Sunday, December 14, 2008

Modern kids, with caring hearts...

The new colony is flurishing...thanks espeshully to four teenage boys and der little sister. Mom goes to da new colony every weekend to make sure da cats is getting fed and stuff. She need not have worried. Every time she goes der is four brothers and their sister there working on stuff like cleaning off snow, cleaning feeders and shelters and best of all the oldest boy haf bilt a wind power source for heated water dishes dey brawt, cuz dey were worried about da frozen water. He got da idea from here wind power to power dem electrical warming water bowls and add a little heat to da shelters. The fans he's using are attached to trees! He's using dis for his entry into some "living green" competition. He starts college next year and wants to be an engineer and work on wind power for whole cities. Mom is not allowed to take pikshers of his stuff until after da compitishun is over, she respects dat. Not that mom would even be able to figger out what he haf done...he started explaining it to her, wif great acitement, and mom's eyes glazed over. Dad might get it, he's into all dat 'lectrical stuff. Dem kids even took da time to bury da wires so da cats can't chew on dem or other kids trip over dem. Mom's waiting fur her frend to email some pikshers from da "great feral escapade" only one person even thawt to bring a camera...hoomans, sheesh.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You know Momma never wanted to have kids because all she has seen is un grateful and rude arrogant little so and so's.
After reading this story she had a little change of heart.
It is so wonderful to hear!! :)


Forever Foster said...

We are so happy to hear that people are really getting into the project. What a great initiative for this young man to undertake! It sounds brilliant.

Kaz's Cats said...

That is such great news about how those kids are helping out with the colony. We hope the oldest boy does well in the 'living green' competition, 'cos it sounds like he's already done a lot to help those kitties.

Purrs to everyone who's looking out for those kitties,

{{kitty hugs}}

Gypsy & Tasha

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is good to hear about those kids helping the colony. The oldest boy sounds very clever and should have a good future.We hope he does well in the competition.

Parker said...

What a great thing! How wonderful these kids are for caring and being so smart!

Quill and Greyson said...

What a great story, and nice kids.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

It is so wonderful that those kids have taken such an active role in caring for the kitties. Those are very lucky kitties to have their own wind powered colony. That's such an inspiring story.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What a great project! Those are some lucky cats.

Jans Funny Farm said...

It's great to hear about these helpful kids. And that guy who has figured out the wind power to warm the bowls ... he's going to be a great help to animals in the future! We need more of all of them.

Christine and FAZ said...

The oldest boy sounds very very smart and could help save the world from the global warming thingie. FAZ

Everycat said...

What excellent children, I wish more were like them. This is such a wonderful project for them - caring for ferals and technology all wrapped into one! I hope the lad does well with his competition entry


Boy n Beethoven said...

Come to mine purrthday on 17 dec! I is going to become a BIG MAN CAT then!


Lux said...

How wonderful of those boys and their sister!

P.S. The beans are going to take pictures at Death Valley ...

Artsy Catsy said...

Zippy, Sadie & Speedy, you've won "Obsession" and "Black and Blue" in our Book Auction to help Billy and Beau!

If you'll email us at artsycatsy(at)yahoo(dot)com with your mailing address, we'll send you payment instructions.

Congratulations and thanks!
Rocky & staff

Anonymous said...

It is great to hear of kids especially helping to care for ferals. I had a group that I cared for for 9 years - even bringing some inside. When we moved I took them with me and they have their own house. Great work you do!!!!!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Those kids are doing a wonderful thing continuing to care and feed for the ferals :-) I hope your Mom does get some photos, I'd love to see them.

Sassy Kat said...

Th mom of the house here wouldn't understand the wind thingie but you can be sure the dad would. Nice that the kids are so helping. I hope Santa knows about their hard work and will be good to them for Xmas.
Glad you liked the first episode of CCSI. Come back tomorrow for more of the story.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Oh how aciting! It am grate to see all dat energy put to good use.

Chrissie said...

That is just so muy awesome! I'm so glad you guys keep us's good to think of those cats bein' so well cared for by the kids...there's hope, isn't there?!

Grahamn Kracker said...

What a project! If I ever find myself in a position to found the Little Guy cat shelter, I know who to contact for advice.

Forty Paws said...

Humans. Sheesh. What a totally cool idea about the wind power! That is great!

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