Daddy haf an appointment wif da surjun a couple of hours as a matter of fact. Mom gots all acited dis morning cuz all three of us were in da bed together! Sadie was unner da covers, dat lump in da back is her, Zippy din't even hiss or anything. We know we hafta be good and not get her and dad all upset so we is trying to get along. Mom asked Dr G if she could get some pikshers of Allura, which is da new name fur da little gerl cat who he adopted. He sed he'd try to email some to her but he's been furry bizzy lately. He is helping to nooter another colony! What a nice guy, fur a stabby vet. We may haf some more news when mom and dad get home...
We all like napping on the big bed, too. But Mom hardly ever has a chance to get a picture of the 4 of us together.
What a neat photo of you 3, even though Sadie is only a lump.
We hope your folks have some good news today!
oh oh oh we are all purraying very hard that all goes well at the bean v-e-t
Wishing your daddy all the best luck with his appointment today!!!! We will purr very hard for him!!
I'll be here with my paws khrossed...
Its nice to snuggle in bed!
We are purring for your dad.
We are purraying really hard for your dad and hope things go well...
Purr-aying for your Daddy. I like dat lumpy picture.
We hope the Dad got's good news!
Good work on the 'getting along better' project. We're purring and purraying for your Dad, and your Mom,
Gypsy & Tasha
I'm purring for your dad, kitties.
Huffle Mawson
What a great photo. We are sending purrs to your daddy!
I am purring for the best of news for your dad.
Hi Zippy, Sadie and Speedy,
I wanted to come by and thank you for your kind words and thoughts when we lost Sally at The Pet Museum. I'm so very sorry you have cancer troubling your family too and send my best thoughts that you soon won't.
Oh Dear!! I have left messages on so many kitty blogs with my blog address, only to now discover that I have had to CHANGE my blog location!! If you have been kind enough to link me, please adjust the link for me. If you have not yet linked me, I would love it if you would!
If you do link me, be sure to let me know so that I can link you back!
Many Thanks,
Oh, that is so nice that you are all three in bed together! Willow and I like to snuggle up together in bed, especially in the winter!
We are sending over healing purrs for your dad.
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat
I hope everything is doing ok to your daddy!
How is he now?
Mom's and Dad's love to see their kitties coexisting friendly like. I could tell that was a Sadie sized lump under the covers...Heeheehee ;)
Hope all goes well with your dad. Keep us posted.
I was dropping by to see how the human vet appointment went. I hope things are well!
i am purrin an purrayin fer yer dad!
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