Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wordy Wednesday

Amember dat gerl kitty dat Dr G took in, da pregnant one? Well, when Dr G gots her she was about 4 pounds unner wayt, had fleas and ear mites and *ewwww* worms! Any way, she's been cleaned up now and haf gained 2 pounds and Dr G gaved her an ulta-sound and she haf one kitten dat he could see and it was moving around and he thinks she should haf dat kitten in about 3 weeks. Yeah, she is pregnant but dat is not what made her tummy round, it was alla dem worms in der. He is a little bit worried about da kitten cuz da mom was so unner-nurished but he's gonna keep dem both, or all if she haf more den one, and dat is good. He's been calling her "sweetie" and dat just might be her name. He sed she is a very charming little lady now dat she's feeling better. She musta been somebodies kitty afore cuz she haf no fear of beins and let him give her a bath and clean her ears wifout a lot of fuss, but he sez she was on her own fur awhile and he din't find a micro-chip in her. Well, now she gots a good home and she'll never hafta worry about starving or getting worms or, after dis one is borned, haffing kittens. Now, I'm gonna let Zippy tell some stuff...
Thank you Speedy, and thank you Dr G fur taking good care of Sweetie. Mom is furry worried. Dad had to haf some tests done dis morning and dey found a toomer. Da doktor sez it might be cancer (we hate dat stoopid cancer) but dat either way it hasta come out. Da surjun is suppose to call daddy today and schedule some CT scan or something and den da surjery. Da prollem is dat dad's inshurints (he's on something called a COBRA) runs out at da end of June and den he don't know what he's gonna do cuz most of da money dat was saved up is gone now becuz of something called a "stock market" dat fell all da way down into da basement. Wow, dat musta hurted it cuz it even made mom cry. Den mom sed dat maybe dad shouldn't haf quite his job and den she sed he maybe shouldn't haf bawt da cabin and den dad gots all mad at mom fur saying dat stuff and told mom she hasta get off her lazy butt and get a job! Sheesh, she's been looking fur a job fur 6 months now and even applied at da local Speedway gas station, da Walmart and Target and din't get hired. No one is looking fur a 53 year old when der are lots of 19-25 year olds looking fur jobs. Der's not a lot of jobs in her field either, dat is why she went looking fur other work. She reminded dad dat she was gonna make and sell catnip toys but he managed to bury alla her supplies unner his light bulb stuff and dat her cutting table is covered in his fotografy stuff and dat he keeps saying he's gonna get da office/craft room cleaned up but he doesn't do it and now it may be to late. She don't know what to do. We hope she can figger out something cuz we is tired of her looking worried and dad yelling all da time. Sorry to dump dis on yoo guys but it feels good to get it out.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Our best purrs fer ta Sweetie an da Dad... Wow, that's all hard.

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh noes. I hope everything will be okay. I am purring for you all.

Huffle Mawson

Parker said...

You guys are in our prayers - cancer is evil.
We hope that everything will be OK and that maybe if your Mom does make some catnip toys that we could buy some!
Smoochies and hugs and good thoughts,

Millie said...

Cancer sure sucks. Mom and I are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

Mom practically cried to when the stock market tanked.

That's good news about Sweetie.

Sending purrs and hugs,

The Island Cats said...

We're glad "Sweetie" is doing well and is getting good care...

We are purraying for your dad...cancer sux...we hope everything will be okay for you...

The Creek Cats said...

Bless Dr G for taking care of Sweetie!!

It is good to vent sometimes guys!! You guys have a lot going on and sometimes it just helps to talk about it. We purray that your daddy is ok and that the tumor is benign. We are purring and purraying very hard for your family!

Zeus said...

Zippy, Sadie, and Speedy, believe me when I say this: I feel your pain. Though it might look bleak right now, there is nothing given to us in our lives that is beyond what we can handle. I am so sorry to hear of your Dad's diagnosis, but as trite as it might sound, 'where there's a will, there's a way'. Many people will pull together and help you - of this, I'm certain.

As for looking for a job, it's completely dismal right now. Anyone who is blessed to have a job right now, who hears of the economy on the news, almost has no idea as such hard times have not touched them. The human pet has been helping many people locate jobs, and everything in the area is swept up in a matter of minutes from the time it is posted on the local job sites. You are not alone in your struggles or your fight. Please remember that when your worries scream at you the most.

We will keep you in our prayers.

