt anyway...
Holy cow! I'm glad you were OK, and I guess that you are a hero or those awful ants would have eaten your house! Driving a stick shift is too hard for us cats, stay with the automatics! AND always wear your seat belt! Hee!
That was quite a lucky accident! I'm glad you didn't get hurt. I just hope you don't try driving again anytime soon.
WOW! You's Toonces! Now that's the way to go huntin ants... maybe not. Tell Speedy I like hims bad pun(s). I fink the choo choo was moofin too fast fur Gunther to achoo on it.
Blogger is actin weird! When you leaf comments, they don't come into my email. It's been happenin at random wif other bloggers, but always wif you! So I go to mine blog an click comments to make sure I see them all. Zippy an Bonnie need to hiss at DP Blogger. Purrs!
If you'd had that on video tape, you'd have won thousands from the Home Video people. I'm very glad you were OK. You have a perfect daddy to check you first. I'm glad you found that ants before the garage fell and hurt someone.
Did you ever see Toonces the Driving Cat on SNL??? Be careful out there!
Gosh, that's the most exciting thing I've ever heard! A real cat driving a real car. did your family a big favor by finding those ants. Great work, Zippy. We're all proud of you!
way ta go! not only didja save the garage, but maybe you effun saved sumbuddy who mite have been standin' in the garage when it falled down frum the ants!
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