We had a grate time at Mrs. Sniffles' Gotcha Day Party last night! Today we're all gonna lay around and purr fur Lilly Lu, she doesn't feel so good and could use some good purrs. We don't like it when any of our frends is sick and the last couple of weeks have been furry difficult. Mom isn't going to her regular purrayers tonite. Instead she is getting together with some of the like minded from church and they are going to light candles and purray here. Daddy stopted going wif her awhile ago cuz he sez dat some haf turned into a big gossip festival. Yes, effun da men gossip (dad sez dey are worser den da women!) Mom sez dat dey are going to purray fur the Viginia Tech beans too, cuz dey is hurting furry bad. We don't unnerstand beans reel well, but we think dis was one of those aberashuns dad talks about. He sez dat in every large mass of beans der is one dat is capabul of something like dis and we are all lucky dat most of da time doze beans can control demselves. We'z glad we'z kitties when stuff like dis happens...
You all look very cute, cozy and comfy asleep. :)
I am praying for Lilly Lu, and for the victims at Virgina Tech, their families and friends.
Aw, such sweet sleepiness.
Our prayers are joining your mommy's and everyone elses. Amen...
You guys look plum tuckered owt!!!
Guys gossiping. Tee hee.
We send owr purrayers yur way an to VA too.
Luf, Us
Wow, you all do look like you had a great time at the party! Hope you get to have nice long naps.
We are busy sending prayers here too.
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
I agree. Today is a good day to just rest and take care of our beans too.
WE need to be available for more pets I think.
<3 Caesar and Prin
I see you have plenty of room on that shelf so I'll be right over.
P.S. Mom posted a special message today regarding the Virgina tragedy.
You look very comfy. You'd better rest up. That sounded like a great party. We too are praying for our ill friends and the victims of the Virginia Tech tragedy. It is terrible there are such evil beans out there....I'm glad we all have such wonderful families.
This has been a bad couple of weeks. I know Lilly Lu will appreciate your special purrs. Me and Pixie are purring for her too.
Thank you for stopping by..
I was looking perky to fool momma into thinking i dint break the vase off the table..
she wasnt fooled though.
its agood day for napping..
im send a special purr for lilly lu.
You look so peaceful. You each have your own special napping place.
My head is bowed for all those suffering, too.
This has been an extra awful couple of weeks. So many leaky eyes and such sad, sad news, kitties and humans alike. I'm glad I am safe, loved and a cat!
Parker said it so well. It has been awful for kitties and humans alike. Mom tries to explain sad stuff to us and tell us about things and she says no matter what we can never give up trying to make this wonderful world a better, safer, more peaceful and fuzzier place in which to live. Actually, I added the fuzzier part. Mom says just smiling and being kind to all life in little ways can be a big help. I'm going to be nicer to my brother Tommy and let him blog more when he asks.
Agreed all around, its been a very hard and sad few weeks, a good time to snuggle and get some love.
Ya...we cats do have more sense than some of those beans haven't we?
You thwee do wook weawwy tired!
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