Formerly Feral Friday
Last night dad was sitting in da recliner wif his feet up and I decided dat between his feet would be a comfy place to take a nap. I got on der and got dad to give me a massawje and got all comfy and started to fall asleep when dat big oaf Speedy came and wanted to lay der too! Dat's him up der trying to figger out how to get his rather well endowed (read fat) butt next to me. I was glad mom came to take a piksher cuz it made him decide dat he'd rather go sit on her den lay next to me so I got to nap der by myself. Oh, da formerly feral part...I was found in a trailer wif my kittens and Speedy was borned in a barn. Sometimes he acts like he still lives in a barn and mom yells at him...dat makes me laff.
I hate it when Gemini tries to get her fat bum between me and my Woman...
We're glad Speedy decided to sit on your mom and left you alone...
Eric does that to me too. If he wants to sit where I am, he sits on me and squishes me flat, then mum has to rescue me.
That looks like the prime spot for a nap!
Ya can take the cat outta the barn, but ya cant take the barn outta the cat. Or is that horses and barns an barns an hay?
We're not sure, we nefer lived inna barn, though it sounds cool.
Sometimes we have trouble sharing, too. We all want to be on Mom and then she says "Help, I can't move!" But that doesn't matter 'cause we're all comfy.
Yup, we have a single cat per lap rule here too. We share some things but not laps!!
Brothers! They can be so uncouth! ::looks at Harley::
Sadie, the recliner spot is DA BESTEST spot! I missed all you guys!
That looks like a cozy place to nap!
I don't have that problem, being an only cat.
Oh goodness! Sometimes brothers can be a pain in da patootie!
Luf, Us
How come when one has somefin da ofur always wants it too?
Hey guys! We just saw that you're among the finalists in the Moderncat Doodle a Kaboodle contest. Of course we voted for you!
Good luck!
When I find Nina sleepin sumwhere good, I just lick her an nom her gently. Then for sum reason, she leafs! So, I take da comfy spot she warmed fur me. Isn't dat nice of hers?
Hey, I see you's finalizeists in da Doodle a Caboodle contest! Concats! An Speedy, I fink dat yur butt size is not drawed in porporshun to da girls' butts.
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