Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wordy Wednesday

Someone gave dis to mom fur Krissmouse...yes, she hadded some. In fact she hadded some last night. Her and a frend hadded something called brandy old fashon sours. Dey emptied dis bottle and den dey giggled a lot. Dad did not haf any but he did sit wif dem. He is doing a lot better and isn't yelling in pain anymore. He is on to da soft food part of recovery. He had a strawberry banana smoothie made wif yogurt fur lunch and some cream of potato soup fur dinner. And dis might be to much information but he finally pooped. Apparently dis is a BIG deal and da reason fur da big celebration last night. Okay, not really, but any excuse to haf fun. We is liking da new skedjool too, early to bed, early to rise. Mom goes to da shelter fur 2 hours and da rest of da day she is here, at our beck and call. She even took da walkie talkie out wif her when she cut da grass just in case dad (or one of us) needed her. It's gonna be like dat fur a month cuz dad isn't suppose to do anything fur dat long. He isn't even allowed to lift anything over 5 pounds! Heck, little Zippy weighs more den dat! He is allowed to play fev-ver wand with us tho so we'z been haffing fun wif dat. Well, dat's it. Just thawt we'd update properly on what is going on.


The Crew said...

Well my goodness...even I weigh more than 5 lb., but not much more! Of course, you know a lady never reveals her weight!


Daisy said...

I'm glad the recovery is going well! It sounds like fun at your house!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are glad your dad is well on the way to recovery. That is a good reason to celebrate!

Max said...

I, for one, think a good poop is cause for celebration. Especially if you manage to get it in someone's shoe.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, we're relieved your dad is allowed to have some fun! Playing with a fev-ver wand must really make his day -- as it does yours.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad he can play with the feather toy for you! That must be really really fun!

Reese =^..^= said...

I think you all deserve a little fun.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Gosh, you's had a rough monf. Yur mom deserfs to drink wif a furiend an giggle a bunch. We's glad yur Dad's gettin better an stopped smokin an all.
Nina has a dee-lemon. Come see... her is bored. I keep suggestin more rasslin, but she's nefur "in da mood".

Chrissie said...

Whew! I am SO glad your dad pooped! That is a GOOD thing! It is the BEST thing! It is a very NECESSARY thing. Okay, enough about that thing.

My mom says that it's good to "let down your hair" ever once in a while". I haven't the foggiest idea what she means, but shedding never hurt me none.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Dat stuff in the bottle must be good to help your mum giggle.We are glad your dad is getting better and pooped. Pooping is good. We cheered when Eric pooped last year.

Motor Home Cats said...

People get obsessed with poop at times. We are glad things are moving along for your dad. Playing with feathers sounds like a great way to help your dad recover. We are glad your mom is able to relax once in a while too.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh that is good news. I hope your dad's recovery goes well.

Huffle Mawson

Everycat said...

Yay your Dad is getting better! Now when he's all better he can take over the scooping/cleaning at home, whilst your Mum relaxes or maybe has a spa day hehehe!

Wicked Wuudler

PS: Seriously glad he is ok.

The Kitty Krew said...

Glad to hear things are going well with the dad's recovery. At least he can play games with you kitties, as long as it's not too much for him!

Keeping the purrs going for him...

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Parker said...

It's important to giggle every once in a while...and it's important to poop too! Hee-Hee!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Dads are important, keep purring him well. Just stopped by to say hello, you new friends Brian, Sascha, Gracie and Zoe.

Zeus said...

I'm so glad everything is going well for your dad and his recovery process. I had been trying for several days to visit your blog on iExplorer, but because of some bug, I could never see what you had posted. Now, with Firefox, I won't have a problem!

Have a great fourth of July weekend!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We re so glad that the Beins are feeling happier than usual. We dont recagnize that liquid the Mom drank. We see purple stuff here.

Samantha & Mom said...

Thank you for the update on your Dad!! We are glad he is recovering! Purrrrs and hugs to you all!!
Your FL furiends,

Shaggy and Scout said...

That giggle juice comes out around here sometimes too! Then the next day mom walks around holding her head & napping.
Anyway, congrats to dad on getting better. at 21 pounds, he'd never be able to pick up Shaggy! Or any of us, for that matter! Happy 4th!

Whimpurr said...

Happy 4th to you! *purrs*

Anonymous said...

We is so furry happy dat yer dad is doin better. Stay cool, dat heat can make us furrys and our beans sick.

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

We're glad that your Dad is recovering well. Happy belated 4th to you.

Whitey said...

Hooray for a good recovery for your Dad. Cleaning is a good thing. Mom does that when she's stressed and it relaxes her. Then everything is real clean, so it's a win-win!

Shilgiah the Cat said...

We are happy to hear your dad is getting better all the time. Strawberry-Banana smoothies sound good but I'll bet your momma's drink was even better based on all the happy giggling.

Hope you have a wonderful week...keep purring near your dad it helps people heal...and be extra nice to your mom cuz she has worked and worried very hard.

Anonymous said...

We hope you can post more good news soon... we'll keep sending healing vibes and purrayers your way.

jenianddean said...

We're glad your dad is doing better. I'll tell you, no one gets excited when we poop...

Mouchois said...

Haha. Brandy sours are quite delicious. I'm glad your mommy and daddy had fun! Wishing your dad a speedy recovery!
Melvin and his keeper

Mr. Hendrix said...

Let me get this straight. Your mommy has a walkie talkie on her in case you need to reach her? Man. You're mommy is AWESOME!

We are glad that your daddy is home safe and sound. We are sending uber many healing purrs her way.

Ask your mommy to have a yummy drink for her too. It will still be a while before she can drink nummy drinks...

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I weigh 7 pounds....hhhmmm.
Is that stuff in the bottle good?

ragdoll cat breeders said...

are You drunk...:D hehehe

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

sounds like your mommy had fun. my mommy doesnt really like whisky, she drinks alot of Vodka though. i like beer tho because it is manly.
nice to meet you.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh kitties! this is really good news on your daddy's recovery. I am very very pleased with this!
Your mom should be careful and not make your daddy get too silly... yet.
So happy he is getting some foods down too. smoothies are soooo good.

Love and happy purrs for a great week-end