Mancat Monday
Dat's me and dad haffing a cuddle...a manly cuddle wif yoor dad is okay! Da heart doctor putted dye in dad's veins and looked in dem. He sed dat none of dem is blocked and dat he haf less bild up in dem den most guys his age. He gave dad a pill to help regulate his heart beat cuz it goes like thumpity thump, thumpity thump, bump, thumpity thump, thumpity thump, bump. So, he is going fur da original surgery tomoro, he'll check in and be prepped and den on Wednesday morning day do his surgery. Dey is gonna fix his hur-nee-ah at da same time. Mom haf been going crazy wif cleaning cuz now dat dad don't smoke (22 days!) even he can smell da stinky. She is washing walls, shampooing furniture, cleaning carpets...she's doing one room at a time and she sez she might be done by next May! Every time she takes something out of a closet she sez "ugh, this stinks!" Well, we'z gonna go snuggle dad some more, we gotta get all da cuddles in dat we can afore he leaves.
Congratulations to your daddy on quitting smoking. We've heard its very hard work. We will be purring for your daddy when he has his surgery.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Its allus good ta snuggle wif the Dad.
And best of luck to him in the surgery stuff!
Quitting smoking can be harder than quitting drugs. More power to him!
Good on your dad for quitting smoking! My dad did that three years ago and is very happy with himself.
I hope his surgery goes okay.
Huffle Mawson
I salute you Dad for quitting, it's the hardest thing to so!
We're gonna' keep him in our prayers!
Smoochies from me!
Wow, lots of good news! Glad to hear he doesn't have any blockages and that he has quit smoking. We've heard it is very very difficult, so that is wonderful!!!
We will be sending purrs for his surgery!
Good news on the Dad's heart! Glad he is fit for his surgery! . Our Dad was amazes at the stink after he quit smoking!
I am glad that he is doing better. 22 days without smoking is a good thing! YEAH. Purrs.
We hope all goes well with the dad's surgery. Good news on the heart thing and the smoking thing! Snuggle with him all you can today and he'll have so much snuggle built up that we know the surgery can't help but go well. :)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I hope woo both enjoyed all the khuddling!
Speedy dear, I'll be right over to help your snuggle with your Dad!
Soon your dad will be all fixed up, better than new! I think it's awesome that he has already gone 22 days without smoking.
ferst, YAY for your dad!!! quitting the smoky sticks is HARD!!
second, mommy says to get a 55 gallon drum of Febreeze and a hose. that should werk.
What the Meezers said...Febreeze is the key!! Have your mom spray it everywhere except on you cats.
We'll be sending lots of purrs your dad's way for a speedy recovery!
Enjoy your snuggles with your dad! We hope everything goes okay with his surgery...we'll be purring for him!
We are purring for your dad's surgery to go well. Concats to him for not smoking.
We'd guess your mom isn't bored. Sounds like she is extra busy. We hear you can't smell the smoke odor until you stop smoking. So your dad must be having fun now.
We hope all goes well for your dad's surgery. It must have made him feel good to know his heart isn't blocked.
Daddy snuggles are gud!
We will keep yur Daddy in our purrayers!
Congratulations to your dad for quitting smoking!! That's a tough thing to do, we hear. We'll be purring for his surgery to go well & that he's feeling right as rain real soon!
Purrs for your Dad that all his procedures go well, he heals up and gets home soonest.
I pray your dad's surgery went well. It looks like he is in good hands with you and your siblings. Good luck with all of the cleaning and preparation for the new journey ahead of you. The human pet knows all about cleaning up the inside of a house or apartment after having smoked inside for so long. It's absolutely terrible.
Concatulations on your dad quitting smoking. Glad to hear his surgery went well, his arteries aren't clogged and you are getting the attention you deserve.
You guys have an awesome Mom. I hope you know that.
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