We are thankful for all our frends on da blogosphere. We'z also thankful for people who care and don't just talk da talk but walk da walk. Mom's been busy with a colony, but, she hasn't been working alone and da beans she is working with...let's just say dey all have halo's and wings. Okay, so, she's been busy and our choice was time with mom or blogging and blog visiting...sorry, we love you guys but time with mom won out. Today a bunch of fambly is coming over and mom is cooking a 18 pound turkey.
18 pounds! Woohoo...shhh, Jared is coming over and you know he will be slipping da kitties some of dat turkey.
We also have to tell yoo dat mom is not sending out Krissmouse cards dis year. She and da Sister-in-Law (yeah, dat one) have decided dat dey are going to use da money dat dey would have spent on cards and postage to help Best Friends Aminal Sanctuary. Dis will also serve to tell all our frends and fambly why dey is not getting da cards from us.
Enjoy yoor turkey or ham and remember ---gobble til yoo wobble is not just for humans!
We're wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! We're thankful for you, too! :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!:)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and to your family!
We are very grateful that there are people in the world like your parents who care about kitties.
Smooches and turkey hugs!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your family!
Happy Happy Thanksgiving Day to each and every one of you. (Our bean wants to know what one does if they are already wobble-sized?)
And ditto on holiday cards; yours is the best way to celebrate and we commend you.
Happy Thanksgiving to you. Your mom is doing a great thing to help out the kitties and woofies!
Wow, that's bigger than our turkey! But then, I'm bigger than our turkey. Happy T-Day!
Yay fur Jared and an 18 lb. turkey! We heer ya abowt da Chrissymouse cards. Money is tite dis yeer fur many famblies. Best Friends culd yuse da money.
Happy T-Day!
Luf, Us
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving! -Gandalf, Grayson and Mom Barb (WillThink4Wine)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Wow! 18lbs of turkey! You all certainly will be wobbling. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Spending time with your mom is always the correct choice!
That is a good decision! Over all the blogging we need to remember to spend real time with our close friends and family too! Says the maid. We think NOT, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin, Naughty, Luna, Ruis and Karl
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. We have lots of admiration for your Mom helping out the ferals. Sterling work!
Whicky Wuudler et al
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Mericky friends!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom and Angel Winton
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Skittles, The Huntress
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Happy Thanksgiving... we adorez our frendz!!!
Love, Dr Tweety & da Fab Five
PS: Stops by fur some tur-key
But den agin... if you haz an 18 pounder & I haz gifun up on cookin' mine... we'll be right oevfur!!!!
Are you wobbling yet?
Happy Fangs-giving! Gobble, gobble, gobble ... 'urp!
DMM and the Feline Americans
we hopes you hadded a happy fanksgifing!!! we think that donating the money from the cards to best furriends is AWESOME!!!
Happy Thanksgiving. I think the card money is finding a much better use.
yer mom iz grate ... an i support her decision 100%!
i hope u got lottsa turkey ...
Happy Belated Thanksgiving Zippy, Sadie, Speedy, Mom and Dad!! We hope your day was filled with family, love and lots of food! We are so thankful that you are our furiends!
Your FL furiends,
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