Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow, snow, snow

We are preparing mom to go take pikshers of all da snow we gots...yes, we're snowed in. No, we're not really unhappy. Unlike some (look here) we is safe, warm and haf lots of food. Mom's baking cookies and dad is sitting in da recliner wif a blankie on his legs fur us to lay on...after da wind dies down he will go get da snow blower and clear da driveway and sidewalks. She stuck the camera out the back door (which she couldn't open very far) and snapped this...

The boy, Nick, who is taking such good care of da colony called mom at 10 this morning and said he and his brother had shoveled a path to the feeding station and while they were there had to clear the entrances to the shelters and that all the kitties were packed in there and were really happy to see them! He said it was so warm in the shelters they took their gloves off and put their hands inside to warm them up! Then they cleared the area between the shelters and the feeders and filled the buckets, checked the water dishes and the power stations and were planning on going back later in the afternoon to make sure it was all still clear. They all go to school there and live thru the woods behind the school. He called mom so she wouldn't try to drive thru the blizzard to check on the kitties and get stuck or worse. After mom hung up from talking to him she told dad, with tears in her eyes, that he is the sweetest young man she has ever met. He also told mom that he and his girlfriend were taking her younger brother and his brothers and sisters to the sled hill in the park for some fun, since they is all off school...


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Do woo need me to khome and help???

PeeEssWoo: That looks like FUN FUN FUN!

Unknown said...

Wows! You guys gots more snow than us! We gotted about 5" or so, on top of the 4" the other day.

Tell Nick thanks toO!

meemsnyc said...

Whoaaa that is a lot of snow!

Unknown said...

That boy sounds like such a nice young man. It made my Mum's eyes tear up to know that there are such nice young people that care about animals so much.

We have snow too, but certainly not as much as you. Stay inside and sit on yer Dad's lap and stay nice and warm : )

Cat with a Garden said...

That is a lot of snow! We too just love what we're hearing from the kids at the school. It is such a good project and the cats can be most happy these days. We hope you can get out of your house some time...
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

Forty Paws said...

Doodz. We ist not jealous.

Luf, Us

Parker said...

Would you give Nick a smoochie for me? He sounds like the kind of boy I would really like!

The Island Cats said...

We got lots of snow today too! Maybe not as much as you...but about 6-8 inches! You guys stay inside where it's safe and warm, okay?

pee ess. we think Nick is just the bestest for taking care of those kitties!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We have never seen that much snow, not ever! Last year we had about 1/4 of an inch.The boy sounds like a very nice kind boy and we know we would like him if we met him.

Fat Eric said...

That is a lot of snow! Like Eric and Flynn, I have never seen that much snow.

Cafe Cats said...

Dat looks like our house! Mama still went and did the day hunting, but she came home early and we took naps with her.

We like your Nick boy.

Kaz's Cats said...

We can't believe all the snow at your place. We never get any snow here, and we're very glad about that! Young Nick is doing such a good job making sure that the colony are okay - we think we'd like him too!


Gypsy & Tasha

Sweet Purrfections said...

That's a lot of snow! Brrrrrrr, it makes me shiver. It was in the high 70s here today.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh my, we Are freezing just looking at all that snow! That is so wonderful that Nick and his brothers and sister are taking such wonderful care of the Kitties!
Your (why our Friday Post was so late today) FL furiends,

Jodi's Book Reviews said...

we gots lots of white stuff at our house too, our sister Chyanne loves to play in it, we don't go outside though, we are lucky kitty's. Have a purrfect weekend.

Forever Foster said...

What a truly wonderful young man. We don't blame your mum for having tears in her eyes! Our catmum was a street cat, and we hope that at some point someone took care of her like this, too. Thankyou for telling us about Nick. With all the doom and gloom in the world, it really gives us hope that the future is going to be ok, afterall.

Jimmy Joe said...

What grate teenagers you have around there! Momma says she's not surprised, because she has lots of students who are amazingly generous and enthusiastic about helping others (they are college students but still teenagers, some of them). We didn't get that much snow today afternoon--only about 6 inches. Coco went out in it but I stayed in today.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Max said...

Oh no! THE EVILNESS!!!! I do not miss snow, my nipples are puckering just LOOKING at those pictures! It's a very good thing my nipples are useless...

Anonymous said...

We like that young man very much! We hope the colony stays safe and warm! We hope you can get dug out! At least it looks Christmas-y!

Mr. Echo said...