Marina, Zeus, Isis, and Ares

Tober the Cat said...

I hope everything gets better for your mommy & daddy soon! I'm sure you guys are doing your Very Best to keep your People calm and happy, and that sounds like a very big job right now. I will keep you in my purrs.

momsbusy said...

yeah for sweetie and the doc!

we know how you feel about needing to vent. our daddee lost his job in dec 07. no luck at finding anything for a 52 yr old guy w/ 30+ yrs experience either. he is really grumpy almost all of the time. moms bites her tongue alots.

so your dad yelling all the time b/c of his tumor and no job + mom w/ no job has him super grumpy. it would not be very healthy for you to not vent. we will purrayer for healing & good news for your family and soothing purrs for all of the grumpiness.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are sending purrs and prayers for all of you! We are hoping the tumor is not cancer cause it is super evil! We don't mind you venting. It is healthy. We hopes you can hold on, even though you feel your fingers are slipping on their grip!

Ailurophile said...

Sending many prayers and hugs for Sweetie and your Dad. Cancer indeed is evil and I hope that goes away soon. Take care and all the best to you guys :)

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Glad to hear about Sweetie but sory to hear about the tumor and other stuff. Things are hard for a lot of beans right now - money health and all that stuff. Keep thinking things will be Ok and we will purr and pray for you all!

Daisy said...

I am sorry you are having such tough times right now. I am purring and purring and sending my best thoughts that the tumor is not the "C" word.

I hearded today that they are predicting the recession might be ended by the end of this year. I hope that better times are just around the corner!

The Meezers or Billy said...

{{{{HUGS}}}}. oh my. you are all in our purrayers right now. we hopes that when they does the oper-way-shun that they gets all of the toomer out and that there isn't any ofur treatment that is needed. If your mommy wants to, she can email our mommy at our account (it's on our profile page) and maybe our mommy could help your mommy locate some resources for healf insurants help. she werks for a "blue" healf company.

Reese =^..^= said...

I am so sorry to hear about this. I am adding my purrs.

Reese =^..^= said...

I am so sorry to hear about this. I am adding my purrs.

KC said...

We will be sending lots and lots of purrs to your Dad, tha cancer is evil an sometimes tha insurance an Cobra stuff is almost as bad, specshully iffen it's not there fur you.
Iffen we's can help you anyways, jus let us know. OK?
And we's be buying catnip toys or whatever your mommy wants to make.
Love & Purrs,

Buckwheat Snapp said...

Oh noes, this is a lot of not so good news. It will work out the way it is meant to, and I hope that it is all better again soon. Try to think positive. We'll all be thinkin of you guyz.

Willie and his Mum

xemefex said...
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The Florida Furkids said...

We're purring and purraying for your Dad. Sometimes beans seem to fight a lot when they are scared of bad things...we hope things get better soon.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Forty Paws said...

Oh goodness! We are so very sorry to hear about your Dad's tumor and we are sending tons of positive thoughts and many hugs and purrs so that all will work out perfectly fine!

We're glad that Sweetie has a wonderful home with Dr. G. This is very good news indeed.

Many hugs and purrs,
Us and Maw

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i am purrin an purrayin fer yer dad.

Tiger Lily said...

We are very happy that Sweetie has a good home. It is always nice to hear about things like this.

We are also very sorry about your Dad's tumor and all the other troubles. My Daddy was out of work for more than a year and we did not have very much savings to start with 'cuz of lots of reasons so we have a good idea how you all feel. We will prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and wag our tails and purray that things get better for you.


Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are happy Sweeties and her kitten(s) will have a home now.

We are so sorry about what is happening at your home now. And it does feel better to get things out sometimes. Your mos is evidently very worried. Your dad is probably yelling because he's scared and doesn't feel well. We're going to be purring and wagging tails for you all. And Jan says she's going to pray for you and your circumstances.

Hang in there!

Baby Patches said...

Wow! Dat is pawsome she is being takens good cares of now. She sounds likes a sweet kitty! I sends her purrrrrrrrs!

I is so sorry to hears about all dis! It sounds likes momma & daddy under a lot of pressure. I sendings all you guys many purrrrrrrrrrrs!! We hopes dat things will turns around for you guys. Keeps your chins up.

jenianddean said...

I'm glad we can be a sounding board for you. I hope the doctor comes back with better news and that things turn around for you. We'll be purring for you.

