Bonfire of the calamaties (or how our mom rolls)
This is a piksher of Jeff's bonfire. Isn't it purrty. Let us tell you some of the stories dat dad told us about mom and da bonfire...the bonfire of the calamities as dad calls it. First of all, mom almost melted her jacket by leaving it to close to da fire...den, after she maked hotdogs on sticks and made s'mores and all da kids left and only da adults were left she started drinking adult beverages. Now, mom sez she only had three but dad sez dey were BIG and ekwivalent to more like about six. Anyway, she wasn't really falling down or slurring her words but, Jeffs property is huge, and da part by da house is flat but den der is a path that leads to a creek dat is a nice sloping hill until rite before da creek. Mom, dad and some other beans went to fill buckets out of da creek fur know yoo gotta pour water on da embers, stir 'em and den douse dem again to be sure yoo don't burn down a whole forest! Well, mom was ahead of everyone carrying a lantern and all of a sudden she wasn't der! Dad started laffing but everyone else was wondering where she went. Yup, mom stepped on a rock or in a pot hole or something, fell down and rolled all da way into da creek. So, now mom is soaking wet and it's not exactly warm so dey fill der buckets, walk back up to da bonfire and mom hasta find something dry to, dad has sweats and a jacket in da car, great right? Well, not so much. See, dad is 6 feet tall, mom is 5'2 inches. Dad is huge, mom, not so much. So, she puts on deze sweat pants and hasta keep a grip on dem or dey will fall down. So, Jeff finds her some rope and dey pull her pants all da way up so she's not tripping on dem and tie da rope around mom and fold da top over da rope and der mom stands...looking like a dork. Oh, and she hadda ware her plastic "cleaning at da shelter" shoes cuz her sneakers gotted wet too. Wish we could show pikshers but mom thretened dad wif nootering if he even touched da camera. We think it woulda been worth it.
Too bad there was no photo, that would have made an awesome Christmas card!!!!
The "Roll to the creek" video would have got lots of hits on you tube.
Oh well, next time. Glad it was just her pride that was bruised!!!
Happy belated Birthday to your Dad!
Purrs Goldie and Shade
mommy is laffing and laffing - because that would so totally be HER in that sich-u-way-shun. even without the adult beverages. our mommy falls just walking down the hall or akross the living room.
Tell your Mommy that she sounds just like mine! It sounds like they had a fun time.
I am glad you Dad did not take photos, I hear neutering is kinda painful for a male-bean!
that made us laff and laff...sorry mom.
Aww man! I woulda loved to see those pictures! Meow!
We are sorry for your mom. BUT she made us laff and laff lots! No pictures needed...we can just imagine how cute she looked!
Hahaha that is a funny story!!!
Hey, stop by our blog sometime cause we have given you an award.
~The Creek Cats~
We are laffin and laffin!! No picture is necessary cause you told the story so well we could imagine in so well!!! (hehehehehehe)
Your FL furiends,
Oooo boy we is laffin and laffin...we juss wish dat der were pixchurs -- our Momma has da weebies wobbles as she has a bad ear (psssst don't tell nobodies but she can't hear outta dat ear and has sumfing called an inner ear imbalance problem) -- so we is used to Mommas wif no balance...
He he. I would come and I would purr and rub my thick furs up against her and tickle her and make her feel much warmer!
Lol...That would so be my mom :)
Hahahaha! I would have loved to see that picture!
Hahaha! I though it was funny until I got to the part about the rope and her pants. Then I was ROFLing!
hehehehe, that sounds like our Momma, too!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Ha, ha, and my Mum laughed and laughed and laughed picturing your poor Mum : ) It is a good thing she didn't get hurted like in the skateboarding incident : )
Hahahahahaha. Tell your mum hahaha we're sorry, but hahahaha we can't help laffing. Hahahaha did she look like a clown with her pants pulled up with rope? Hahahahaha
Hahaha! We wish that was on video or something! It would have been worth seeing your mom rolling down to the creek! Our mom has done funny stuff like that too!
HAHHAHHAHH That is a wonderful story and your Dadda should have risked taking a picture anyways.. how much giggles would they get when they is old and grey and looking back?! hehe
Whoa! That would have been a cool picture, for sure! :)
I'm glad your mom was okay!
HAHAHAHAHAH! Your mom is so lucky that she didn't hurt herself. Hihihi, don't drink and roll... Your dad definetely should have taken a picture. Has no one of her friends?
Purrs; Siena
Dat sounds like it was fun, fer beans that is!
Oh those are good stories! My mommy is short about 5'2" and daddy is 6' as well!! Too bad there isnt a picture, that would have been very funny. No offense to your mommy who I am sure did not find it funnies!
What's a little nootering between married folks? We'd sure like to see those pix! It sounds like fun was had by all. And special poling fun was had by all who didn't fall into the creek.
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