I had to run and check the outta doors when I saw dat pitchur. Nope, no snow heer in Texas. Yoo must be verry far away. It snowed heer one time and I got throwed into it. I discovered I do not like snow so yoo can haff all of it. From the looks of things yoo is well on yur way.

Stay warm! Glad those other kitties are in a warm pile too!

Daisy said...

Wowie, lookit all that snow! It is so nice that Nick checked to make sure that cat colony is warm and well fed.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Oh my goodness! That is too much snow :-0

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Oh my! Stay warm everyone! Kind of nice your family gets a snow day. When it's cold there's nothing better than human laps to curl up on.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're so glad you didn't have to go out in that snow to feed the colony. Those are some great kids! Stay warm and cozy.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We almost didn't see your car! Those are the luckiest colony of kitties! Reading about this also brought tears of joy to our Mommie's eyes. Kudos!!!

Everycat said...

These children are just the best kids ever. You have done a wonderful thing introducing them to the delights of feral care and management.

Now, about this snow you have. We have no snow, and so offer to take ALL of your snow from you. Soon as you like!

Whicky Wuudler

Rascal said...

Whew. I'm glad you Cats are safe and warm. While you got all that, we got a lot of rain. The humans said we need it but I'm too crazy about water falling on me from the sky.

Grahamn Kracker said...

Looks like a decent snow, all right. It took a long time to get down there, but at least you got before Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Wow look at all that snow! We don't have any yet and we are jealous!

It was very sweet of Nick to check on the kitty colony and help them out. What a wonderful thing to do!

The Meezers or Billy said...

wowiee! you got lots of snow too!!!

God Bless Nick. Reading this made mommy eyes leaky in a happy way

Forty Paws said...

Doodz! Yu hast wun da Snowman Ham-Mick!!! Concatulations!

Luf, Us

Mr. Hendrix said...

Our eyes are leaky reading about Nick. What a wonderful and sweet young man. Purrrrrrrrrrs and head nuzzles to him.

We are very glad your beans are snowed in with you (since you're warm and have electric) because now they have to pay attention to the kitties. Enjoy the extra time!

Quasi said...

That looks so c-o-l-d, brrrr! I hope you have happy holidays and a meowy new year!

meemsnyc said...

We heard you won the Hammock Raffle!! Congrats!

Mr. Echo said...

Yup, I herd yoo were winners too! Way to go!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

What a nice boy dat iz, to takes such furry good care of doze poor kitteez. Egg-zactlee what kind of cookiez iz your momee makin'? Nip???

MaoMao said...

Awwww, Nick sounds like a preshus and wunnerful young man and Momma's got tears in her eyes and wants to give him a big huggie.

What a lot of snow you've got!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Oh, that Nick and the others sound so nice to take care of the colony! You sure did get a lot of snow - we don't have any now but may get some before Christmas.

Congratulations on winning the Forty Paws Ham-Mick in the raffle. I have one that I got from them last Christmas in Secret Paws and it's wonderful. My Lap Lady had to bring mine in from the screened-in porch since it's only 20 degrees out and I am not going out there!

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat

The Creek Cats said...

Hi guys! Hope you are staying warm! Our mom has given your mom an award for being so great and caring to the homeless kitties. Stop by our blog sometime and pick it up, ok!

Maggie May said...

Oh boy! A six person toboggan!! Nick and all his brofurs and sisfurs are gonna have so much fun! That is so furry nice to your mom!
Wish wis you guys Happy Holidays and health and happiness in the new year!

Anonymous said...

"Wow' Glad your all safe.Nick sounds like a true angel :)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

What a lot of snow!!! Nick sounds like a thoroughly lovely young man. Kitty kisses from me to him and his brother!!!!

Have a great Christmas!

Halloween said...

Hi zippy, sadie and speedy! Looks like you have real Christmas weather. I like to sit on the Food Dude's legs, just like all of you!

What a great thing your Food Lady and the kids are doing to take care of the kitties. I hope they are all ok in the cold weather.

Hope you get lots of kitty goodies during the holidays!

Purrs, Halloween

Shrek said...

Merry Christmas!

Shrek, Tom, Jerry, Shaka and Sheba
(and their beans!)
Cape Town

Ana said...

Wow, that's really a lot of snow... unfortuantely our wish for a white Christmas didn't come true. But anyways: Merry Christmas to all of you!!!!

Chica, Pumuckl & Ana

Bogdan, the editor said...

Could you send some snow our way? My human wants some.