Thankful Thursday
We haf a stoopid chipmonk in our yard. He haf been tawnting me since last fall...he is a punk! He knows how far my leash reaches and will sit just out of paws reach and laff at me and yell insults. Well, mom moved da hook my leash goes to one day because da naybor doesn't want me sneaking unner der fence and grabbing baby bunnies anymore. We did NOT tell dat stoopid chipmonk dat we moved da leash and gess what...he came to tawnt me yesserday while I was sitting in da middle of da yard, yup, he got da surprise of his useless life. Mom laffed when I went after him 'cuz I just strolled over, calm as yoo pleeze, and stopped where my leash would usually stop me but den, den kitties, I jumped on his fat little body and made him skweek! I did let him go after dat but he learned his lesson. Do not mess wif da Zippy kitty or yoo might just end up as cat food! Stoopid chipmonk...Mom haf been kinda bizzy lately 'cuz of kitten season. Altho this year haf not been so bad it still keeps her running...she helps trap and get da mom kitty fixed and da babies real homes. She said dat just dis past Monday dey gotted four male kitties in traps to be nootered. Den dey discovered dat one of dem was not only already nootered but he was front declawed! What da heck was he doing out der? He is living wif one of da nice men dat help wif da trapping now and he is a love bug according to him. Dey is looking for his fambly but so far haf not heard anything. Here is what we is thankful for...Da deelishus ham we hadded last Sunday, dat mom moved my leash so I could extract my revenge on dat stoopid chipmonk and dat mom helps wif poor kitties who do not haf a furever home like us. Hope alla our frends is haffing a good week.
Hahahaha! Oh, we bet that chipmunk was surprised! Revenge is sweet, isn't it? Heh.
A HUGE pat on the back to your mom for helping to trap/neuter/release or adopt. Thank heavens for your mom, for all the people who do this, for people who are part of the solution rather than the cause the problem. (You don't want to get our human started on the bleeping humans who let their unaltered cats roam and breed! Seriously. She goes ballistic and it isn't pretty. MOL.)
P.S. The ham sounds yummy! :-)
Oh yea, I'll bet that chipmunk really was surprised, but you did get your message across! Special purrs and thanks to your Mom for all she does to help! Now then, where's the ham?
Stupid chipmunk! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Yay, for your mom!
What a silly chipmunk!!
Chipmunks and skhwirrels provide such GREAT entertainment!
PeeEssWoo: and khats too ;-)
You had ham? I am so jealous! And you got the chipmunk... way too fun.
We have chipmunks here too and they totally taunt us because we are inside kitties - they sit right in front of the window! So we are glad that you showed one of them that they can't always get away with it!!
And that is great about the kitty with no front claws getting a nice place to stay at - he must have gotten out or been left. He shouldn't be outside if he doesn't have any claws - it is not safe! WE are gland that he found the trap and is being taken care of now!!
Good work, Zippy! I bet that chipmunk didn't know what hit him!!
Mom is mad at our chipmunks 'cause they keep digging in her flower pots and throwing dirt all around.
Zippy, we are so impressed! You sure showed that stupid chipmunk!
Go Zippy! Us old gals still have it, don't we?
Three cheers for your Mommy and the TNR. We're working on getting a intact mancat in for the snip.
And four cheers for HAM!
KonaKitty and The Baby, two Old Gals
Zippy, that is such a great story about the chipmunk. We don't have them here so mummy keeps thinking of the Disney Chip n Dale chipmunks! hahaha! I bet you gave him the surprise of his life!
We are a little gobsmacked about the mancat who is already neutered and declawed. Hope he finds his family soon!
Purrs, Keiko Kenji & Pricilla
That chipmunk is laughing out the other side of his head tonight@!
WE are glad you mom found someone to take care of that kitty!
We're happy to hear about all the great work your mummy and her friends are doing.
Misty is Speedy's girlfriend?
That means she can't be my girlfriend too? I thought she was my girlfriend. I was hoping she wanted to be my girlfriend. And Tipper and Faith Boo and KC and Attie and Audrey and Nina and whole bunches of other girlkitties too, even Persephone, though I guess she'd be my sisterfriend, not my girlfriend. And I want lots of boyfriends too! Like Speedy, 'cause Misty says he's lots of fun, and Sol and BJ and Smokey and lots of kitties!
I just wanna play....
Those are great things to be thankful for...You are so brave to go after the chipmunk Zippy!...Happy Friday sweet friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Way to go, Zippy! You taught that chipmunk a good lesson!
Zippy you are my hero!
Zippy - we would love to have seen the expression on the chipmunk's face when you jumped on him - haha!
Your Mum and her friends do some wonderful work with those kitties.
aw poor baby kitteh outside wif no nails - that is Not Good and i am happen your mommeh gotted him and now he is safer. so did you get a taste of the chipmunk? is chipmunk as tasty as ham?
YAY!!! Let's PLAY Speedy! I LOVE THoE! And chasing fuzzy things! And PLAYING!!!
Good job Zippy and cheers to your Mommy for helping the kitties!
Your mom is a good human!
And you are funny, Zippy.
We used to have chipmunks in our yard. But no more thanks to Me.
Zippy - you is mine IDOL. - Billy
Thanks for stopping by our Gotcha Day celebration!
Purrs to your mom for helping all those kitties!
Your mom is great and a great advocate and a hero for kitties!
I am glad you got that chippiemonkey back
they are pests!
You know, Chipmunks are just one-step away from being Evil Squirrels, only apparently not as clever.
Whitey was also front-declawed and left outside to fend for himself, too. Mom could not believe he was de-clawed when he was first Gotcha'd. Even with his poor eyesight, he managed to survive on his own for at least 3 years before he got hurt so badly.
I thot dem is chiRpmonks... cuz they's so noisy! Ours seems to be lying low, but we has a baby bunny in our garden.
Did you know today is the 2-year bridge anniversary for Bonnie? How propriate for Zippy to say a few hisses in her honor!
Victor & Nina
We have very noisy chipmonks around here too. Heh! That's learn him!
Mom says YAY for your Mom doing TNR work!!! We foster itteh bitteh kittehs. Presently, we have 2 in the foster room.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
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