Monday, October 13, 2008

Mancat Monday...We gots an award

We gots dis from Mindy and Moe we really apreeshiate dis! It just took mom furever to post it!
Here are the rules:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
Well, we think effuryone of yoo deserves dis, really, consider yoorself nominated.
We hadded a really good time at da cabin. Auntie LeAnn came home wif something new, a kitty! We think dat da neece is gonna take it tho, dey is calling it "baby" and we beleeve dat is gonna be her name. We haf no clue where she came from and mom went all around asking if it belongs to somebody but no one claimed it. Da naybor across da road, dey haf a cat dat comes to visit when we is der, sed dey think somebody just dumped her out der. Who could do something dat dispikabul. I mean really, she's such a cute, sweet loving kitty. She hadda stay on da porch while we were der, just in case she had something dat we could catch, but effurytime one of dem went out der she was right der in da lap looking fur some pets! She was skinny and some of da naybors sed she'd been around fur asked if anyone was feeding her and a couple of beans sed yes but dat she often got chased away by racoons and opposums. So mom told dem about feeding dem up high because raccoons and opposums don't jump but kitties do and yoo know what dem beans sed? Thank you, we didn't know that, never thawt of it! Dey is good beans. Well, dad really missed all of us so I gess we'll be snuggling wif him today...yeah, even mom. He din't leave quite da mess mom thawt he would, rinsed and stacked his plates, but, he did dirty every pan we own! To make up for it, he bawted her new pans-hehehe She really likes dem, but she's just adding da new ones to da old ones cuz two sets is better den haffing to wash and reuse one pan when she's making a big dinner. Now she just hasta figger out where to put dem.

UPDATE: Da neece is taking Baby to da vet at 11:00 a.m. she couldn't resist her! So Baby definitly haf a new home.
Updated update - Baby is about a year old and is healthy except fur being way unnerwayte. She is already spayed and gonna get some meat on her bones now. We is asking fur pikshers but since da neece don't haf a digital camera dat might take awhile. We still don't know why someone would dump her like sed "some peoples kids!" we don't unnerstand dat but she looks sad and shakes her head when she sez it. We also don't know why mom furgets her camera every time we go to da cabin!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congratulations on your award!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are so happy that Baby gots a home maybe... Hurray!

Kavan said...

Its always good coming home, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

That's so kind of your Mom and Auntie to rescue Baby. I'm glad some beans were feeding her. Our Mum laughed out loud about your Dad buying a new set of pans when he'd dirtied all the old ones!

Parker said...

What a great weekend all around! Baby is very lucky that she found all of you to help her!

The Meezers or Billy said...

concatulations on your award!!!

your mom can store her pans where our mom stores hers - on the stove. hee hee

The Island Cats said...

Hey, that's great that your Auntie brought home Baby! Maybe you can post a picture of Baby sometime!

Cory said...

Hi! My new sister is a tuxie! We think we may have trouble participating in mancat Monday...only one mancat it this house...girls rule 6 to 1!!!! Nice to meet you.

Forty Paws said...

Well thankfully Baby has a new home! We are very grateful for that!

Luf, Us

Unknown said...

Wow, you got to take a trip and meet a new kitty. That's so cool.

The Crew said...

Hey, congratz on your new award.

And what great news that Baby has found her forever home!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

"baby" 'eh? yup ... da givin uv a name iz da furst indikashun dat da kitten hazza home!
i'm good ... u?

Daisy said...

I am glad that Baby has a forever home now!

jenianddean said...

Glad you had a good time at the cabin, and that Baby is going to get a loving home free of raccoons and opossums!

Whimpurr said...

Can't wait to officially meet the baby!!!

PB 'n J said...

Yay for da neece! We're happy to hear that Baby has a forever home!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Wow! What a great weekend. I'm so happy they saw Baby and your Mom's niece decided to give Baby a good home :-)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

So happy that Baby got a good furever home. We are always sad to see poor, skinny strays. I was one before I came to live with SS's family.

Sweet Purrfections said...

So glad that Baby is going to have a great forever home! What are we going to do with your Mom and forgetting the flashy box?

L. Alida said...

Hi Zippy, Sadie and Speedie!
Billie and I want to thank you for your well wishes for her. It means a lot to us when such nice kitties and their beans are so kind.
I'm glad that little Baby will have a forever home. That is such happy news!
Hugs and Purrs,
Lorianna and her 4 kitties

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Congratulations on your award!

Anonymous said...

Pikshers! Pikshers! Pikshers!

Slash and Bronzy said...

Catgratulations on ur award and baby's new Furever Home!


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Congratulations on your award! And we are so furry happy Baby has a new home! That is one lucky little girl!

Ana said...

Baby was very lucky to show up in the cabin when you have been there!
Your daddy is really a funny guy! haha :-D

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Yay for Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

We're so glad to hear Baby got a home! We think something like that happened to Persephone, only she wasn't spayed yet. My OTW bets she was tossed out when she first went into heat and the people she must have been with ('cause she's too well socialized to be feral) decided it was too expensive to spay her and too annoying to listen to. She was about the right age for that.

But it's ok, 'cause now she's with us (nearly two years) and she's fat and happy and we all love her lots.


PS. No I didn't kill a moose. That's the Vishus Reindeer Rug we practice our vishus deer-hunting skills on. We've had it forever.

Lux said...

What great news about Baby! That makes me feel happy (about her having a new home).

Thanks so much, guys, for coming to sympathize about my teeth!

Jimmy Joe said...

What an exciting weekend, buddies! I'm glad that Baby found a Forever Home. And congratulations on your award!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Congratulations on your award! :)

We are glad that Baby found a wonderful Forever Home with your niece!

Us4 Cats said...

YAY for the forever home! that is great.

concrcats on the award!!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, that was an interesting trip to the cabin. How nice the kitty was rescued and will have a home.

Congrats on your award.