Samantha & Mom said...

Purrrrs for your Dad!!! We hope the tumor is benine! And It's okay to vent!

We are glad Sweetie has a home!!
Your FL furiends,

Chesney Cats said...

We, too, are happy that Sweetie is doing well & being taken care of.

We are also sorry to hear about your dad & we are purraying that it's not cancer & that he is feeling better soon. Mama understands about the job thingie too. It just pretty much sux out there right now. We're purring & purraying that things get better soon.

Motor Home Cats said...

We'll be purring for you and your mommy and daddy. We think they might be yelling because they are scared, and it is easier to yell than do something else. Hugs to you.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Karen Jo said...

I am so happy that Sweetie and her kitten(s) have a good forever home now. I am really sorry about your Dad's tumor and the other stuff going on at your house. Sometimes we beans yell and fight when we get frustrated and scared and don't feel well. I hope and pray that everything will turn around for you very soon. Venting once in a while is good for your mental health.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh my sweetest friends... I know how hard life can be and get you down on your knees sometimes. We have all been there...when we are we stay there and pray. Like last month when my Lapdaddy almost died...then mommy got the $60,000 bill and she almost died! We still don't know who is going to pay it...hang in there guys...there important thing is that you have love and faith and all will get you through it. The stock market ate up so much of our green papers too...and then Lapdaddy got a pink slip from one of his jobbies. But life goes on and sometimes what comes after is even better than anything you had before....we are finding out now. We are grateful for each other and the love we share here in the cozy cottage...we take it one day at a time. We will pray for your daddybean and for your mommy to stay strong when she is getting the brunt of his pain...he loves her. he is a good guy we know that from when he offered to pay for the one ladies poor kitty at the Vet...we still remember that story. SO sit in their laps and purrr up a lowers blood pressure. We are so happy for kitty Sweetie...good things do happen!
Your adoring Miss Peach

Poppy Q said...

Sorry to hear about your dad. It must be very stressful for everybuddy in the house at the moment.

You are in our thoughts.

Julie and Poppy Q

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We are so so sorry to hear about your Dad. That really is a horrible situation.

We know everyone is at their emotional peak and things get said that were not meant. We are purring for you all.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

We are very sad to hear abut your Dad. We hope everything will work out.

Hansel said...

wow guys we really hope everything gets better for you. The job market isn't too hot either. But we'll be praying for your mom to find a good job, and for your daddy to be ok. If you need green papers, we'd be more than happee to do a raffle fur you.

Mr. Hendrix said...

What a rough time your beans are having. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs it is hard to find a job anywhere anymore.

My mommy saw something on Good Morning America about how COBRA is really expensive, but beans can find other options online. She doesn't remember how they said to find the other options, but the show aired about 3-4 weeks ago. I hope this suggestion helps.

My beans have both been off work before and we know how stressful and hard it is. We are purring and purring for you all and your beans.

The Crew said...

Oh Speedy dear, I'll be right over! We can purr together.

Mom says go to and look around. Also check with Milwaukee county. Waukehsa county has a health insurance program, so maybe Milwaukee county does too.


Team Tabby said...

You know it is good to "get it out" and share your burden wif all of us, hopefully this will make the burden a bit lighter knowing you and your beans are in our thoughts and prayers. Take Care.

Max said...

Wow...much suckitude for you right now. I got my paws crossed that everything works out for your Mom and Dad. Being sick w/no insurance is super stressful, and people get noisy when they're stressed out. No one ever taught them to purr it out and groom themselves quiet. They just get really scared and sometimes say things they shouldn't. I wish I knew the answers to making it all better.

PB 'n J said...

Oh goodness, so much badness all at one time! We'll be doing all our best purring for you Dad and Mom and Sweetie - they're all gonna need it.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Kittehs, we fink we has a plan. A first yoo all has to help yer mom clean dat room up (after alls she is goin to make catnips stuffs and some kitteh has to test it out fer hers...) and den while she is makin da catnips stuffs yoo sit on da dad person to help hims fink better and to stop bein so furry mean.

Purrs and headbutts


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh my goodness! We feels so sorry for alla you over there! We wish we could help but our Momma will be losing her jobbie in July and knows how impossible it is to find a new one. We are purraying really really hard your Daddy's surgery goes okay. Please, please, dear God, make the toomer be a beenine one, okays?

