Formerly Feral Friday
We got our ham-mick put together and WE LOVE IT. First Zippy sniffed it, den she climbed in but Speedy came along and asked if he could try it out afor mom could get da camera and take her piksher. Speedy stepped in it but when she laid down his fat bottom almost hit da ground and dad laffed at him so he gots insulted and left...Den it was my turn. Wow, I love dis thing, I fit in it perfektly and it's soooo comfy. Thank yoo Forty Paws and speshully Dorf, who QA tested it personally (he smells purrty good too)
Dis was da look I gave Speedy when he came back, just in case he thawt of getting back in here. Please excuse da mess behind me, dat is Speedy's speshul food and he eats like a piggy which is why mom puts it on a newspaper and yes, dat's my nip pad and brush but we had just finished a brush and play session so dat is why it was left der. We hope yoo all hadded a wunnerful Krissmouse and gots to spend time wif da ones yoo love and haf yummy food and stuff.
I see your post is December 26 but I'm still living in Christmas and, anyway, the season continues, so...
Merry Christmas!
We loved our Hammicks when we first got them, but aftr a while we were only hiding our toys on them. Mom brought them to the office for Feather to try, who really enjoys her afternoon naps in them! A lot.
I really love my Ham-Mick and I love my nip pad from Adan, so mum put the pad on my Ham-Mick and it's the bestest in all the world.
Oh those hammicks are the best! I am glad you have one now!
I wonder if the Ham-Mikhk would hold me?
It looks pretty khomfy!
Looks like your mom and dad need to get some more hammicks!
I might need to get me one of those hammocks! You look so comfy!
Wow, is Forty Paws really Santy Claws? Wow, I gotta put that on my list fur next year!
Me & Unca Molzart got sum good pressies from Santy Claws, mostly fluttery and dangly things, and we got sum spechul Christmas supper, too.
I luff Christmas, except we didn't get a tree 'cuz I killed the one Peeps tried to put on the dinner table. Hey, it was in my best Looking Out window, it had to be moved!
Happy Day After Christmas frum Me, Gonzo, and Unca Molzart!
Your new ham-mick looks sooooo comfy.Is it big enough for two? Or three? I'm so glad you all had a good Christmas!
We love our ham-micks! Zoey likes hers more than we do...she sleeps in it every nite! You look purrty good in yours!
Wally & Ernie
thanks for visiting me and commenting! i love kitties to visit!
your ham-mick looks really nice. i know you will love it. dorf is a great tester!
smiles, auntie bee
That is one great lookin ham mick! Of all the bean nerve to laughs at Speedy, yer dad deserves a bitey fer dat!
What a beautiful ham-mick - and it looks so comfy. I can tell you're enjoying it.
P.S. I think my road trip days are over, alas. Because I love watching the trucks go by (they're my favorite) and seeing interesting things.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family!!!
We hope it was pawsome and fun :)
You look beautiful Sadie. That is a pawsome ham-mick too :)
Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR too!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie
I'm glad you all had a good Christmas! I might have to look into getting one of those ham-micks.
Huffle Mawson
HAHAHA! Speedy and Shaggy sound like the same kind of cat!
What a nice gift, you look so comfy lying there.
Mess? What mess? My corner always look like that. Cute ham-mick! Never seen any like that over here at the local pet shop. We don't have a big selection of anything and there aren't too many pet accessory shops.
I love my hammicks. I don't even care that they touch the ground when I'm in them. The whole point is to keep Buddah OUT, and to be comfy. And they're very comfy!
Nice comfortable place to hang out. You you all have a sign up sheet to take turns using it?
Merry late Christmas, hope it was a happy one, and Happy early New Year!!!!
Glad you liked CCSI IV!
Oh, I forgot to mention what a great job Billy did on his part in CCSI IV. Way to go!
Sadie, you look so comfy on there.
Speedy dear, I think if Max got in one of those he'd go down to the floor too. That's the way it is with you big guys. Of course, now I weigh so little, I'd hardly make a dent in it.
I wuvs ur nosie!! I gots all black nosie... urs is purrtee.
Katie Too
Doodz, we luf when we touch the ground! That's da way da Ham-Micks is made! Lufferly foto of da Sadie in da Ham-Mick!
Luf, Us
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