Apaws and apree-shee-a-shun for mom Robyn!
I hope effuryone will join us in thanking mom Robyn frum da House of the (mostly) black cats fur all she does fur da cat blogging community. Go to her bloggie and leave a tip if yoo can or just say sum nice words to her. ~ SadieYeah, do what Sadie sez. She doez so much fur all our frends in need and neffur thinks of herself, if you need more information go to the Cat Blogosphere (wich she set up for us) and gets the infurmation. Leave a tip just fur her and say some words of apree-shee-a-shun cuz she reely deeservs it. ~ Zippy
Hi, fur da furst time I totally agree wif bof my sisfurs - mom Robyn is da bestest! Hey, we prolly woodent be having a chatty Valentines partee wif our speshul ones if it weren't fur her. Remember when we had to do da werd verifikashun and post da comments and yood be saying sumfing about sumfing sum offer furry sed looooong afore yoo made yoor comment, dat sukt. So we're doing whut our mom tawted us and saying a big thank yoo to her and we hope yoo will do da same.~Speedy
We now return to our regularly skejuled bloggie
O.K. so awhile back mom skrewd up her kamera and koodent take pikshers of us opening our gift frum Fat Eddy. O.K., Zippy's gift frum hur boyfrendcat - sheesh. Enyway...mom's cuzin (who brot grate treets) tride to fitz it and mom took it to a place and dey coodent fitz it so dad sed she shood use hiz kamera. Dad's kamera iz komplikated and he sed he wood show her how to use it. Well, den she wented to Floreeda and den she went back to werk and wuz der ALOT and neffur gotz a lesson frum dad. She sed if she haded any muny she wood buy a new one fur herself but she dint and koodent and so...no pikshers and effun worser she hazent let us play wif da stuff Zippy gotted. Well, today she gotted a check frum da guyz in da bloo shorts. Huh, oh, o.k. dey just broted da check da muney is frum somone else and SHES BUYING A NEW KAMERA - TODAY! Yippy, she sed when she gets home we'z gonna get to open dat boks agin and she will take pikshers and den we can haz da stuff dat Eddy sented and I'z so happy I kant breev **gasp**and I'm going to a partee wif da beyootifulist kitty in da unifurs MISTY and I gotsa wash and get my teef kleen (I hate mom brushing dem, but fur Misty I'd do it) Oh I'm a happy man cat!
A new camera? I need a new camera person. I'm taking today to blatantly promote visiting my blog. But it's only because I am having a commentathon for Mom Robyn. The comments I get, the more the woman owes the tip jar!
Concatulations on getting the new camera.
we luv Robyn too! this is such a grate thing to do fur her.
we're furry 'cited 'bout yur mom's new camera - way ta go! enjoy yur purresents...again.
Oh gosh, yall are so great. Those are such sweet things to say. I really appreciate it. You don't know how much. I'd get someone to take a picture of my goofy huge smile now, but ... well it would look too goofy. Thank you so much :) :) :)
Love n "Purrs"
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