(((HUGS))) and PURRS to alla you!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Wow, dat's a lotta not so nice stuff goin on. Da news bout Sweetie is great, but da news bout yur dad is NOT great. Our dad lefted work 7 months ago fur skool an can't find a job an Mom gets mad whenefur da fone rings. She says they hasn't bought nufin but grosiries and gas fur weeks. Fank goodness our foods an litter is grosiries!
Victor & Nina

Chrissie said...

It's muy hard for so many out there right now..and I'm gonna purrrrr and mom's gonna pray for your dad, that's it's NOT cancer, and for your family's finances. I'm so glad to hear the good news about Sweetie..there IS kindness out there still.

Speedy, mah fren', you could NEVER do anything bad enough to have to ASK to see my blog-NEVER!!! Zippy and Sadie-I loff you!

Anita said...

I´m so sorry... I´m sending my best purrrrrayers and hugs.

Cory said...

We are so sorry to hear about your dad's health and hope that the tumor is benign...we will be purring as hard as we can for you!

Quill and Greyson said...

So sorry things are so rough right now. Hope your Dad is okay, deep deep purrs.

The Cat Realm said...

Oh guys - when it rains it pours! We are so sorry to hear about your hard times... we will purr and purr for your Dad, it really doesn't have to be the "C" word! As for the money situation everywhere now - it's tough and we all just have to pull together! Our staff is not hit so hard because they were dirt poor before the recession even started and already know all the tricks on living below poverty level! But health insurance - or the lack of it will get you every time! We sooooooo hope this country will finally get a public health plan.... wishful thinking....
Hang in there - our thoughts and purrs are with you!
And we are very happy for Sweetie, what a great doctor Dr G is!

Kaz's Cats said...

It's great that Sweetie and her babies have a new home with Dr G. We're sorry about the bad news that your Dad got, and for all the hassles that your Mom and Dad are having. We're purring and purraying and sending positive thoughts to both of them through this time,


Gypsy & Tasha & Karen (Mum)

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Dearest friendz,
I don'ts know what's to sez... but I yam gonna start purrin' fur your dadee & momee until sumpin' changez & getsez better.
Your dadee iz gonna be Okedokee.. I haz a feelin' in my bonez (I yam a Dr... rememburr??) & evfun though I yam retired, I knowz dat your dadee will be healed. Cuz alla us catsez iz gonna makes sure abouts dat. 20,000 catsez cants be wrong!
Den, your momee WILL findz a jobby! Da momee here found one when she waz abouts yer momeez age... don'ts give up!!! Pleeeeze don't give up.
Try da meddycull clinix. Dey alwayz needz peoplez to answer da phonez or billz fur insurancez & you don'ts alwayz need egg-speerience in dat. All you has to do iz likes peoplez.& dey payz good & offerz insurancez too. Da momee here worked fur a long time in dat wurld, so she knowz. Try hosptalz, where dey needz peoplez to chex in da sick peoplez. family practice clinix too.
Now... az far az da nip toy biz: don't givez up on dat score eevfur. many timez a dream will be tried.. onlee to fade away & soumpin' elsee comez along to takes its place. You may find dat next year a bizness will takes off, or dat green paperz comez your way frum another source.
I am onlee givfun youz a peppy talk becuz I know what it iz like to be faced wit da worstee. We wants so much fur tingz to be healed & fur your fambly to be happee.
Pleaze know dats we are here to support youz any time, any way.
So muchee love,
Dr Tweety, Maxi, Iris, Delilah, and Auntie Stinkie

Mickey's Musings said...

Yay for Sweetie :)
That is great news :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are sorry,though, to hear about your Dad!! We will be sending lots of purrs.
WE are also purring for your Mom. This must be a very difficult time. WE purr things work out.Maybe they are both still in shock and very worried. Keep us posted,K?
Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie

Sunny's Mommy said...

Many, many purrs that your Dad's tumor is not the bad word, and after surgery he'll be all better. It is very scary to be without health insurance, especially when you need it. I hope your Mom and Dad are able to find a personal policy, so they don't have to worry about that.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh, we can sympathize! There are so many terrible stories like this out there! We are on Cobra too! I've been looking for a job as well! The economy is just horrible!

Many prayers and purrs from uSSSSS to you!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

ZS&S, we have been purring and purraying like crazy that everything will be fine with your dad. Please give him and your mom big (((((HUGS))))) from all of us ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon (and Momma Jan, too)