Today mom iz going crazy wif da "spring cleaning". She's taking down all da drapes and curtains and washing dem. She's washing walls and windows and scrubbing floors and keeps telling at us to get out of da way. She sez dat dis is what her week is gonna be! Ack, we don't like it when she duz dis. We spend a lot of time getting all da smells and hair just rite on stuff and den she comes along and washes it all away. She told dad dis morning dat she's gonna shampoo da carpet tomaro! We hate dat rug sucker thing, it's loud, it spits and it takes away all our pretty barf designs. We sure are glad she only goes dis mental twice a year. It's bad enuff when she takes out da vacoom and it wissels at us. Da vacoom is akshooaly downstairs, mom just plugs in a hose snake up here so it duzent growl it wissels. ~Speedy
Is it dat time again? I've been thru this 19 times and it neffur gets any better. She's insane wif da cleaning. Speedy's rite, she's mental. Mom, mom....MOOOOOOOOOOM! Stop wif da cleaning alreddy! It's upsetting da younger cats. What do you mean "to bad" hey, don't yoo love us. If yoo love us yoo shood love our barf dekorating and all da mixed furs on everything. No we do not leave 'dirt' everywhere, dats dad, we just dekorate wif what we gots. ::sigh:: Looks like we'll hafta start all over this weekend...~Zippy
Catgratulations on the new little pink blurpy thing. The blurpy thing looks cute efen tho it has no fur or whiskers.
James Kevin is very cute! Congratulations (especially to the new parents and grandparents!)
Spring cleaning doesn't sound like fun.
The baby bean is a cutie!
Sorry about the spring cleaning...mom's can get that way sometimes.
That is one cute baby bean. I like blurpy things. Concatulations!
Spring cleaning is no fun. Mine mommy does the same thing. She moved the fridgerator out the other day, then got mad when I wanted to snoopervise back there. Jeez.
it looks like you'd better get started redecorating.
Now, Speedy and Zippy, Mom doesn't like all the cleaning stuff, but that gives you all new spaces to spread the hair and do the barf dekorating!
Mom, congratulations on the new grandson bean. He is a real cutie. Isn't is sooo much more fun being the Grandma?
That baby is very very very cute! Are you sure his parents would not reconsider naming him George?
deer z, s, + s ...
first uv all ... congratulashunz on da noo baby. hee'z verree, verree cute!
next ... mi mom asked me to ask yer mom if she would like to come to mi howse to do spring cleenin?!
luv--yer frend--jh
That's a cute baby! If I were you, I'd rub up against him and purr all over him to make sure that he grows up to love felines. Not that he possibly couldn't love felines, coming from a family like yours.
I sympathize with your cleaning phobia. Fortunately, I've trained my humans to only clean up my carefully deposited fur when they have "company." Company, meaning other humans who don't live with cats.
Cute, cute baby! I gotta' lot of sympathy for you guys. That cleaning stuff makes me crazy - 'cept when they clean under the stove! It's like Christmas, all the fake mice!
Congratulations! That is furry exciting news. And I konw it's kinda belated but thank you again for coming to my Gotcha Day party! Come visit me again soon!
The new baby is sooo cute. We love babies over here and James Kevin is a doll. *swoooon*
My mom is always cleaning... not just in spring. It drives us all nutso... we think she is a cleaning fanatic... so annoying to live with those types.
We hope you have a great Tuesday, Zippy Speedy and Sadie
So that's what a blurpy thing looks like up close...hmmm...not very furry...but cute.
Your new baby looks cute. I'll bet it makes a lot of noise though.
I'm sorry about the spring cleaning. That sounds very scary.
Congratulations on the new grandson. He is adorable. Spring cleaning is no fun for kitties. Starting over with the kitty artwork is no big problem. I'll bet you start in on a room as soon as your Mom finishes cleaning it.
Awwwwwwwwwww concatulations on the new grandbaby! coochie coochie coo!!
A great big Awwwwweeee...He's a keeper!
concatulations on the new baby bean. We have one too..cept ours is older. They take some getting used to!
our mom is doing the cleaning thing too. we just stay upstairs and outta her way!
Congrats on the new bean! He is cute as far as beans go. I HATE HATE HATE the sucker thing. This cleaning one sounds really bad so I'm very sorry to hear about it.
He's a cute little (well, big) burpy thing! Congratulations!
Ack, spring cleaning sux. Maw hast given up on dat. She just cleans as it gits too filthy den it drives her nutz. Yup.
Maw sed she wood make Zippy a chik-hen pot pie for Zippy's gotcha day in July. Jist let us know wen so weze kin git da crust frum da store freezer.
Luf, Us
Oh my goodness - congratulations!
Excellent specimen of an infant human! Just make sure he gets trained correctly and knows where the Cat treats are kept.
Oooh! Cool bean!
I hate spwing cweaning too, but fortunatewy mine Mummy hates it too, so I don't get it too often!
That's one beautiful baby! I think I'd like one around here ... Mom says dream on.
that is a furry cute little blurpy kitten there, is it loud? ~poiland tribe
Oh Speedy, a blurpy thing for you to take care of! I'm sure you'll be an excellent uncle.
Well, we finks it mite be bedder to haf a skwirrel hangofer dan to be dead frum eating fermented fruit. But, mebbe dey gotz skwirrel Tylenol?
Luf, Us
Welcome Kevin James! Do you like the cats?
Look at my video!
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