Friday, February 6, 2009

Finally Friday

I've had to take care of my sisfurs fur awhile cuz mom's been bizzy. Nothing exciting just bizzy. Maybe we'll talk about it after mom is not so bizzy anymore, maybe not cuz it's boring. Anyway, she has a choice of either taking care of us and da house or blogging and letting us visit lots and she choozed us and da house even tho we sed dat if she'd just stay awake a few extra hours she could help us visit more. Yeah, she doesn't need any more den about 4 hours of sleep, right?


Sunny's Mommy said...

I think it's more important she take care of all of you. Maybe one day she won't be so busy and she'll have time to help you ;-)

Have a great weekend!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Hoomans are amazing as to how little sleep they need!

I mean, we animals need almost all day!


Parker said...

Sleep? They need sleep? Nah, they need to tend to our every need!

The Crew said...

Humans spend way too much time sleeping. They should be like us - 15 minutes here, 30 minutes there, then 2 hours or so in the afternoon. We manage to get everything done and still get our rest!

Speedy dear, why don't you come over and bring your sisters too, if your Mom is ignoring you.


Sweet Purrfections said...

I feel your pain! My mom is taking care of me, but she keeps falling asleep on the sofa before I can visit everyone!

Daisy said...

I hope your mom has a nice, relaxing weekend. I think she works very hard!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. That is very important.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

yer mom werkz so hard ...
i luv her. she needz to relax ... an she wood relax best if it wuz wid u.

The Island Cats said...

Well, you two look like you're taking care of each other purrty good...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We just don't know what is going on with the mum's lately. Ours keeps telling us she is bizzy too.

Anonymous said...

Our mom is crazy busy lately with kids, and work, and making cards. The other day she was trying to work on something and interupted her by sitting right in the middle of what she was doing...she must like that because she picked me up and we cuddled for a long while.
Hope she gets to rest soon.


P.S. I have an award for you all at my blog.

The Creek Cats said...

Apparently they do need more than 4 hours sleep. At least that's what our mom said. We hope you all have a very relaxing weekend together!

MaoMao said...

hehe, it's fun wakin up the hoomans! I like to run in and holler MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO and then ackt like I'm climbin up the wall!

Works efurry time!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMaoMaoMaoMao!

Samantha & Mom said...

Awwwwwwww........Speedy and Sadie that is a cute picture of you two!! So sorry your Mom is bizzy!! Must be catching 'cause our mom is bizzy, too!! Hi Zippy!!
Your FL furiends,

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

She could stay awake more an let you sleep for her. Right?

Max said...

Introduce her to the ways of Mountain Dew. At least a 12 pack. THEN she'll stay awake and take care of you and help you visit!

Jimmy Joe said...

I hear ya, buddies. My momma isn't even too good at taking care of our 'partment--it is very dirty. Good thing I can cover things up with nice furs so you don't notice.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

Yes, 4 hours is plenty of times fer a nap! Our the mom did da same lately and not blogged but visited less too. =( We hope all is well!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Speedy, we saw a cat on and thought it was you! But maybe not.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Our momma chose da house and blurp over us yesterday! We deserve equal time!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Our mom is cranky with any thing less than 9 hours sleep!

Chrissie said...

Isn't it too bad we can't hook up our mom's to us and siphon off sleep as if we were batteries? My mom says she wishes she could bottle the extra hours I sleep and give it to herself I.V. when she's tired!

She's so weird!


we don't udderstands why our mmma can't bisit our friends moore eiffer...


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You two are so sweet!

The Monkeys said...

Four hours sleep is plenty! She can get by on 2!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We have left an award for you for when your mum is not as bizzy.

Anonymous said...

Your mom should just take lotsa little naps. Then she wouldn't need the big long sleep all at once that the people seem to do all the time.

Your dad's funny. Tell him the fluffy ones, Midnight and Cocoa and I (Grr), are triplets from the same litter, but that other little short-haired runty one that I like to chase (Riley) is from the same litter as the stripy gray boy (Rascal). The fluffy orange one not in the picture (Max) is no relation to any of the rest of us.

Piggy and Grover said...

You are taking good care of one another. That is very sweet. We hope your mom can catch up on her sleep soon!

meemsnyc said...

It's so nice that you are taking care of your sisters. That's so great.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

oAH My~!
You are working so hard!
I hope you will have relaxer week next week!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I pass an award for you!
Coma and pick it up!

Everycat said...

We feel your pain there - what is it with apes and winter? Ours are like hibernating bears, bearly (sic) breathing - whilst we are TOTALLY neglected!

Thanks for dropping by, we are all ok, just suffering from lazy winter ape syndrome

Whicky Wuudler

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

oh yep.. our mom finks she kin gohs wifouts sleep too! Sohs we sits on hur ta make hur goh sleepi when she shud...

Fanks for talkin to us bout our kitty guest, Maxie. Weze dont knohz him too well yet, but our mom is head ovfur paws in luvs wifs him.

Him likes ta sleep wif hims head layin on hur cheek!

And dohz Skecher shoos... yep deys noh goods!

(and Mawmee gotted a purthday lass week...)

Katie Ann Kitty Too

Mr. Hendrix said...

aw, that is so sweet of your mommy to choose you all. after all, you're the priority! i hate when the work work and housework gets in the way of my blogging tho.

we hope you get to spend extra sleepy time with your mommy

Mickey's Musings said...

We understand busy Moms!!! It's good that she chose you :)
All ya need is to just say Hi once in a while so we know you are OK :)
Have fun with your MOM !!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie