Friday, April 13, 2007

Once feral, but I liked people...

Dis is my "warming boks" when it's cold outside I push it over by the thing that blows warm air and sit in it until my furs are nice and warm. When it gets a little warmer outside I push it a little bit away (but I still like to get a little heat). Hey, I like to be warm, what can I say. I was about 9 months old when I was captured along with my three babies by a nice lady. I had been living in an enclosed trailer behind a naybors house. I went to a nice shelter and after awhile my babies got adopted but I was still there. Mommy came to see me every day. The shelter people were calling me Shady Lady and saying things about the fact that I had two litters of babies and wasn't even a year old. They called me "loose" which I now understand is a grate insult! I was mad at them for taking my babies, I was angry that they called me names. To show my anger I became withdrawn and very shy. Mom got to know me and finally decided that I needed to come home with her where no one would call me bad names anymore. Mom sez dat I've become a real love and dat she just knew dat wif a little pashence I would be a very good poodin. I'm still a little shy around new beans, but once you've been in my howse for awhile I will come out to say "hi, here is a beyootiful gerl kitty for you to look at". Uncle Gil lived here for a couple of months so he knows dat I'm a good cat. I slept with him every night and when other people say I'm stand offish he tells them that I just don't like them, then he laffs. The trooth is, I really do like beans. I always did. I just don't want to throw myself at them and prove those shelter people right, I am not 'loose'! The piksher below is fur all yoo boy cats - it's a rare siting of my beyootiful tummy! (note the demure tail curl, loose indeed!)


Anonymous said...

Your blankies look so comfy! Does she put nip in those blankies to make you want to roll around on them?

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh Sadie, you are a very beautiful lady cat. I can't believe anyone would ever call you names! You look lovely lying on your quilt. Your mom is a very special person to have seen past your shyness to the wonderful cat inside. Thank you for sharing your story. :)

LZ said...

Sadie you are a wonderful lady cat. I'm sorry you had a rough start to life but you certainly have a wonderful family now.


Daisy said...

That warming box looks great! You are smart to position it so that warm air blows in through the opening.

Sadie, I do not blame you for being upset about having your babies taken away and being called loose! I am glad you have a good home now where you are understood. You are not loose, you are very ladylike.

Ann M & the Kitties said...

Thanks for sharing your story, Sadie. I'm so glad you found the right Mom.

The Crew said...

Oh Sadie, I'm so sorry that mean people called you bad names. But everything turned out OK 'cause you have a great forever home with a family & friends that love you.

Misty E

P.S. You all look so great on your quilts. Speedy, I could come by and nap with you on yours!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I am so glad you have such a lovely home now!

Forty Paws said...

Oh poor Sadie!!! We are so sorry that you went through so much at such a very young age. We're very glad that your mom took you home from that shelter where they were calling you names. You are gorgeous on your Gizzy quilts. And we luf your demure tail curl.

Luf, Us

Tara said...

Such a hard way to get started! I'm glad you had a chance to prove them wrong!

And you look very lovely on your quilt!


Unknown said...

Your Gizzy quilts are BEEYOUTEEFUL!!!
Sadie, we like your box! We will have to remember that for next winter!!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

You are very talented! You can move your own box wherever you want it! WOW! I'm a little talented. "Shady Lady?" What does that mean? You don't look like you're in the shade. And taking your babies, that's just not fair. But be happy that they're in good homes and so are you. You sound well loved!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Hey Sadie lady! Nice tummy shot!

Parker said...

Hi Sadie! You are very smart for moving your box by the heater! Good idea! We are all glad your Mommy got you out of the shelter. You weren't loose, you were just doin' what we kitties do when we aren't fixed!

Just Ducky said...

I move the waste box by the heaty spot to help catch the hot wind.

Sadie, lots of girls have a rough early life. It is what you have made of your life since then. You are now a respectible lady catizen.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Derby is right, you are now a respectible lady catizen, just like me. It is the furless ones that pen the loose word, humpf....


Artsy Catsy said...

Zippy, Sadie & Speedy, thanks a bunch for checking up on me while I was sick. I'm trying to get better, even though my human insists on squirting nasty stuff down my throat and goop in my ears! :-(


Karen Jo said...

I'm sorry you had such a rough start in life, Sadie. I am very glad that your Mom could see that you were a nice kitty in need of a good home. I love your demure tail curl.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

wut'z "loose"?
luv--yer frend--jh
ps--lookit yer word verificashun:
ldykt i see "lady kat"!

Boy said...

Oh they're so mean to call you names!
You wook just beautiful (of course since we're both tux).
Haha, your box wooks pwetty comfy too, by the thing that bwows warm air.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Thank you for your kind words and thoughts ~DKM

Rascal said...

Great box! Great quilts! Great Cats!

Mattingly said...

Sadie don't you worry about a thing. We all know you are a wonderful, gentle, ladycat. It bothers me when beans say kitties are standoffish. I also take a long time to warm up to new visitors, but it's not because I don't like them, I'm just careful!

Oh and you all looks so fantastic with your quilts! Speedy that was very gentlmancatly of you to check out the quilts for safety!

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Yoo need to embrace yer looseness. Thare's nuthin rong with bein' loose -- it just meens yer popyuler. I LIKE loose gerlcats!

Monica said...

Sadie, you are so pretty and smart. Who cares what dumb people have said about you in the past!