Mom is mad at me...
Dad went to the store earlier tonight, for beer of all things, and when he got home he was bringing in the (ugh) beer and a couple bags of snacks and I strolled out of the open door. Yup, dad's not to good at paying attention to where we are and I got out. It was a grand time, I went to Oliver's and sat by his lookout window until he saw me. I invited him to come out on an adventure but he said after the last adventure he'd rather not. So I went off on my own. Mom was out calling for me but I didn't feel like answering so she got a bunch of the neighbors involved. All that walking around with a flashlight looking under bushes and into other beans backyards tends to make them curious. Well, I couldn't very well ignore my little woofie frend Whisper, so when he got involved looking I came out to say hello to him. Mom picked me up! I was so mad I growled at her. Do you know she had the nerve to say "awe, your humming so pretty for everyone". Bah, that woman is such a pain in my a@@. So, I got to have an hour and a half all to myself and I'm not in to much trouble. Mom's blaming dad and he seems to be willing to take the blame long as they don't blame me I'm fine. Oh, and Oliver's mom is the one who squealed on me. She called mom and asked if I was in the house because she just saw a kitty that looked like me peeking in the window. Blabbermouth.
Oh poor Zippy. Everyone ganged up on your like that. But it's good that you came back inside. I am becoming convinced that the outside is a bit to NOISY for me...
I hope you had some fun while you were out, anyway ... I always think I want to run away but then Mom & Dad say, "What would you do when you get hungry?" and I sort of think twice then.
I'm glad you just decided to visit your friends in the neighborhood. Outside is great for a little while, but it can be very scary if you get lost.
Oh my Zippy, I'm so glad you are okay! Outside can be a very dangerous place! I'm very glad you weren't hurt.
Sadie, I've tagged you for a meme. Come by my blog and read about it.
Wow, Zippy, what an exciting adventure you had! I'm glad you didn't get in trouble, too.
Wow, what a lucky girl! You got outside, had a good time, got to go back inside, and didn't get into any trouble. Good for you!
Wow! I am glad you are OK! Sometimes we try to sneak out, so far we have not been able to. Our Daddy is pretty careful about that. He always says he'd rather get a needle in his eye that to have to tell Mommy that he let one of us escare!
Goodness!! Maw would be beside herself with worry!!! Don't do that to your poor Mom!!!
In reference to where do Maw & Paw sit... they don't. They are the slaves.
Luf, Us
Zippy, you need to be more careful! My beans would be very upset and concerned. What if you met a mean woofie? Remember what happened to Oscar?? We're glad you're safe.
What's so strange about growling when getting picked up? I always do that.
We are furry glad you are OK!
Outside is scary for us kitty-cats.
Wow, you had a great adventure. I miss going outside. But yeah, it's not a safe place. Of course, sleeping on Mom's bed isn't very safe either when she's flopping around. Glad you had fun while it lasted.
Hi Sadie. Thanks to you and zippy and speedie for coming to visit my blog! I guess you are an indoor cat. I am an indoor/outdoor cat. My food lady says she has been to Wisconsin and it is very pretty. No wonder you wanted to go outside!
Zippy you have to be careful on your adventures. You might meet up with a nasty woofie or a metal monster.
So happy you had your adventure and made it back home safely.
Zippy, I go outside with supervision. Sometimes I like to sneak away. It's fun to crawl into a nearby bush and watch the humans calling me and looking for me. When I've had enough I suddenly reappear. They are always glad to see me.
You are conquering new territories... it´s a funny adventure!! and a "gatorrismo"... muhahahahahahaha!!!
Woo Hoo Zipster! They don't call you Zippy for nothing! What a great time! I would have come along for the ride, we'da had fun my friend!
Zippy, you must stay inside where it's safe! Mom keeps telling me, "you can't go out 'cause it's too dangerous". Now, after so many years of us sneaking out, even Dad has learned to be careful when the door is open.
omigoodness Zippy, why didn't you come to my house. We coulda gone for a long walk together. I'm trying to sneak out all the time this spring, but I haven't actually got any further than behind the tree in the front yard. Its actually quite scary out there in the big outside world. Next time you get out. YOU COME TO MY HOUSE, OKAY...
I'm sorry you got caught,Zippy.
The last time I got out, Karen (the woman I allow to live in my house) went ape. She was carrying a box out to her car before she left for some party and I saw a lizard outside, so I had to chase it.
Anyway, she swore a couple of times (something about chasing me in heels) and caught me before I could catch the lizard.
It's OK, though.
I caught a lizard a few days later in the house and left it in a lofer.
-- P
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